Realistically how muscular could a person like this become?
Realistically how muscular could a person like this become?
I want to exterminate obese fatties, homosexuals and people like this.
>drinks soy once
What was her instagram again? Johnny something? I always forget.
srsly whats wrong with this guy? he has a puffy fat face but looks like mr skeltal everywhere else
That's a tranny, that is a steroid abusing woman on a vegan diet.
It's a FtM
johnnysjoys. Enjoy your nightmares. Single creepiest human ever to exist
Actually decent if xe wasn't a vegan with an eating disorder and worked as hard as Buck Angel did.
Why do people do this to themselves? Jesus Christ. I'm all about doing whatever the fuck you want, just don't bother me. But doctors really should think deeply about making money off sick individuals like this.
wait so that thing has a pussy?
It's not the same dude
for the footfags
Yes it is moron
No it isn't moron
breh you can tell it is by the tattoos it is the same person
whats gayer, fucking this things pussy or fucking a traps asshole
Almost puked.
This is a Goblin, not a person.
>not doing both
Yeah my bad I'm kinda retarded. It's a ftm, right? In this pic it looks like there's scar tissue under the chest where they would rip her tits out at
What's the point of trying to become a guy if you're gonna act like this?
>those wrinkles
How old is this goblin? Looks 40+, but somehow I expect 25 and just a really rough shitty life.
Realistically speaking, as big as Zyzz if he roided.
alright last one need I shitpost elsewhere now
she could be about as muscular as the average female bodybuilder
johnny has a bf though. The author of this comic is just a bitter buttfrustrated ethnic manlet
How did his face get wider? Did the roids do this?
Tren jaw.
You just know he's an Asian manlet with massive insecurities.
Must've been an ugly ass chick...
traps aren't as depraved and at least they have tits
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/ ?
these incompetent degenerates should get exterminated
he had jaw surgery
generally liberals max out at about 5kg more than this guy
Not very, I'm guessing that she's taking testosterone but she would have to work really hard to get muscular, especially being a vegan
This motherfucker gives me the heebie jeebies
Men. I'm becoming extremely anxious with streaks of fear around some men out in public. Little things are setting me off. Sometimes I think I'm losing my mind.
Two days ago a guy who worked at a store was staring at me in a warped way that almost felt like his eyes were trying to bring me down to a psychologically submissive level. He had the most bluest majestic deceiving eyes I've ever seen. I avoided eye contact until I had to grab a receipt. It felt my fear in slow motion having to touch finger tips. I literally felt like even my breathing was in slow motion.
Yesterday, I'm in a public lobby and some dude was angry and swearing non stop on a phone call. Part of me wanted to tell him to stop. My anxiety was rocket shooting and that for me looks like shaking or fidgeting or feeling like I'm going to pass out. I visualized what might happen if I TOLD, not asked, TOLD, him to stop. I visualized how he may react, attack me and how I'd be screaming out loud a long lingering NO until help came.
Then two other guys walked in and my eyes went directly to the floor. I became even more scared, timid, small.
A few months ago I was being harassed by a man in Target. He even had the nerve to come right to the back of my neck and tell me how disgusting he thought I was. A flip switched in me and I channeled built up anger and verbally attacked him so bad (went off at him) that he literally walked away. I felt both empowered but unsafe knowing I'd still have to walk out to the car and he could be coming for me in the parking lot. I left as fast as I could.
I am having anxiety even talking about this. Every day I live in some kind of fear. I'm feeling the same kind of fears I did before I transitioned. It's the same fears. No matter what I do I always pass as a TARGET with stranger men.
I'm not fucking asking for it: to be stereotyped, harassed, hit on, made to feel weak, over sexualized as a male (yes, it happens with other men), made to feel non consensually submissive or tiny like a helpless ant.
Sometimes I want to run. Sometimes I want to scream so loud I shake the earth. Sometimes I want to hide. Sometimes I wish I was invisible, nothing more, nothing less.
Lmfao that last fucking paragraph
Go seek medical help
On the contrary it looks like she was sort of cute, hence why she looks so fucked up dressing up as a dude.
I'm posting from the soygirl in OP's pic, that's not me.
Watch Rich's video on HGH, he said the first time he took it his head grew 4 inches.
I'm in, where do I sign up?
So this person transitioned from a woman to a gay man? okay.
Do ftms actually look more bizzare or are we just used to mtfs?
>be a tranny
>get mental illness
Who would've thunk...
literally me btw
he looks like that faggot Vice reporter
although kickass journalism
i fucking hate nu-males like that
That is not within normal range. I don’t know if his testes have dropped. It may have a blown out O-ring due to devastating ass poundings and human cock sleeving.
Medically he can not weight train. He was most likely born with osteoporosis and crinkle-crack bones. If he were to somehow lift a barbell off a rack his tiny baby muscles would spasm and his prostate would swell. His bones would break and he would most likely be making a very loud shrieking noise as well as squirting sound coming from his now fully engorged prostate.
Steroids could be used to heal his by now fully ruptured O-ring and tone his inner rectal cock dock but adding skeletal muscles would shatter his crinkle-crack bones.
t. currently in med school
This motivates me to stare down trannies
""""""""He""""""""" was born a woman. You don't even need to go to med school to work that one out
I would kill this monstrosity of a "human" being if I ever see it
How can someone be THIS mentally ill
>becomes a "man"
>acts like a woman
for what purpose
Almost as if it's not really a man
>made to feel non consensually submissive
Well lil snowflake, welcome to being a man. Don't want to feel submissive? ACT ASSERTIVE. Can't win a staring contest? NUT UP.
Jesus Christ people like that are disgusting
woah, someone's insecure
>roiding for this
Also, this us everything i hate summarized in 1 pic.
Yes. A lot of roiders end up with big square jaws, bony eye brows and cheekbones. Just look at Richie Piania. Literally got the roll as one of the gorilla generals in the Marky Mark Planet of the Apes moves because he had the face of a big ape from steroids
Post that webm of him squatting and looking cheekily at the camera.
And does anyone have a before trans pic?
She looks like a character from south park, can't recall who
>What's the point
There is no point, they are mentally ill
>Post that webm of him squatting and looking cheekily at the camera.
That smug face makes me laugh every single time
>fat chink has "bear" character tattoo
my thought exactly..
>sometimes i wish i were dead
Why is that person so repulsive ?
I cant explain it, I get the creeps whenever I look at it.
Oh god
Because it is not natural, God has not intended for us humans to become an abomination like that thing.
Shim must be on TRT
I mean it's just 200mg/week, but damn thats some hardcore muscle atrophy.
Maybe the veganism/soy and no protein intake.
I wanna fuck her so bad.
>the absolute state of america
tfw im a self hating ftm just trying to get big lifting.... yikerinos
>le Mr. Garrison complex
I'm in brother.
Do you accept non-whites ?
these tranny things always confuse me, as well as the acronyms. so ftm means she was a girl who used hormones to grow hair and look more like a guy, right? but it still has a pussy?
what's the point of trying to look like a man but still behave and dress like a girl? and is her boyfriend a fag or a straight guy whose into hairy chicks?
i don't get to say this very often, but thank God I was born in the Balkans.
opened his instagram
> Eating Disorder Survivor
No. You're on the list too.
Trenbolone grows your jaw
But that's the opposite
who would you consider to be white user?
You do know where you are, right?
You have to be 100% pure European haplogroups. Most American "whites" probably won't pass a DNA test if we would try.
Well im not white, but i'm not non-white either since i'm mixed (white/north-african)
Shouldn't we all group against the mental illness in our society that are fatties, trans, gay, ect ?
Why put non-white on the list too ?
Most of us are civilized persons like you are, the part of non-white non civilized is equal to the part of whites consanguineous.
Except if you live in America and I am truly sorry for you and those niggers needs to be burn down.
Im sure we can all rally to one point white, north-african, mediterranean, black, ect.