Is it true that smoking weed increases test?
Weed reduces stress
>less stress = higher test level
Is this true?
Is it true that smoking weed increases test?
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>introduce toxins to your body that needs to be removed
>body focuses on removing toxins rather than producing test
No. It wont help you produce more test.
Sounds like mom science
no it's a degenerate drug that leaves people slow and stupid. Steroids are the only drugs a man should take. No alcohol, no cigarettes, no narcotics.
Gee, I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post.
/pol/ pls go
Any tips on reducing stress lads?
>your body has literal receptors for cannabinoids
lol, sick science bruh bruh
Mediation, prayer, quiet time, petting your pet, walks in nature. Weed kills tests and makes your sperms retarded, by the way.
If you feel as though your gains are being affected (Not enough sleep, depression, anxiety..) and you think weed will motivate you to lift more, then you should feel free..although it will make you more depressed after you come down subsequently making it harder to function so it really isn't an effective stress reducer as it causes depression which leads to more worrying which will inevitably lead to more stress
Lol what? Weed has been proven to lower T you retard
Sleep better and use the internet less
t. Sleepless internet addict
Nah. I still smoke small amounts here and there, but when I was a heavy daily smoker man I was a bitch.
smoking cock increases test to
imagine vaping in all the protein
but you are still a faggot
so apply zyklon b to your pathetic existence
U must have small penor
>all that angst
Although smoking gives the illusion of stress relief it is actually putting more stress on your body
I don't know, but it does increase levels of faggotry by 300%.
this although i'd say your percentages are a bit low
Smoking weed is an unnecessary comfy lil safety blanket for unmotivated retards, it doesn't improve any aspect of your life and is a total waste of money and time.
Find an actual hobby you enjoy and take time to improve at it, it is far more rewarding.
post yfw this applies to literally 95% of things human beings do for fun
Shoo shoo /pol/ cuck
I would never smoke weed again. I vape daily, though. If I cant vape, I get irritable.
i grow organic cucumbers and write novels in my free time
culd you argue that lifting is a waste of money and time, and isn't a magical spell that fixes your life like the people on this board think it is
Dyel detected
Yes but dont smoke it. Why do people do this when there is vaping? Or eating?
and how many of those organic cucumbers end up forcibly inserted into your rectum?
98% of the stoners are either skelly hippies or overweight numales. Think about it.
s-s-s-sometimes they slip
I'm sure that you do, but that isn't what we're talking about. The vast majority of things human beings do "For fun" are objectively wastes of time if you're just judging them by their utility. Video games, especially, are also something that are truly a "Waste of time," but nobody cares- The reason being that humans need some mindless activities and entertainment to stay sane. It's not that big of a deal. Yeah, smoking is burning a few hours with no productivity (Generally), but so would a lot of other things nobody gets pissy about.
Just vape, bro.
You've been cucked by the media into believing humans need "mindless entertainment" to stay sane.
Use the time you spend smoking weed and playing video games to learn a new skill and develop more productive habits.
It's not even about the utility of the activity, its about avoiding mindless consumption that has no actual end game.
Single cell amoeba posing as human on this board, shoo
Stopped smoking weed for 2 months - got a clear head, rested more, became less emotional, did things although didnt like doing them but they had to be done
As an experiment I got some buds about 2 weeks ago, and all I can say is that all the bad habits returned ... there was a plus side which was less soreness after workouts. Not really worth it considering that is all there is to it (fyi I actually like the soreness after workouts; and weed lowers test ... the stress reduction part is bullshit because weed actually puts you in a state of higher stress ... weed also fucks with your hormones)
Indica actually increases estrogen, while sativa increases cholesterol by raising your bloodpressure a little bit while high.
You stupid shit.. smoking weed all the time makes you LAZY and your brain SLOW and eventually gives you GYNO; haven't you seen stoners who have bitch-tits? Is that what you want, OP? BITCH TITS?
Unless u have personal experience, GTFO
Yeah because playing the piano or going on a hike has an end game. Do whatever makes you happy, these protestant cunts need to leave their retarded ideology in the victorian era where it belongs.
>Steroids are the only drugs a man should take.
LOL no, you're BETA AS FUCK if you resort to steroids, and you get what you deserve when you use them: tiny balls and heart disease, and oh by the way everyone can TELL you're using steroids because you look like a gods-be-damned CIRCUS FREAK when you do.
IMO it makes you less aggressive, assertive, confrontational, etc. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing if you're a woman I guess.
Idk about you guys but all those traits make me feel like a bad mofo alpha. Feel like a bitch when I smoke.
Godfags need to GTFO, you have no place in a rational discussion about anything, not until you give up your superstitious beliefs in non-existent beings.
Weed is one of the biggest memes honestly.
Not him but I have done it quite a few times. I just become a useless mouthbreather every time I smoke weed, so do a lot of people I know that do it regularly.
Also all of the hardcore potheads I know completely lack discipline and motivation in their lives in general. Maybe it's just a coincidence but I try stay away from the stuff.
i'll pray for you
Your body has receptors for heroin too you fucking mong. No horse in the race but fuck your argument
>babbys who need their Invisible Sky-friend to cope with reality
top kek
Where the fuck you getting this from?
Its not a coincidence, as weak minded and less disciplined people are more prone to addiction.
I smoke after every chore is done, usually an hour or two before I go to bed.
Helps me stay off hard drugs actually, I am a drugaddict, I admit that, but its the lesser off two evils.
>eventualyl gives you gyno
Citation? Maybe it's because stoners eat highly processed, shitty food which is causing weight gain leading to bitch tits. Try thinking before you post.
>Helps me stay off hard drugs actually, I am a drugaddict, I admit that, but its the lesser off two evils.
A man that knows himself, god be praised.
Trust me user, going on hikes or learning to play piano is a lot better than looking back 5 years from now and realizing how much time and money you've wasted burning a dumb fucking plant and numbing yourself with literally no personal growth to show for it.
Actually fuck it bro lmao seth rogan joe rogan pineapple express weed dude, light up and push away the anxiety for a few hours/days/months/years.
It actually reduces protein syntheses similarly to alcohol but not as much.
>Inb4 "source?"
Search it on Google
>stoners accepting sources
these are the people who think weed cures cancer.
Not him, and not trying to be facetious, but what about people who smoke and do those things? Functional potheads exist, we're just not constantly acting like stoners
If i enjoy playing video games, replacing that time with trying to learn to piano won't improve my life one jot. Obviously there is a difference between having a hobby you enjoy and unhealthy escapism. There is nothing wrong with playing a game of league or smoking a joint if you have free time and have dealt with your other responsibilities. Completely abstaining from something, provided you aren't hopelessly addicted to it doesn't improve your life, it makes it shitter.
did a roidmonkey fuck your girlfriend or something?
>It has been noted in several notable studies that THC (the active ingredient in cannabis) can potentially be an endrocrine disruptor in humans and animals, since it blocks GnRH secretion from the hypothalamus, which eventually leads to lowered LH and FSH production and therefore also lower testosterone production. THC has also been shown to inhibit several testicular enzymes needed in testosterone production in-vitro
Smoke up soyboy
jesus you could land a plane on that nose
Do you want to link the study you are supposedly quoting from.
Citation needed.
I buy pound of dank kush trim every year for 250-300 dollars on a DNM and vape all day every day from my pax 2. Am I killing my gains?
im a drug addict too you dont need weed at all to not use hard drugs.
also has receptors for LSD and many other synthetic drugs
why not do a simple search on and see for yourself, that it actually lowers test?
On the ball thing, I'd say I lose 1/3 the size while on test.
They return to normal size after a few weeks when you go off though. That does not always mean you get full T production back. I fucked my shit up and am on TRT now. Stay safe brahs, PCT really matters it seems.
i enjoy smoking weed and reading, writing code, cleaning my house, walking the dog, painting 40k, etc
literally anything where I get to chill by myself and don't have to talk to people
calm down buddy
Im currently dry, and havent slept for close to 60 hours now. I need that shit for my insomnia.
Benzo addiction is no joke, thats why I stick with the weed.
Don't expect nuanced opinions on Veeky Forums
>not knowing what an endocannabinoid is
>t. brainlet
>Weed reduces stress
>less stress = higher test level
Weed raises cortisol levels lmao
>not getting high and fucking your ass to a prostate orgasm regularly
Smh enjoy your prostate cancer and low test
>fucking prostlets when will they learn
>t. diaperlet
[reading books][video games][art][music] is an unnecessary comfy lil safety blanket for unmotivated retards, it doesn't improve any aspect of your life and is a total waste of money and time.
Find an actual hobby you enjoy and take time to improve at it, it is far more rewarding.
>Reading books is pleb tier.
This is how stupid you sound.
I'm sure they exist, but I have never met anyone who I aspire to be, who has taught me anything useful, who has left an inspirational impression on me who smokes pot.
Conversely, I have met dozens upon dozens of mediocre, pathetic, mentally inept, wastes of sperm who do smoke pot.
This girls body looks so good that its photoshop good ... like the photographer took 2 pictures, one of her walking and another one of her sitting, and joined them at the belly, that good
The butthurt stoners responding to this, lmao
If you ever think they aren't the most obsessed and thin-skinned hobbyists out there, make an anti-weed post anywhere and bask in the (you)s
>I'm sure they exist, but I have never met anyone who I aspire to be, who has taught me anything useful, who has left an inspirational impression on me who smokes pot
seriously? what about people who aren't stoners but just smoke occasionally?
potheads who smoke a ton every day though are generally wastemen
hey with net neutrality gone in a few weeks you wont have internet to worry about
yeah but so is the general population.
everything in moderation, just ask Dorian Yates
>spends 8 hours watching South Park
>loses muscle mass from subsisting on Hot Cheetos and Sprite
>swerves across road driving 25 in a 45
>shuffles around mom's house like a retard
>spends $400 every month just to feel normal
are you 12?
Here's some science for you, retard:
>Persistent cannabis use was associated with neuropsychological decline broadly across domains of functioning, even after controlling for years of education. Informants also reported noticing more cognitive problems for persistent cannabis users. Impairment was concentrated among adolescent-onset cannabis users, with more persistent use associated with greater decline. Further, cessation of cannabis use did not fully restore neuropsychological functioning among adolescent-onset cannabis users. Findings are suggestive of a neurotoxic effect of cannabis on the adolescent brain
If you use cannabis, you're literally irreversibly reducing your IQ - and for what? Nothing, there's no point at all. Boggles my mind why people do this
>that leaves people slow and stupid
It literally does if you started smoking as an adolescent. Which is when most people acquire these habits.
>art is a waste of time
tell that to the motherfuckers making millions of dollars, while having full creative freedom and genuinely loving what they do...
Friendly reminder that Drumpfshits vote agaisnt their own economic interests
Have you ever considered the possibility that you may have an internet addiction? Can you cut yourself off every night like clockwork at a specific time that you yourself choose? Cause if you can't I'm pretty certain you're addicted. I'm addicted to the internet, and I improved drastically after the internet was forcefully shut off like clockwork every night.
If it was on 24/7 I would have absolutely no problem staying awake for 48 hour periods.
I was mocking his original post you goons. I think all of those things are a perfectly fine use of free time. Just like smoking pot
Maybe, I can't say. I'm not with them 24/7. I just don't read stories about how much Napoleon, Nikola Tesla, Stephen Hawking, etc smoked pot on a semi-regular basis. Seems like any successful person who smoked pot did it rarely at few points in their early lives. Obama, Arnold S, probably others...
Pot seems to have this status with it where people think it's like a different class of lifestyle. You rarely or never see people with beer or cigarette necklaces, tattoos, wall posters but potheads make it a pivotal role in their lives. It's not enough to just buy the pot, they often buy other shit to advertise they smoke pot. Additionally, people who drink beer or smoke cigarettes usually are never friends with other people who have the same vice based solely off that vice. I have tons of anecdotal evidence (all I can have because I don't think a scientific study has ever been done about it) of people who smoke pot who are only friends with other pot smokers because of the pot. They even joke about it in Pineapple Express.
If you wanna smoke pot, fine, I don't give a shit. I think it should be legal. But I think it's in the same lane as anime, dipping and spitting "skoal" or whatever, wanting to be a rap artist and other gay retarded shit. It should be legal, but the people who do it are probably stunted themselves, and not the kind of people that will help me grow as a person. They probably aren't the most useful people and might even help humanity reach it's goals if they disappeared.
Do whatever, I don't care. We're all gonna fuckin' die anyway. Whatever.
Most people who I meet that genuinely believe that that is the basis for most religions are mental midgets. There is more to religion then "lmao bro sky fairy imaginary friend dudebro wittle baby can't handle the nihilistic view I have of the unvierse". Religion is a software for your tribe to become more successful than other tribes by having no fear of death and complete and utter dedication to something larger than themselves.
Pot is a lifestyle to a lot of people, and what that usually means is that they are using it to replace religion or spirituality. There is a huge hole in the psyche of most people in the 1st world nowadays left by religion. People fill it with all sorts of random things, like pot, hobbies, sports, ideologies, veganism, politics, video games. I don't know if you noticed but a lot of these things have identities attached to them, like a gamer identity or a vegan identity where you live an entire life style based on your decision to be X or Y. There is a part of our brains that wants the void left from the removal of religion filled.