Anyone noticed this recently? With the rise of Buzzfeed and numales (pjw unironically lol), we are seeing a generation of men where it is ok to shit on people's weightlifting progress ,promote "body acceptance", stay in a constant unhealthy state of skinnyfat , spread pseudoscience about nutrition and orbit women in hopes of getting laid.
The epidemic of BETA MALES
Didn't know he was gay desu
The (((signs))) were quite obvious..don't you think? The fact that he calls soy estrogenizing yet still has an infowars product with soy with it is interesting indeed.....
Yes, have noted; I laugh harder at the skellies and soyboys for it.
Paul is a soyboy himself
He's not Jewish. Grow up
provide links to recent discussion
or this is a subtle low IQ /pol/ thread so that we can turn this into gay bashing?
Kind of ironic, you are so concerned what society thinks about you whereas the gay guys in your photos couldn't care less. Who is the beta numale here? Hint, its you.
lol faggot
f a g g o t
looks like i touched a nerve
you know what they say about homophobes.. why are you so scared of them user? maybe you should admit to yourself who you really are
Possibly the beta male epidemic also is related to the immigration epidemic.
Brown people are way more beta than us so maybe that's what's going on.
>you know what they say about homophobes.
you know what they say about pedophobes..
nothing wrong with being gay
i feel like you only say this shit because your soyboy idol paul cuckold watson became gay
We need to cleanse the Right of this homosexual filth.
/pol/, /lgbt/, and /a/ are all cancer, especially with this gaslighting leading to recruitment shit.
>meanwhile white youth worships black culture and their women only want to date black men
wow so weak whitelets are so easily manipulated and corrupted. Hmm.. yeah it sounds like they are an alpha race alright
no whites by 2050, the world will be a better place
isnt it weird that you focus on the cock more than the girl in the pornos you watch?
maybe you should finally come out
>hates right wingers more right wing than himself
Good thing his reputation is forever tainted.
Barely see any whtie women go for black dudes unless you count trashy white girls and black dudes lusting over white girls and getting none of it.
just make sure you have are white, athletic and have social status and u are set to get white girls
>arachnophope? pretty sure you just want to fuck spiders
It's freaky how beta the right on Veeky Forums is. The other day PJW was getting mocked on Veeky Forums and faggots were saying "j-just because he doesn't lift doesn't mean he isn't still alpha! he looks healthy! You don't need muscles to be healthy!"
lmao what? He looks like a lowtest dyel. Post a video of him biking 20 miles in an hour or running a marathon if he's so healthy as a dyel.
They're gonna say it's soybeans. They're gonna say it's something in the water. It's not. It's a deliberate and large-scale PSYOP that took place over generations.
I never mentioned that boyo. Anyways, Paul Joseph Watson, is that you?
fake news
you mean education and equal opportunity? What terrible things!
Nah that's just your opinion.
Proliferation of gym culture amongst normies has grown tremendously these 5 years, for better or worse.
>stay in a constant unhealthy state of skinnyfat
Been around forever
> spread pseudoscience about nutrition
Plenty of retard nutrition advice on fitness forums
I personally think that younger women seem to be getting bigger tits and phatter asses every year, but this is probably my particular strain of
degenerate confirmation bias.
It's only really noticeable on facebook.
Not sure why this bothers everyone on Veeky Forums so much. Gay people will have emotional driven, illogical, anti-masculine views on life.
>younger women seem to be getting bigger tits and phatter asses every year, but this is probably my particular strain of
degenerate confirmation bias.
its because theyre getting fat and eating more.
i think it might be this
Fucking this lol. Breitbart and info wars must have a PR Team of fanboys to defend their "honor" on this mongolian imageboard website. the only modern right winger i respect is probably sam hyde, and even then he
Found this on instagram. It’s some next level cringe.
it seeps into real life every now and then desu.
I hate how the phrase 'body acceptance' is constantly being misused. You have one body per lifetime. If you accept your body, you wont want to destroy it by over eating like a fat pig. If you care about your body you'll take care of it and try to improve it every day.
thats what constitutes a male nowadays? WTf
he has the body of a chubby 12 year old
>bigger tits and phatter asses
You can say that again. I literally almost got shot by some chicks father because I grabbed her ass at the play park thinking she was at least 14
agreed i just lift weights and eat right.
You can be gay and be alpha. Like you know the manly gay guys. I tend to respect them more, they're like actually bro tier.
The feminine gay guys are pathetic on the other hand. Super beta
Pro-tip: Homophobes are also pedophobes (because all homos are pedophiles)
if you looked like this, the chick and her dad would both be flattered
Hahah look at this butthurt fag.
No matter how many times buzzfeed writes a propaganda article, you'll still be universally reviled and die of AIDS
>thuper beta
Shut up queer
Just ignore it and do your own thing, it's a coping mechanism
I don’t see the problem guys
More betas = less competition
We become chads compared to them, so now we get to have easy pickings
PJW looks like a normal male who doesn't lift. Nice try shilling your bullshit here.
so much energy spent on hating gays
makes you wonder why he hates them so much. Maybe its because he has been repressing his homosexuality for so long.
You must be really tired
There is no 'epidemic of beta males', they've always been here in exactly the same proportions as they've always been here, it's just that the Internet makes them more visible.
Since when do men become better versions of themselves with less competition?
More betas = the faster your society goes to shit and the looser the definition of rape becomes
oh dear
just imagine some manic pixie dream girl type whos into skelly artfags like him, takes him home and has a fucking epileptic seizure when he takes his shirt off
>Women are more sluttier
>Men are more beta
enjoy the decline boyos it wont last long
i fucked a trans girl who is a model. not a porn model or an "aspiring model", but a legit international fashion model. the kind that does fashion magazines (was on vogue), including some covers, international fashion shows, did commercials for renowned brands and had some roles in films too. she's kind of a minor celebrity in our home country too (the kind that's in gossip shit all he time). a legit 10/10 if it weren't for the penis, the height (taller than me in heels) and the voice of a 15 year old boy. still, no ragrets.
does this make me gay tho?
>Since when do men become better versions of themselves with less competition?
Know who's the best person to be competing with, for maximum gains in life overall? I'll give you a hint:
>look in the mirror
in order to stay on top
if you think guys with beards and glasses are on the same level of an epidemic as a virus, you need to calm down
more thots for easy fucks, whats the problem?
>society being made up of numales has no consequences
not everyone will become a nu-male sweetie
how about you eat some onions?
thank you based onion poster
>beards and glasses
This isn't a catch all REEEEEEE.
If I looked like that, I'd clone myself, chain my clone in my basement, and just fuck him every other day. But just the vanilla stuff. You know, ball gag that mouth and such. Spank him in the ass with a nice leather whip, listen to him scream like a little bitch. Drip some candlewax all over it's back and lick it while it's still hot. Some instrumentation maybe. No homo of course.
If you've never seen white women go for black men you've clearly never been outside of east coast US
>diagnosed with low T
>doc wants me on a medication used to treat infertility in women
Gee, I wonder why people would not be as hostile if he tried to hide his abomination from others by adhering to societal standards instead of putting it right into their faces?
how do i into this mode
Where did the guy mention an epidemic virus, maybe you need to calm down, honey.
Also, less competition means there is less effort needed to "stay on top", so eventually, you will degrade as well. There's no denying that, soyboy.
>if you’re arachnophobic, it’s because you are a spider
That’s super dumb
Maybe they just mean "fuck a spider" or something.
Doesn't matter anyway, since it's not a phobia but an evolutionary reasonable response to individuals who will consume common resources without ensuring the survival of that community.
Shitting on pure weightlifters has been done since literally ancient Greece at least.
He's complaining he gets insulted when he's walking the streets without his clothes?
Is this our new /soyboy/?
Yes, we need a movement and I need a meme to throw back in the face of fugly SJW and their ilk.
How about autistically whining about Superphobia - fear of the superior body.
(And fear implies hatred according to the logically deprived, so it's a hate crime.)
Call them numales. Numale is iconic. It doesn't have any alt-lite meatcuck propaganda at its core like "soyboy" does.
kek that picture literally has a lowtest Superphobe in it.
>hurr durr y u care about things u gay 2?
lmao white boi
>meatcuck propaganda
Spotted the soyboy
Somenu-makes won’t cause the destruction of a society like a virus can
Spotted the numale. Go guzzle down your LE BACON your pabst blue ribbon you fucking limp wristed fairy.
we're living in a generation where being white, straight and rich is becoming a bad thing, some gay guys on a bar i go every weekend for the past 7 years started a fight with me just because i asked them for a cigarrete, i beat the two beta gay guys and they tried tu sue me for homophobia
Being highly neurotic is sign of low T/Beta?
>why are you so scared of them user?
i always thought it was wrong to use the word homophobia, usually people are angry and agressive at gays and not afraid at all
t. fag
have fun dying of aids
lmaoing at you
You say a lot about yourself when you shrug about your peers being a bunch of treacherous cucked psychos.
mup da doo dibba, bix nood moguggen dic nigguh
I had a girl stop taking to me because I was conservative, I was open to have a discussion but she wanted none of it
Oh well
>when you live in a country that the most liberal people in uni still think that gypsies are not human and need to be gassed
feels top
Where can I get feels like that?
eastern yuro and the balkan
When Andy and Norman started SoyBoy in 1977, they wanted a company focused on being healthy and spreading the love. Today, this focus continues with our dedicated team of people creating tofu and tempeh products you can trust.
There are still a lot of conservative people in my eastern europe Uni
If I learn to speak eastern euro and perfect my slav squat, can I join?
yeah here to
it's just that genocide is very common place even among leftists here
Behave like white person and we will welcome you.
Do I need my own adidas tracksuit or is that gifted to me when I join?
Oh yeah it sucks and i catch myself calling people beta and soyboy in public.
only if you do a gene test that's 100% white
no negroes or spics allowed
hapas allowed if they're hot
You may get your tracksuit if you start acting like tard. You will get buried with this tracksuit of your choice.
>1 off
you tell your babushka to buy some from bootleg stores that sell them for 10 euro