Power cleans are the most underrrated exercise.
D i s c u s s
Power cleans are the most underrrated exercise.
D i s c u s s
more like overrated
Nothing to discuss, Caleb. They’re a shit tier meme lift. Now take your underaged ass to bed.
They're awesome. They make your deadlift go up faster. They teach you to be explosive and take no shit from the bar.
Rowfags KNOW they're being pussies when you say you do cleans instead. It kills them
Nice breh, what kind of sets/reps do you do?
Fucking destroys my left collar bone
I have no symmetry in my shitty body
name ONE (1) person who deadlifts over 900 and does power cleans
I'll tell that guy who does 500+lb rows and has a 930lb DL he's a pussy
I would love to do them, but I have no idea how so I dont bother
Why is it all about deadlifting? Do you want to be a powerlifter?
A power clean is a much more of an athletic movement.
Explosive movement only, if you aren't a college football player or crossshitter they really have no pay off
What weight should I start with power cleans if can do 1/2/3/4?
if cleans are driving your deadlift, your deadlift is utterly pathetic to begin with
extremely overrated unless you are an athlete in a sport where RFP is important, anything they do in terms of building muscle can be done better with much less technique and effort with other exercises
don't be the autistic DYEL who never played a sport in his life doing power memes in the gym
Also I'm a rugby/judo players and apparently power cleans are GOAT tier for athletic and grappling development. I just don't know how to do them properly.
Just use a weight that is difficult at 3 reps. You should be able to find this pretty easily if you've been lifting long enough to get 1/2/3/4
jump and shrug then let the bar land in front squat position
Everything is an athletic movement depending on what kind of athlete you are. If you're a wrestler a zercher deadlift is one of your most "athletic" lifts.
Unironically listen to mark ripitoe
Rippetoe teaches a fine way to power clean but it doesn't come across well for actual olympic lifts
Stop riding Rippetoe's cock, snatch grip high pulls are much better.
Is it possible to power clean when my gym only has shitty fixed barbells without rotating sleeves?
No, sleeves must rotate for execution and safety
I know a guy who DLs 180 for reps but can't powerclean 60kg. He can't lift the weight fast enough. He just deadlifts, then upright rows it.
So muscle clean.
Defeats the purpose of even doing the exercise.
Which is what? To use as little muscle as possible?
i'm sure he could fix that if he just watched a few tutorial vids and practiced with the bar
>being powerful is useless
50-60% of your deadlift is a reasonable ballpark for a power clean, but start light and work on your form for a couple of sessions
>fake tits
>all those dumb tattoos
What went through her head when she decided to take a dump on her body?
This desu.
Just make sure you're wearing sandals the first time you do them. Also don't bother warming up since you just might exhaust your muscle too much already
They made my body shot punches, i.e. liver blows and uppercuts much stronger. They help create power that carries over to a lot of sports. Your utilizing your body in such a way that power rises from the floor and out your extremities in the case of boxing.
Somehow, I doubt she was thinking about the opinions of bitter virgins like you.
i see you've taken the eric pill
Why would you not do both? Rows and cleans are very different exercises. That's like not squatting because you deadlift.
>tfw nofap and noporn for 5 days
>recognize this scene
>find it online and watch it for a minute
brehs.. do i start noporn from day 1 again?
yeah cause why would you wanna have explosive power?
scene sauce?
>people ITT don't realise that power cleans are an accessory lift for cleans
Want to be explosive? Train the full clean and jerk.
Your turnover will be slower is all and you won't be able to lift as much.