Does this hair region above the temple have a name?
I noticed that my hair is thinner there and it doesn't have the full look as does the rest of my hair. The fuck Veeky Forums I'm turning 21 next Monday, I'm too young for this shit
Does this hair region above the temple have a name?
Dude, that's the same way for everyone
My hair line is receding and is doing the opposite. That highlighted part of my hair is still there but the corner above it is receding. Idk what's wrong with yours, might be nutrition or stress. Just be grateful you still have hair nigga
Pic is me
You mean it's the same balding pattern?
I thought that this is the way people start balding. In the upper corners
Just be glad you're not a negroid human subspecies so that shit doesn't connect to ur eye brows like lmaO
I mean if you go bald you go bald, I'm pretty sure I'm balding at this point but it doesn't really bother me
been shaving my head without a guard for a while now, I prefer the look at this point. my ice showers take roughly 2 minutes, helmets fit better, and it looks more intimidating which is great for somebody trying to be left alone like ol' autistic me
do you use bodywash for your head?
i have the same shit bro, its worse on one side than the other for me
i thought i was balding but 1 year later and its the same. also no one in my family went bald at a young age so I think its just how my hair grows. knock on wood
Yeah, I also do have it worst on my left side. Also my father has not much problems with balding. He's 53 and still pretty good hair
I'm on uni comp. science major in uni, so might be stress as one user already said. Might apply to you too
that would make sense, im premed and Im stressed as fuck 24/7 desu
Losing hair to stress is a meme.
If you're losing hair chances are it's MPB.
you're retarded, i know a chick who clogs the gym's showers when she's stressed
off topic but dude i just wanted to tell you you seem to be good looking
guys dont hear it enough (except from mommy)
Kek thanks brah
Literally everyone loses hair in that exact spot in their early 20s. It's just a thing that happens. Look at any 30 year old man's hair.
Lmao what a cope
Eat your grains and meat and cry some more.
I'm 40 mate if I was gonna go bald it would have already happened
Holy fuck this board is retarded. Those hairs are called Baby Hairs. Everyone has them. They’re different from regular hair because it’s on a different part of your face (front, back, and side burns). They’re thinner and a bit harder to style since they stand up a lot. You see women with it more often because men have shorter hair and don’t notice it.
I like your nose. Post body pls.
maybe just get a skin fade on the sides and it shouldn't be noticable. probably will help you look more alpha to boot