Why don’t you join the military ? What are you a limp wristed leftist?
Why don’t you join the military ? What are you a limp wristed leftist?
why would I want to go get shot or spend my time in shitty conditions for the sake of another man's war? that's one of the most cucked things I can imagine
got no time
i do my phd and train 4 days a week football
sorry pal
Not fitness related. Report and move on.
Been there and done it, military life is bad for gains.
>Dying for Israel
>Earning the same wage as some roastie who only serves to suck as much dick as possible
As far as "muh feminism, muh equal genders bix nood" goes, the army is the worst organization on the planet. And of course women aren't allowed to die in the field either because that too pisses off feminists. This is even worse than lifting for girls.
>not fighting horses of subhuman sand savages with based Israel
Mods already banned you once
>dying for israel
¡Recuerdo: con judios, perderemos!
Shit isn't really that bad in the Air Force.
Are you really expecting me to fight in behalf of the German government? Absolutely not.
Military here
The military is a place where you are valued sorry based on your capacity for obedience. If you're a free thinker and have an iq above 50, it's probably not for you
ex military here
Been in the civi life for 5 years now. Honestly, intelligence and thinking on your own isn't appreciated in big corps either. I'm coming back to the green life this summer, deus vult. Been working IT together with google and other huge firms, they're fucking up everything in the name of progressiveness and equality. The entire internet is going to shits.
Just need to get called in for officer school try outs and I'm all set. I'd rather hate my life outside in the woods with a rifle than inside a cubicle in a suit.
At least in the military you're in the same shit with bros that understand you. Here it's just office politics, feminism and #metoo
>free thinker
I'm manic depressive so I'll just wait for them to draft me before I become a burden on *more* people
I'm in better shape than most soldiers, I'm a skilled outdoorsman, a great shot, would love to kill strangers legally, and my ASVAB is 96.
My brain still isn't consistent enough, though. I'm a get drafted kind of guy.
Did it for six years, didn't like anything but the pay and I didn't need to make as much money as I did for the bullshit.
It's great if you can tolerate the lifestyle or get into a career field where you're more than just a dispensable worker bee.
I was always too afraid to take the leap. I’m not good at dealing with bullshit politics getting in the way of me moving forward, but I’m also at my wits end with being a wageslave. Considering joining, making the best of whatever hand I get dealt and going to college on uncle sams dime after I’m out. My biggest fear is I lack discipline of any kind when it comes to doing something I have no passion for. If my heart isn’t in something I can’t bring myself to give any fucks about what I’m doing, and it seems like the military is something you don’t really know until you’ve signed up and done it. And I’m in my late 20s which makes it seem like a worse idea
No, you’re just a full of shit type of guy.
>5 minute mile
>6ft 185lbs
>been doing outdoors shit since I can remember, fought forest fires for the last 4 years
>regularly go to the local range and get groups at 400 yards
>was educated in a military academy that made us all do the ASVAB
Not my fault I get depressed often and know the military isnt cool with that.
>flyover state mentality
Find a purpose, you idiot.
City folk should be deleted from reality
Military service is important but not while we're all dying for Israel and bankers.
The wrong side won ww2
>muh festering costal metropolis
Ugh wasn't that guy just so #problematic?
He needs some serious #goals
7.25 isn't enough for risking my life and being a beta boot licker.
Why anyone would join I don't understand
> skelly
> walks around in the woods sometimes
> shoots
> thinking any of this is equivalent to the way the military does things
Going innawoods, popping off some rounds and making a comfy fire and eating jerky is nothing like being out onnaground with the military.
Shooting is good, but apart from ranges, you will very rarely be nicely relaxed, shooting from a bench with a rest.
5 minute mile is somewhat impressive, but unless you can maintain that pace it doesnt count for much. A 1.5 or 3 miler is a completely different animal from a swift mile. Also, most military stuff involves carrying heavy shit for long distances, hence why stocky manlets tend to do better than skellingtons
Well for starters I'm 27 and have medical issues. They probably wouldn't want me.
Lol bro you burn 5000 calories a day on the fire line, I'm not a casual when it comes to being uncomfortable.
Fucking duh the military trains you for all the retarded shit theyll make you do and civilians dont do that stuff, i lived on ft.knox for years
And that exact attitude is why youd jack halfway through.
You have to go back
No it would definitely only be because I get depressed and literally no other reason
Got PDQ'd because I Doctor at MEPS lied about my medical documents. Now no recruiter wants to help me. So I am training on my own.
I refuse to fight and die for Israel, which is what the purpose of most Western militaries is right now. You are dying for Greater Israel.
>not realising that mudslimes are our greatest ally in the fight against the eternal jew
Islam is garbage but they are only in our countries because of Israel
Weak b8 lad, at least put some effort in
>being a paid murder for oil companies
Sounds like a great life!