There is a guy in my gym who is about 5ft7...

There is a guy in my gym who is about 5ft7. He is tiny on the bottom but has a massive top half and looks fucking ridiculous.

Why do people do this? He swaggers around like The Rock and I don't think he realises how stupid he looks. Looks like pic related but shorter.

Why fit?

Calf muscles are hard to grow user. Dude at my gym can squat 4 plate and dead 5 plates for sets. His calfs are tiny.

Me on the other hand, huge calfs from when I was fat. I squat 3 and dead 4. It seems mainly genetic.

everybody wants be big but nobody wanna do squats. just look at my thighs no homo.

heres my progress on SS from last year. yeah its true my arms were tiny, but you cant build em further than this without resorting to steroids. I went from 170lbs on the left to 235lbs on the right (6foot 2 inches tall). was 16 years in first , 18 years old in the second pic

I maxed at a 405lb 1rm squat and a 245lb 1rm bench. Probably could have reached 495lb squat and 275lb bench in another 2 years if I didnt lose most of my progress to the antidepressant munchies and subsequent cut.

You just got fatter

I have a guy in my gym I call The Stork. He has a built upper body but the leg of someone who's wheelchair-bound. The only time I ever saw him doing a leg exercice was when he did 3x8 leg presses at a whooping 23 kg. That would be about 1/2.5 of his body weight.

Holy shit is this shopped?

explain to me how fat alone increases squat 1rm from 230lbs to 405lbs within 6 months?

LMAO you have Mr Incredible head on the right. You went from otter mode to fat cartoon.
I'm fucking dying

no, he's pouting his chest out too.

He looked OK before, and like a disgusting fat weakling after.

okay pretty boy :)

>you cant build em further than this without resorting to steroids
the absolute delusions of skelly dreambulkers. at the same time they only do low rep compound work and call curls gay, lmao. Nice 16" noodles at 20% bodyfat, dreambulker

you mostly just got fatter

im not even sure my arms were 16 inches bro... are you implying 16 inches is bad for a natty? I know what natty limit is and natty is not bro... you act as if humans evolved to have large arms. the fact of the matter is that large arms as are unattainable for a natty as are 3 dimensional abs. (cue joke about my fat belly lol)

> strength=/=size
wow it's almost as if they're two different things and thus are inherently not equal. it's almost as if you confused this inherent inequality as if they were not correlated at all. I wonder what could lead you to fall prey to such a false dichotomy. maybe soy?

so u just got fatter? ss truly is the worst program

i find that its manly low iq people for fall for the premade workout rutines. most succesful lifters come up with their own routine according to what works best for them pretty fast

squat is a meme exercise, just like deadlift. i cant believe ppl still do them. the only people praising those exercises are fat in denial "powerlifters" and bloaxmaxers

not even gonna respond to the other bait post

>i find that its manly low iq people for fall for the premade workout rutines.

really dude? just fucking walk a half mile on incline 3x week and they will grow.

no they wont... squats do more for calves than walking or running
if you want to really grow calves use the rower

you=dyel powerlifter who probably benches 350, yet ur arms are 13 inches flexed

how will I ever recover from this?

being this triggered. dont u have squats and deadlifts to do dyel?

go back to Veeky Forums dyel faggot

>you cant build em further than this without resorting to steroids
nice bait

is this a Veeky Forums meetup? all that fa knowledge and they all look "just okay"

Lol he
>doesn't walk on the base of foot.
>ever gonna make it


Nice. Now you just look like any other fat guy.

t. Smol weak boi

16" is really mediocre for a natty, 18" is doable for someone @ 6'2". And yeah, you might not even be 16" in that picture, I was giving you the benefit of doubt

t. 6'4" with 17.5" lean

where's your neck though?

Calves are from calf raises

>I maxed at a 405lb 1rm squat and a 245lb 1rm bench
>2 years
You could have gotten so, so much stronger if you had hopped on a real program instead of staying on SS for two (2) years.

p sure they are /pol/ HWNDU crew from NYC

He's probably roiding. More androgen receptors in the shoulders, traps and chest.

its true though. have you seen isley's progression? right when he hopped on steroids he was marginally larger/ more massive than me

my dick is fat too ;)

you think?

Because girls DO NOT care about legs at all.

What the fuck? You literally just got fat. Walking proof that SS and being natty is gay.

gj son, you now lift more than 99% of Veeky Forums

getting a little fat doesn't matter since cutting is easy as shit

t. permabulk
>C-cutting is easy... I-I just don't want to do it because I want to get stronger first

Is that with shoes or without?

calves come from running, that is of course if you run right with proper technique, add some calf raises and voila

Remember user, people get hostile an jealous when they see progress. It is because they hate themselves. You got big, great job.

you look like shit in both pics

> Because girls DO NOT care about legs at all.

false ... girls like a strong ass and core hitting them hard in doggy style ... only true way to get strong ass and core is by working legs

look 10x better in the photo on the left
