Is he a virgin?
Is he a virgin?
Alphadestiny has ascended beyond the concept of virginity
I can’t even fathom him getting laid
wtf is this real lol
lol wtf
Directly from his website
yet the 6'2" normie faggot will never pull 660 lbs
inb4 manlet, I'm 6'5"
alpha beta shit and all this the redpill cuck shit is bluepilled as fuck
LMS theory is all that fucking matters
You can tell that he wrote this right after reading some Mystery Method bullshit
Nah, man. You'd have to be a complete, socially-inept, shut-in virgin to not be able to get pussy at least once in your life. AlphaDestiny has that natural Alpha 'allure' that gets the good girls wet. When he walks down the street you best believe roughly about 80% of the women are looking at him, some will be sly about it- peeking a glance from a sideways stare but staring nevertheless. What really is funny is when the girls have boyfriends already, some who are even holding hands or talking to their boyfriend, often have their eyes wander across his body; creaking out a cute smile, it's a beautiful thing.
So in short: No. He's not a virgin, far from it.
fuck off, alex.
Fuck off Alex. I think you're a smart guy, your videos are of good quality, but when you come into every thread about you, and make these novel sized post it makes you look pathetic. I don't see Eric coming here and whining whenever some user talks shit about him.
Based. If more guys developed some self respect and told women to fuck off there might actually be standards once again
'sup Big Dawg, can I get an autograph
We're all gonna make it in 2018, guys.
It's never too late!
- Alex
there are still people who think he is alex? I mean, alphadestiny lurks here yes, but this is just a great troll meming the writing style
Getting pussy is better than lifting heavy. Enjoy your wheelchair
Lifting heavy is objectively good. Getting pussy is relative to the value of the lady and most are pretty disgusting.
Ask Ronnie Coleman that.
Ronnie Copeman?
Why do girls want men over half a foot taller than them? I have friends shorter than me and it's always awkward having to look down to talk to them. If you're not at least my height don't talk to me.
What exactly did he win by doing this? Also, having heard Alex actually talk in that buffet segment, I don't think he'd be this disrespectful. Maybe this was written during his early days
Not a cope. If you want to get snapped up while ego lifting got for it. Id rather be able to mount my gf than have a high weight total.
>Is he a virgin?
Why do you care?
Why would anyone care?
What does this have to do with 'health and fitness'?
What does this have to do with anything?
>t. autist
I'm 5'9 and my gf is 6 foot. Its called not being autistic.
mount is probably the appropriate term for your mutant hog of a gf
Yes I lift. In fact because I lift I get more pussy than you.
I'm 5'10.5" and I don't like having to look up at people either. I don't see how that's autistic. Just be within an inch of me and I'll be happy not feeling like I'm talking to a child or feel like I'm a child.
I keep the lights off for your mother so it evens out.
lol no u dont
jokes on you my mother is a tree
>getting pussy is better than lifting heavy
that's what a pussy pleb would say
The true Übermensch values the iron more than the thot - Begone, lookism scum
I'm not calling you a autist. I'm talking about self hating manlets who cant get a gf. They blame their height when in reality its being ugly or being or autistic. I've never had an issue with hooking up or relationships.
I don't fuck thots. Ive had the same gf since high school. Were getting married in January.
congrats user the way it should be
I dont know who's more a*tistic, the guy with a tripp solely for defending alphadestiny, or you fucking retards who thinks its him. The dude reads books and has stated multiple times that he doesn't go to forums like Veeky Forums because its just anonymous psychopath losers with no references to their advice. The guy is an advanced lifter, why would he go to a board filled with 105 iq dyels?
>yet the 6'2" normie faggot will never pull 660 lbs
Meme lifts don't count. When he actually pulls that weight in a real deadlift call me.
Unless he got a hooker he is a virgin for sure.
alex pls go
She's probably fucking a taller chad
>cool glass of lemonade
this never gets old
“We like cuddling! Muscles are disgusting! We don’t like men who are obsessed with the gym! We want to look better than the man!” they would say.
At this point, I started getting annoyed with their behavior, and asked them the following question:
“What type of man are you looking for?”
They paused for a second, and replied “Well, obviously a nice guy that’s going to treat us with respect, and who can communicate in a way that does not offend us.”
At this moment, I had a big smirk on my face, knowing damn well that what I was about to say next would cause them to flip out.
“So then why do you cheat on your boyfriends for asshole guys like me?” I exclaimed.
They were silent for a few seconds, and then suddenly went full bitch mode.
“You’re such an asshole, Alex! You don’t talk to a lady like that! Go fuck yourself! You don’t know what a woman likes!” they screamed.
Of course, their words didn’t faze me.
I just sat there in a calm and collected fashion, as I sipped on my cool glass of lemonade.
After about 5 minutes of them ranting at me, I cut them off and said “So when are we fucking? Next Tuesday or next Saturday?”
They quickly glanced at each other, as their eyes and mouths widened.
“What did you just say???” they barked.
“You heard me. Are we fucking next Tuesday or next Saturday?”
Interestingly enough, they started giggling and eventually began playing my game.
They would say things like “You are so bold! You are so bad! You are something else!”
Just as expected, they were coming on to me.
Have fun fucking your 2s and 3s there incel
enjoy your stds, loser
Holy shit the comments on that post. They're obviously all made by himself.
>You'd have to be a complete, socially-inept, shut-in virgin to not be able to get pussy at least once in your life.
fuck you
The issue isn't an inability to harpoon the swarms of landwhales but making yourself appealing to the extremely rare women that aren't disgusting as shit
no fucking way lmfao
It's not a meme lift it's what works properly with his proportions. He's still fucking strong.
That's exactly the point. He's doing bullshit lifts to take advantage his manlet leverages. I mean look at that shit. Are the weights even 10 inches off the floor? He doing meme lifts with larger weights than he can handle to peddle his shitty program to newbies.
there is so much in this post I want to hate you for that I failed to decide and am just going to give you your (You) no questions asked
Thanks for running something I genuinely enjoyed into the ground so hard. Your first few posts and the weaponized autism collage was fun, by now you are just beating a dead horse
Didnt even want to give you an actual quote but I have been called out by newfags for LELLL HE USES @ LURKMOAR XDd five times today, cant risk that
not with a willing, unpaid woman of legal age and/or sound sober mind I suppose
top kek
some Veeky Forumsizen might be trolling tho
5/10 @ best. Proof that women don't need to put in any effort to be seen as attractive by desperate betas.
who is this cum dump
This has a lot of truth to it. Over the summer I slept with at least 1 new girl a week, and while it was fun, the vast majority of them were 6/10's (if that).
It's really not that hard if you're in a big city. The HARD thing is talking to a 7.5/10 and above, making a connection, keeping them happy, forming healthy and responsible relationships that are lasting, and pleasuring them sexually.
I highly doubt """""AlphaDestiny""""""""' does any of these things.
This is a tranny, right?
dunno really. grabbed it last year from here
nigga please
yeah I don't think she'd be appealing in a baggy tracksuit and no makeup, but beautiful doesn't necessary mean sexy.
What? Look at its face.
is this bait? it's horse facey but you really think pic related was born with a penis you fucking incel
Lord I'd cum in .2 seconds after sticking my dick in this
I've seen lots of trannies in my line of work. That could easily be one.
you're bating post an example
you think a man can have that kinda fat distribution? there's not HRT medicine for that in the world. You think you can engineer that kinda titty bobbing?
I need sauce on her
>you think a man can have that kinda fat distribution?