Chads unite
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Op is not chad
You called?
Chad is not OP
Yeah so get out
What up
Sorry I'm late, bitch wouldn't leave so I had to throw her clothes outside.
>tfw some girl was tryna hook me up with her friend in class the other day
Chad feels
Hello fellow Chads. Did you give someone useful advice? Help someone with a problem or situation? Had a good, wholesome feel with a stranger? Reassured a friend or qt?
To keep Veeky Forums related, having trouble gripping the bar and finishing sets in my deadlifts. And I refuse to use straps, should I stall until my forearms catch up? Will deadhangs fix this and if yes, how would I incorporate it into my workout. Doing SS 3x a week.
Also post body count
>32 at 24yrs
Chad dont deadlift
>girl keeps sending me snapchats
>I don't respond
>she starts swearing at me and getting angry that I'm not responding
>I block her
take a fucking hint
>21 years old
>bench 135
>3 sexual partners
>shoot pool like a mad cunt
What's going on, my fellow Chads?
>implying chads use Veeky Forums
lmao nice bait
>doing SS
Chad goes to the gym twice a week to bench and curl and maybe use the lat pulldown machine. also his bench goes up 15lb each workout
Chad reporting in.
Why hello, fellow Chads.
I am currently on a 6 day PPL hypertrophy routine and it is kicking my ass. On the plus side, one of my 3 FWB's is sleeping in my bed right now while I shitpost and I know morning sex is going to be a thing, as it always is with her. I also helped a high school kid with his hang clean form, which was kinda neat but now I'm afraid he will fuck up his back if he goes too heavy.
Also just because we are bragging:
>22 y/o
>52 sexual partners
>Never had an STD, just got checked again last week
>Literally one of the ugliest faces you will ever see, but I make it work.
>>Literally one of the ugliest faces you will ever see, but I make it work.
bullshit, post face
if its true, whats your secret? body?
I have blue eyes which are apparently kinda ok but thats about it. I'm also 6'5" and played D1 football for three years so that is likely the largest part of the equation haha. I also tend to attract a lot of European girls living here, two of the current FWB's are from Germany and Austria. My body is strong as fuck but I'm about 18% body fat so it kinda looks like shit so I don't really think it is that.
>27 year old
> 50-55 partners
>Chlamydia twice, hpv and at least herpes1 (cold sore)
Until I got cancer at 25. Lost a testicle and had to do half a year of chemo. My libido is fucked and I can't be bothered going out chasing pussy. My looks are fading too.
Bad case of ADD and healthy disdain for authority, so I have given myself 5 years of getting my own company of the ground. It's a huge struggle and nerve wrecking at times.
Sometimes I miss the live fast, die young lifestyle.
What the fuck bro and I thought I had it tough
The only thing I'm worried about is my libido being fucked. But it'll sort itself out.
Anyway the moral of the story:
A) one may appear successful but might have struggles you can't see
B) when life gives you lemons make onion juice
You messed up on the numbers. Those rookie chad numbers belong on a 12 year old.
I'm only 6'3" can I still be a Chad?
probably meant in kg brainlets
>3kg of girls
If I'm 5'11 and DYEL but I lost v card at 14 and have been told I'm both very charismatic and intimidating, can I still be Chad?
If you have to ask if you're Chad, you're not Chad.
18 girls, 8 this year, 29, reborn chad- chadvangelical.
Lifting 2 years, fat to fit, made it. 5"11, 8/10 face.
I've got 3 girls madly in love with me all over 7/10. Currently fucking tiny 4"9 asian qt3.14, gym ass and everything.
Should I give up the others or just slay on the side and risk her finding out? It's always been my dream to have a tiny asian slave.
he must work at an abortion clinic
Blessed are they gainz! You must eat of the body of gainz which is the onion and drink the blood of gainz which is thy 6 scoops protein shake.
Pray each night that these gains you may receive, for as you train your muscles so do thy muscles train you. Repent for missing thy last rep, repent and your gains may be saved a new.
Do not be tempted to go astray by the sweet and soyim, for they are rotten at the core and will spoil your gains. Instead strive each day to fast and meet your macros, for this is the only path to salvation and being cut af.
May the world forever be mirin thy gainz, Amen!
>Tongue position completely random, has never crossed his mind.
Lol, this is a good one
Factually incorrect as every man measures his dick.
how do you deal with all those bitches at parties? hoes are throwing themselves on my dick even when im already spent
I'd change that to
>naturally mantains his tongue on the roof of his mouth without thinking
This is the most pathetic Thread of all time
Only betas roleplaying as chads
What position?
no one measures their kg like that
Do you use hookgrip? If you don't already, then you need to start. It only hurts for the first few deadlift sessions, then you get relatively used to it.
This video was fairly beneficial for me youtube.com
Same thing, without the swearing. Somewhat overweight, relatively cute thot keeps snapping me various bullshit pictures of her trying to look hot or make conversation. I would tell her to stop but I like the attention desu.
>tfw virgin chad
No such thing. Unless you are a Tibetan monk.
Define your understanding of what ''Chad'' means.