>omg Beluga, it's user! He's subjecting himself to drinking onion juice to raise testosterone because of a 2014 unreproduced study performed on rats
>hahaha omg Marzipan, no way! he's such a smelly creep!
Omg Beluga...
My poops are explosive, runny, and smell like the holocaust since I've started GOJOAD
Well chosen girl-names user.
Have you ever met one IRL in person face to face?
Protip: they smell delightful and giggle a lot.
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
Swim so wild and you swim so free
Heaven above and the sea below
And a little white whale on the go
Baby beluga, baby beluga
Is the water warm
Is your mama home with you, so happy
Way down yonder where the dolphins play
Where you dive and splash all day
Waves roll in and the waves roll out
See the water squirtin' out of your spout
Baby beluga, oh, baby beluga
Sing your little song
Sing for all your friends, we like to hear you
When it's dark, you're home and fed
Curl up, snug in your water bed
Moon is shining and the stars are out
Good night, little whale, good night
Baby beluga, oh, baby beluga
With tomorrow's sun, another day's begun
You'll soon be wakin'
Baby beluga in the deep blue sea
Swim so wild and you swim so free
Heaven above and the sea below
And a little white whale on the go
You're just a little white whale on the go
Just here to point out that the original study was in 2009 and replicated in 2014 then further replicated in 2015. Additionally, rats are a crucial pre-clinical model. But other than that good job buddy.
People are so quick to believe and follow that Chinese masturbation study, but are skeptical of the Iranian onion study. Since when did the Chinese become more trustworthy and reliable than Iran?
Did any of you guys browse /sp/ in 2011?
That was the best place on the Internet
Since when was anyone on Veeky Forums scientifically literate?
This is my daughter's favorite bedtime song and fuck you for putting on this awful Burmese snake charming board.
But yeah, women are mostly disgusting whales.
There are some smart people on this board, you have to admit, user. In saying that, there are also many idiots.
I was my favourite song as a kid too. My mom sang it to me every night for about 3 years.
Yeah, it remains my favorite site of all time. Literally every night an amazing thread happened. From Tensnake getting shooped to be a girl and getting hit up by gay Cowboys fans on OKCupid to the refmod getting btfoed to the Mexican "daily reminder that liberalism is a mental disorder" guy to the Mario Party AI streams, that shit was the best.
RIP /sp/, we hardly knew ye.
>my daughter
>women are mostly disgusting
How long has your gf's daughter been living with you?
How divorced are you from human beings that this is what you think girls are named.
the one that says not masturbating improves athletic performance?
I guarantee there's a huge crossover between nofappers and onion eaters
No, the study that claims that abstinence from masturbation (or ejaculation) slowly raises test levels and there is a huge spike in test on the 7th or 8th day, and then goes back to normal.
its such a nice song
>I'm a cuck
>You're a cuck
>Everyone's a cuck
Why do I even bother with Veeky Forums anymore?
She's my biological daughter.
But my wife us still as shallow as any woman. A walk through the ocean of her soul will scarcely get your feet wet.
Women are disappointing. Maybe I can teach my daughter to not be that way.
Great, so there's no contradiction because insecure nofappers and insecure onion juicers are the same group, desperate to believe whatever puts their anxiety about their insecurities at ease.
>reddit spacing
u definitely are a cuck
I was just saying how its strange that some people here blindy accept an obscure Chinese study from years ago, but are skeptical of a recent reproduced and published Iranian study.
> Reddit spacing
What the fuck? We're niggling formatting now?
>the year of our lord
>not having a friend called sacapuntas
That's why
Type like this.
Sportsball is, was and forever be retarded bullshit for niggerlovers.
Reddit spacing is double spacing just so you know friendo.
On reddit one has to click enter twice to make a single spaced gap.
fuck yes. /sp/ from 2011 to 2012 was amazing.
>she hasn't accepted Shrek as her lord and saviour