Mhhmmmm Panzies breast milk OH YES PLEASE Mhmmmmmm
/plg/ - powerlifting general
First for gyno Panzie
Someone please photoshop Benchbros face onto this pepe and have him grabbing for panzers tits with the caption "MORE MILK MOMMY"
is that panzer? looks awful
please don't make fun of panzer he is a really swell guy but he has an orbiting problem
If you have less than a 20" vertical, you are not meant for strength sports.
then why do powerlifters have similar ratios of fast twitch/slow twitch muscle fibers as the general population? if vertical was a good GDE predictor, you would expect characteristics that produce a good vertical to also be evident in powerlifters
Good powerlifters have above average fast twitch ratios.
Average ratios = average GDEs.
>However, that’s purely theoretical, because research has shown that elite powerlifters (average squat/deadlift of about 285kg/630lbs, and bench 170kg/375lbs) actually have about the same Type I/Type II fiber ratio as untrained people, which leads you to believe the sport itself didn’t select for people with a fiber ratio skewed toward Type II.
so you mean to tell me that being a GDE is all in my head?
TL:DR, Powerlifters dont have as much fast twitch requirements as elite oly lifters, but lacking vertical jumping aptitude is an indicator of low potential in strength sports.
Nice try jumplet.
20" is a gde test. Being a good jumper doesn't make you a good Powerlifter, but being a bad jumper might tell you that you're wasting your time.
do your own shitposting
I like the idea tho
you keep forcing this meme as a GDE test, but we already have the perfect test for GDEs
you just lift for a few years, and if your progress is just average or below, you're a GDE
Tamox can reverse pubertal gyno unless that's just panzer being fat.
but probably not, lol
nothing reverses pubertal gyno other than cutting that shit out my guy
Thank you, 19 inch jumping rock collector.
a man of taste I see
ralox and tamox arguably do to an extent, although I would wager Panzer just has titty bloat
Everyone is literally fucking except me, I will become mad if I dont get laid within this year.
Sex is overrated desu lad
>implying i'm a gde in denial
i have no doubt i'm a gde, but i learned it the old fashioned way which is why i just lift for fun now
I've spent countless hours digging online looking for ways to get rid of this god forsaken shit and everything I've read about tamox and ralox isn't convincing enough, especially with the chance that it could rebound and get worse once you stop taking it. Too bad I live in US and can't get surgery covered by insurance otherwise I'd of had these titties out by now. Feelsrealrealbadman
give milkies
Fuck you dude.
Try formestane if you can get it. No rebound from my experience.
have you been gud goy?
so youve tried said stuff for pubertal gyno and it got rid of it yes/no?
Will I get big with AlphaDestiny's novice routine?
And eating big ofc
Mine was exacerbated by light steroid use. Formestane nuked it but then I went back on the juice...
This kinda looks like me
exactly so you cant say the same if mine is pubertal. Its a shame, even if i wanted to go on gear i never could risk the chance of these pre teen A cups turning into some fully developed juggs.
I have a 26 inch vertical is that good?
Ok fuck you bro. goddamn you trip niggers just want to blog. Fuck.
Yes. If your leverages are good and you train hard, you will surpass 400 wilks.
Ok raffy
What constitutes good leverages?
who's blogging? and why are you so upset?
If you win best lifter at a regional meet within a year of competing.
Because you don't want solutions, just sympathy.
Like a woman.
I think I memed my lower back a bit earlier this week since it hurt a bit after training. It felt alright but not entirely recovered by yesterday. Squats felt a bit so and so for the medium warm ups but overall and for work sets it was alright, no pain. Deadlifts I felt a strain every rep regardless of weight. It wasn't so much pain as just feeling my lower back every rep.
It's not as bad as monday today but it's worse than before my workout. If I keep my lower back neutral or even arched it's hard to trigger any pain, but rounding it or rounding my upper back feels painful.
Am I starting to snap or should I just continue doing McGills and see how I feel on monday when I next squat?
Ive already set state and national records in my country
>Because you don't want solutions
listen dude if you can provide me with a sound reason as to why i should spend any of the small amount of money i have on some random drug thats only been shown to reduce steroid induced gyno to reduce my pubertal gyno that i have had since childhood then im all ears. And how did any of my previous posts suggest that im asking for sympathy?
Well if that's a North American or European country then you're probably the best athlete on this board right now.
They're all breast cancer meds you fucking asshole. Nobody cares about treating gyno for bodybuilders/powerlifters. There are no official studies for that shit.
yeah i know they are but what im saying is, is it worth spending a lot of money on these drugs if they are only known to reduce steroid induced gyno and not pubertal? I have read a handful of posts online from people successfully getting rid of it but the overwhelming amount of information ive read says surgery is only way
Honestly dude if you're not willing to try then who cares. I've got my own gyno to deal with. Currently on day 3 of letro and I'm gonna try something else if I don't get the results I want.
listen brother dude, i want off this ride just as much as you do you dont have to slam me with your micro-aggressions. I appreciate the help tho
What is up with the day 2s of cuckols 3x int bench? I don't get it
Neither does Greg
Low volume and a few high intensity sets so I don't mind
Sounds like doms to me tbf
>tfw 5x10 squats at 60-65% of 1RM
my quads and glutes are activating all on their own
Easy as fuck. Go for at least 70% next time.
i haven't done that kind of high set/high rep volume in a good looooong time. as in years. i'll get there soon enough.
That would be pretty fucking great if it was. But the pain isn't quite like soreness.
Vertical jump autistic post your squat
Anyone buy any programs from
Barbell medicine ? They’re 30% off right now.
>buy any programs
The guy knows his shit from nutrition point of view I legit wouldn't spend money on his programming though. He's USA medical resident and has very little time to do in person coaching. If you really wanted to spend dosh I'd check the guy that wrote tm alongside rippletits
It's not a 12 week program :D
>I'd check the guy that wrote tm
Why would you hire pendlay?
We need a group buy.
I meant Andy baker he knows more about programming than Jordan. Also tm is literally based on doug hepburn training.
Is there a better compliment than a nurse saying you have “such nice veins”?
>Andy baker
Didn't come up with TM
>knows more about programming than jordan
>TM is literally based on doug hepburn training.
post veins I'm a nurse :)
He was co writer in ppst3 and every non novice question was delegated to him by rip in the forum. He does Jordan literally works 80 hours a week and has minimal if at all experience coaching people his experience is shit tier.
>We call the program The Texas Method, because we are in Texas and it is a Method – a very good one that has proven itself for years. It was originally based on Doug Hepburn’s classic bench press workout, as told to me by Bill Starr many years ago. Hepburn was said to do 5 heavy singles across followed by 5 sets of 5 reps.
Fucking retarded faggot.
>barbell medicine
I thought they had a free ebook and you could at least pirate anything you need.
Who the fuck buys programs?
There is always a market for retards.
>He was co writer in ppst3
This proves nothing.
>Jordan .... has minimal if at all experience coaching people his experience is shit tier.
kek, you really have no fucking clue do you?
Okay Jordan go to bed now
Fuck no it's not even 2am. I'm nocturnal, y'know?
topkek tm is based on 1 workout day for hepburn explains why gdes always snap their shit on his programs, he's the ultimate gde tester
Sorry for the non-pl related question.
>do DB RFESS as main lift for legs for last 2~ months
>sometimes get glute DOMS, never quads
>get knee hurt doing double unders
>try 30kg goblet squats for a lot of reps for recovery
>get quad DOMS
>knee feels somewhat better
>very little pain from BW squats
>somehow can do heavy RFESS no problem
>after gym get worse knee pain from BW squats, but still no pain from BW RFESS
Is my RFESS form garbage? Am I getting no quad stimulation at all from it?
Wtf is rfess and why are you doing them?
Bulgarian split squat. Rear foot elevated split squat. I do them because I like them.
I don’t know why I’m replying to you, but this is what I was talking about (haven’t read it myself or anything).
The OP of this chain should just use a throwaway email and infer information about what these authors have to say about training here.
I can’t understsnd the logic of behaviour required to unironically pay for an excel-like spreadsheet or whatever “template” means.
Any comments on this texas method variant? I kind of just want a big deadlift and The Press (tm), and I'm hoping to facilitate this with higher frequency but without causing myself to burn out.
>be benchlet
>girls only care about bench
where can i meet girls who like guys who squat?
>have great bench
>all bros assume I have shit squat
>tfw they're right
>caring about bench
Why only two sets of deadlifts per week if you want a good deadlift?
i guess i'll have to settle for girls with peepees then
Was previously doing only one set per week, got to 395lbsx5 on friday. I figured two sets would be a significant increase from what I'm used to, at least for a little while. Since I keep hearing about how deadlifts are so hard to recover from, I'm being cautious about it.
StrengthShop uk is having sales on Nike Romaleos 2 @ 150GBP.
figure to shout it out as it's a good chance for people who wanted it - before all the normal people's feet size numbers are sold out...
Brrr plop
oh yea fluffy logs of stinky Norman Khan are being displaced into the toilet
Let's see if I can squish out another one
.. Man nothing... This Norman khan is starting to reek real BAD holy MOLY
time to flush it the fuck back to India
The Barbell Medicine templates have been discounted 30% off using coupon: BFTEMPLATES
if there's some kind richfag caring enough to buy and share that'd be great.
otherwise, im also eager to chip in with some fellow /plg/er and buy the Template Collection and share it among us.
keen on group buy here
the template collection also has BBM's version of HLM , aka the program andy baker shills on SS forums.
cant' find a pirated version tho...
weightlifting gym and hope there are attractive girls there
>>girls only care about bench
how to identify them?
Well if it works for you continue doing it. I just don't think that low volume will push your progress in deadlifts for much longer. Also you can treat deadlifts like any other lifts, the only people who says they're so hard to recover from is people who don't want to deadlift and feel like they need an excuse.
>vertical leap approx. 23 inches
>winged scapula has been fixed since last squat session
Today I am feeling good. I don't know how to handle these feelings.
im literally training upperback almost everyday now
feels great, i dont know why i limited myself to 2x a week. wtf i love garagebro now
they're definitely harder to recover from for most people, and they're also way more sensitive to fatigue than other lifts ime
a bad bench day has every set feeling like 1 RPE higher than it should for me, a bad deadlift day my warmup sets are RPE 9.5
when you test new 1rm, do you lift previous 1rm as part of warmup or not?
Your choice of attempts are always realistic numbers. If warming up with your old max is earlistic then than is what you do
im just afraid that doing a single at my old 1rm my fatigue me too much for my new 1rm attempt, thats why im asking whats usual
I'm in
And that is what I tried to answer. What will your 1rm attempt be? Warm up accordingly. Waring up with your old max is not something you do for the sake of doing it. You warm up with weights to prepare for your new attempt. If that weight happens to be your old max, then you do it. If not you don't.
Last single could be around 90% of your 1rm attempt, f.ex.
Then take your last warm-up just below your previous max? I'm not saying you have to, just that it would be the solution to the problem you're worried about.
we're two so far. i think we need quite a few more, since, after discount, the master collection is 140$.