>fat guys can't make it
Veeky Forums btfo
Fat guys can't make it
>DYEL fatass becomes DYEL skelly
He looked better fat
>the relaxed beer bro Brad, parties every night with Chad
>the starved cardio virgin, dies a lonely death
Pic unrelated I assume
It's better to be chubby than it is to be that underweight faggot, all girls will agree
Beat me to it
maximum keks, also true
He's married with a wife
As someone who lost 63 lbs, I disagree.
Being fat will NEVER be better than being a lower weight.
How anyone can look at a pic like that and call it an improvement is beyond me.
bruh get off that fucking bike and get in the weight room
Imagine if this guy lost all that weight through lifting instead of cardio. That's seriously such a shame he basically wasted his entire weight loss journey.
That's like if you had to drive cross country to move, and somebody offered you $500 to also deliver a package to someone who was in your destination, and you refused it.
he looks worse than before
skinny =/= good looking or healthy with men
>Too lazy to stop eating
>Too lazy to lift
Dude look at his jaw
>if this guy lost all that weight through lifting
he'd just be a little leaner, still skinny as hell. What he should've done is not lose any weight, just lift. Could replace much of that fat with muscle and end up being big and strong.
Always funny to see shit like this. To a former fatty, being skinny as fuck is seen as something to be proud of. Meanwhile to everyone else (that didn't know you when you were fat), being that skinny is unattractive as fuck.
>He's married with a wife
that doesn't mean much without pics of his wife
big true true
As a post fat that is well on his way to ottermode, fuck you retards itt saying he looked better before. You are insane.
the wife must be big?
Looks sickly. I bet he turned into a real douche after losing weight. You can see it in his eyes that he thinks he is better than everyone else. Douchebag.
When has Veeky Forums ever said fattyz can't make it?
My cousin *was* fat like that
Last week he finished like 50 something on Ironman
Not true at all. Everyone in this thread saying he looks worse is fat
He wasn't even that fat. He's a skeleton now.
Good work OP, your quality of life is probably much improved.
Legit thought this was an image of a trannymaxxer from the thumbnail Tbh Tbh
looks arent the point of life
Dad-bod to soyboy
The point of this is he’s now lost all the fat, looks good with low bf%, now he just needs to gain muscle. Because without muscle he looks like a cuck
i rather have a dadbod than be skinny
He is the wife.
>shoo shoo
why the fuck do skellies think that they have the right to wear a fucking muscleshirt ?
I fucking earned the right to wear this shit by any gains necessary. You look like a freak of nature.
Why do you do this shit to me ?
>stationary bike
Still isn't making it anywhere
>stationary bike
>getting anywhere
dude, dat jaw tho
agreed, I lost like 60lb recently.
My face looks way younger and more attractive.
I feel so much better, lighter and stronger.
when you see a photo of yourself, you realise what a fat ball of lard you looked like.
Dunno about that bro...
Nice b8 m8
What's the time difference between the before/after?
2 years?
skellies look unhealthier than skinnyfat people. their bodies make them look like 12 year olds (if they have a small frame)
wow from bugman to soyboy. quite the transformation
that expression where they put their eyebrows up makes me really angry. it looks fucking disgusting. why do people do this?
lost a shed load of weight there, looking good, now hit the weights with a slight surplus....well done
9 months
Lol, this is what I looked like 7 months ago
Thanks bro, I am bulking now. I took this pic around last week
you might want to get a pregnancy test buddy
Haha, nice one. Yeah its loose skin I'll probably never see my lower abs...
On the bright side, I don't look as bad as some of the other transformations I've seen...
This 100%, girls like the dadbod, just don't let it get out of control
you look great compared to the general population. just stop raising your eyebrows. it makes you look like a faggot. i know because i used to do it too
you look like you got AIDS
Thanks for the advice bro, noted
Yup, that's why I started bulking and gained 20 pounds...
wow, it actually looks worse
>tfw married without a wife
I don't get it, can you explain further?