Falling for the onion meme

>falling for the onion meme
>not consuming its superior cousin

Garlic can
>boost digestion
>reduce hypertension
>reduce high blood pressure
>prevent or shorten duration of sicknesses like the common cold or flu
>treats intestinal problems
>treats acne if used topically with other materials
>increases libido
>prevents some types of cancer
>keeps you safe from vampires
>among other benifits

Why are you guys sleeping on Garlic?

Other urls found in this thread:


Hypertension is high blood pressure, you mongoloid

Popeye endorses garlic as the second most powerful vegetable after spinach.

tfw my breakfast each morning is 1/2 pound of steamed spinach and garlic

>Why are you guys sleeping on Garlic?

because Veeky Forums is collectively retarded.

because GARLIC didn't increase iranian rat test by 300%

>not being garlic pilled

>not consuming them in perfect unity together

You forgot
>kills parasites


Because people are eating onions for test, and not any other reason.

People aren't actually eating onions though, right? This is just a big joke that isn't funny?

>3.02 MB


Bruh free human tests groups roll with it

>be me
>10(?) years old
>Had pin worms
>read online that eating garlic would kill them after a bit
>not quick enough for me- itching was getting annoying
>go to kitchen
>put a clove of peeled garlic up my ass (slightly crushed to maximise effectiveness)
>it stung but i did it for shrek
>nevermind, take it out after about 15 minutes
>go to bed
>wake up
>asshole stopped itching
>take a shit
>shit is riddled with hundreds of dead or dying worms
>go to the pantry and peel 4 cloves of garlic
>swallow them all like pills
>next day, second wave of shit
> major worm casualties
>there were no survivors

that's how i cured my pin worm problem with 5 cloves of garlic in 2 days.

Just eat both

I ate a red onion a day for the last 2 days, when i woke up this morning my painful hemorrhoids I've had for weeks were gone

Had raw onion slices and garlic cloves today dipped in chili sauce. Garlic was good, but I couldn't finish more than half an onion.

Quiet with that or the /k/ wormposters will get you.


The Bugez eats raw garlic, that's good enough for me

Been eating raw garlic for about 10 months months, on and off.
It's extremely cheap and with a glass of water, takes seconds. Take 4 cloves (know the difference between clove and bulb). Squish the 4 cloves with the blade of a knife, this releases a lot of juices from the garlic. Mince the flattened garlic cloves into bits, chewing whole cloves will burn your gums. Swallow minced G with a cup of water, like pills.

>not eating both

I am

I ate a clove of garlic and half an onion last night and when I woke up this morning my dick was bigger and I wanted to fuck everything I swear.

This is actually true: examine.com/supplements/garlic/

>go into Veeky Forums
>see this
>wat do

>People aren't actually eating onions though, right? This is just a big joke that isn't funny?
Sure they are. In foods, on burgers, etc. Only a moron would chow down on whole onions. It's just another retarded troll-meme.

High blood pressure is a bad thing

Here's the proof.


>rigorous rat studies

>Ketamine lifts rodents' mood only if administered by male researchers.

this pic is funny because theres an iranian manlet gymrat at my gym. hes a bro though

reminds me of that ginger buttplug thing

>People aren't actually eating onions though, right?

I gave my tonuge a chemical burn with garlic yesterday

i do this too

>chemical burns
>burn your gums?
its only a sensation like capsaicin, grow some balls and chew it like a real man, me.

you have to let them sit for a couple of minutes after crushing/minscing or so I heard

>>keeps you safe from vampires
>Why are you guys sleeping on Garlic?
I'm a Romanian ;_;

You'd be the one who needs it the most. You'll be the first who Dracula comes for.

Are there really people who weren't already eating large amounts of garlic and onion on a weekly basis? They form the basis of just about every dish i cook. What the hell do Americans eat?

Americans use ketchup

I literally eat garlic and/or onions every single day, been doing it most of my adult life.

I have as well, just onions, i had no idea that they increased testosterone, but i knew they were a) delicious and gloriously spicy and b)full of powerful antioxidants, i was going through a vegetarian phase where the only protien i ate was peas, lentils and raw eggs, i would eat like 1000 calories a day. I've come a long way since then, the eggs are now cooked and the calories are now at least 3000, but the onions stayed.

This would be obvious to anyone who's not a lanky 16yo roleplaying faggot on this board. Or from the US.

>Vegetarian phase
>raw eggs


>falling for the garlic pill

when people say vegetarian they usually mean lacto-ovo vegetarian