Has anyone tried the Onion thing for more then a few days?
Onion diet working?
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Bodybuilding.com is full of onion juice retards who have been quitting after a week, without posting the bloodwork. There are people who have been eating onions their whole lives, like people in Hungarian.
>pic related
You see the ogre.
A few days ago I would've said the wast majority of people has been doing the onion thing their whole lives. Now I learn that onions seem to be some arcane thing in the US so I don't know anymore.
Purdy good shop, you really know your fonts
if this isn't my shitty Bulgaria
thanks, it needs some work, but im really proud, spend 2 hours in my photoshop cs 6 i just bought for 300$
I've been eating lots of onion all my life, but I certainly haven't eaten raw onion every single day.
doing onion and lift
for 11 days know
-high test
- feel strong
- girls always look after me
- got dick sucked for first time
- was a hillary supporter before now support trump
- got a job
- started nofap and coldshowers
- read a book a day
- started keto onion diet
It's hungary you fucking imbecile
No it's French you fucking degenerate.
do you actually have a work?
Republic of Ograrian + Hungary = Hungarian
>that picture
Paging doctor Lombroso.
its bg you inbreeds
Student. Free time. I've discovered so many things in here I can't keep up.
Is it normal my tongue feels numb since start of diet. And water makes it worse.
Pic related
lol it's pretty common. Stop it is your throat feels cut.
Isn't the onion thing just some asshole trying to troll /pol/ to show his faggy readers that nadseys are stoobid?
I just pinned some onion juice and my heart is racing and I've broken out into a cold sweat, is this normal?
The world should really introduce the Mettbrötchen into their lives. Big Onion would rake in massive profits from that alone.
not even intramuscular test shows real results until like two weeks in
give it time
just dont eat plain onions mate, make a dish or something
yeah it's all just a ruse by some pajeets sitting around in a lab all year running tests on mice to troll tibetan rock polishing signposts
No, that's not normal. Contact your doctor.
Wrong. It was tested on rats.
Shut up you underage faggot.
yeah because my post was so serious and specific about everything, im really glad you took the time to correct me, it provided value to both our and the entire board's quality of day
honestly, how do people even do this? I've been doing it for only 2 days now, and my mouth feels like it's developing severe cancer.
i taste nothing because i just much on chopped onion while eating scrambled eggs, i taste virtually no spice from the onions hidden behind the eggs
just mix them in with other cooked food
Sup boys
Someone should do the research on humans. If you have acess to researches who study nutrition please ask them to do it for us
>all of them are fat
Kek. If they cut they would look the same as everyone else.
You dumb shit.. it's a meme, and you're falling for it.
Eating onions does NOTHING but ruin your digestion and make your breath stink.
There's your proven test-raising plan for you, in 6 words. Now GTFO and get your lazy beta ass to work, fucker.
>Eating onions does NOTHING but ruin your digestion and make your breath stink.
You're a fucking idiot. Iranian rats aside, onions have a lot of benefits for humans and are one of the best things you can have in your diet.
Your constant anti onion shilling here makes me believe there is something behind the testosterone claim that people like you are trying to hide.
the lengths that some of you retards go through to try and circumvent hard work and dedication is hilarious
>implying i'm not already high test and just seeing if i can leave humanity behind by doing the onion diet