>accidentally click on Veeky Forums
>start eating 2 raw onions a day
>dad makes fun of me and calls me Shrek
>can already feel my leg muscles getting bigger
this shit is amazing
Accidentally click on Veeky Forums
In a couple more weeks you'll be strong enough to OHP your dad and pile drive him into the floor.
Problem solved.
Just give it up and shave your legs already. You would make a great trap
OP your dad won't be able to come back from this. He will be crippled for life and you'll have the upper hand physically mentally and financially.
this onion meme is literally the gayest of all Veeky Forums memes
I'm a dyel soyboy and I see no difference.
Those legs look like mine when I shaved not too long ago :,(
Made me feel like a twink
Yeah I caught on to the onion wave just before it became a meme. Today I squatted 5lb more than I ever have before.
I attribute my success to onions.
>fell for the onion meme
>felt test spike and got insanely horny
>accidently fucked a tranny escorts due to hornyness
>tfw onions made me cheat on my qt cardiobunny wife
That is they gayest image and caption I’ve seen in 400 days.
Congratulations, faggot of the year!
How many of you onion-eating, testosterone-pumped sex warlocks use the onion browser?
Not Even Once
Redpill me on this fellas? Whats the science and whats the guidelines with onion eating
One study with rats concluded that eating a small amount of raw onions per day increased testosterone levels by several hundred.
What people on fit are failing to realise is that things which are tested on animals only work the same way on humans less than 2% of the time, and raising your test levels by a couple hundred won't actually do anything, there is no real difference between someone who has 500ng and someone who has 800, there is a reason those are both considered normal levels, doctors aren't out to keep you ''low test'', despite what conspiracy theorists on fit will tell you.
>Serum total testosterone significantly increased in all the test groups (p < 0.05), and levels of LH significantly increased only in the group that received the high dose of fresh onion juice (p < 0.05), but the level of FSH did not differ between the experimental and control groups. The percentage of sperm viability and motility in both test groups significantly increased (p < 0.05), but the sperm concentration significantly increased only in the group that received the high dose of freshly extracted onion juice (p < 0.05).
>In our study, freshly prepared onion juice significantly affected the sperm number, percentage of viability, and motility; it seems that using 4 g/kg of freshly prepared onion juice is effective in sperm health parameters.
LH signals the testes to produce testosterone
>there is no real difference between 500 ng and 800 ng
This is the most jewish post in existence, what the fuck are you talking about Goldstein
Thanks. Where can I pick up my trophy?
wow I actually got a hard on now
nice legs user, congratz
can someone clarify if the onions necessarily have to be juiced for the effect or is eating them chopped just as fine?
>Meal 7:
>350g fillet steak and 400g fried chips, chips are fried in coconut oil. Cucumber, olives, onions, cabbage and gherkin.
he fucking knows
If I had legs like that I would touch myself all day.
>there is no real difference between someone who has 500ng and someone who has 800
Yes there is. It's the difference between feeling depressed and feeling OK.
Chopped / sliced is good. Just keep it raw.
Strictly speaking, 2 onions should be enough. The experiment used 4g/kg of bodyweight. A medium-sized onion is about 225g. Just be sure to get Allium cepa, so not shallots or anything like that.
holy shit user if you didn't have man like feet I would totally fuck the shit outta your thigh bruh
how the fuck are you so girly
I can't stand raw onions so I'm eating natto instead. Selenium boosts test.
>S O Y B O Y
>tfw test is already so high i dont need to smell like a fucking ogre to be a man
feels good
>not wanting to triple your already high test so you can leave humanity behind
lmaoing at you
cute tiny dick
you forgot to say no homo
Fuck you cock sucker
What are you even trying to achieve with that pic?
Why are some dads such cunts when it comes to self improvement?
Dude half of us eating onions are making shrek jokes, that's not him being a cunt.
Can I get a source on that 2% figure?
t. someone who never went to the doc before.
If you think doc's care about you ur severely mistaken, and they must certainly do not give a shit about keeping you at high test levels because that comes with more complications than keeping someone at low normal test does.
Docs care about treating ill people. Low-normal test levels arent an illness or a disease so naturally most docs will tell you to get the fuck out of their office.
post ass
no dude, one onion is actually more than enough, 225g is excessive. You need to look up dose equivalencies from animals to humans. it's not a direct correlation because of the way volume and surface area scale, you need to bring the dose down.
wtf is this? are you grill?
do they have to be raw or does cooked work
needs to be raw