Be honest with me now Veeky Forums does looking at high test women before a workout without touching yourself increase...

Be honest with me now Veeky Forums does looking at high test women before a workout without touching yourself increase test and pumps you up? Or is it bullshit?

Looking at women period doesn't raise test to any appreciable amount. Stop taking Veeky Forums memes as real, god damn.

Sorry, I tried the rap meme and it worked a bit so I just wanted to prove this meme too

I don't know if increase test, but it does motivates me. Even the thots at the gym.

Why would looking at women in pictures increase test I get wear the logic comes from but that only applies to real life women

Definition of butterface holy shit

Looking at hot women on the Internet doesn’t raise test. Talking to them does.

I do this too, but I'm talking about just before the workout, 5min before and not porn, just chicks.
Genital stimulation maybe? Why does music change one's mood if it's just digital audio?

Nigga she like 40 and no male up what do you expect

Make up*

>placebo effect

What's the rap meme?

Listening to certain kind of music (specially metal and (gangsta)rap ) is said to increase test or at least energy levels. It's a meme and doesnt have any basis behind it but the placebo worked for me

What an ugly fucking room. Instant boner killer.

I have other good pics of more bitches but that's the only one suited for a blue board

It works for me but maybe it's because I actually have high test.

Nigga you gay

Only ones I wish I could fuck. Ones I have or I've never met just don't work.

post more, fack the blu bordz

oh wow exciting music makes you excited who knew

I've actually performed better un muy workouts


Banned soon

Sorry mods

Its all vanilla shit so i hope my ban is short



Well you can't pull the "I didn't know I couldn't do that" card now.

Obviously it's bullshit OP people just like jacking off to thickies
jesus christ.

Thats depressing. I thought my test would actually go up. Guess I'm retarded