im currently stuck at 22 push ups.
how can i break this plateu?
Push up progression
don't leave us hanging user, you what?
Do more press ups
1. good form; touch ground with chest
2. increase volume; total reps in this case every session
3. example, you did 22 in a row, do 8 more you got 30 total reps, next time do 35, etc
4. ??
5. god luck
There is a limit to what natural amounts of test can help you reach. Also strength takes time.
Add weight
Do fuckloads more pushups. I did five sets of 20, 25, 30, etc. and now I can do 100 with strict form. Takes a bit, like everything.
>stuck at 22 push ups.
your just being a pussy. mind over matter your not lifting huge weights so there is no reason you can't force out more.
do them daily and increase by 5 a week
Should I even bother with push ups if I'm lifting? Wouldn't it kinda fuck up my recovery from chest/shoulder days?
I can do like 35 strict push ups
Put your feet up a chair and train until you can do 22 push ups, then go back to regular push ups and see that you can suddenly do more.
Or do 21 push ups at normal speed and then one really really really really slow until your whole body is shaking. Do this daily and see that you can suddenly do more
3 max effort sets ~5min rest inbetween, 5 days a week. I do them as soon as I wake up
I'm stuck between 50-60. I do one set a day for shits and giggles. Want to reach 100 someday
Can someone give me some advise? Everytime I get to around 10 push ups my right hand starts experiencing pain around my thumb. Even when I apply forces on that area it still hurts. Thoughts?
So if 40 reps (strict form) is my max, should I be doing like 10 sets of 20 reps or something?
try them on your knuckles
>im currently stuck at 22 push ups.
>how can i break this plateu?
Do 23
what is muscle fatigue?
Don't be a weak cunt.
i can do 20 in a row before im about to puke
>what is muscle fatigue?
something only people with poor diets, bad personal hygiene and bad sleeping patterns get
unless your moving huge amounts of weight for long periods of time your not likely to iinjur yourself.
Lose weight, put variation in your sets. Rest and recover. If you do pushups daily skip a day but don't skip exercising completely and try again.
Anime was a mistake
implying OP isn't a heavy weight if he can't do 23 push ups
just bench press lol
I can pound out a set of 100 and I never do push ups.
22 is too many. Do them slower, make 10 feel like 22
could be a stick figure
All the way down all the way up. Shoulders should be a little more forward than your torso all the way up. Make sure your back is straight as a board and your form is good throughout the motion
I'm going to give you a nonbullshit answer that I've done myself (whoa someone who actually does what they're telling you to do). What I did was, "greasing the groove" First I got my max reps by going to failure then I halved that and that was my working set. I would do this set every hour possible throughout the day. The next day I would simply add one more rep to the set and so forth. In about 2 months I went from 42 push ups max to being able to do ~100. A word of caution. If you follow this program, you run a risk of contracting tendinitis and I've had it for 5 days, but it's about to heal in 2-3 more days. So do this program for about a month, take a break from greasing the groove for 2-3 weeks, then resume until you can reach your target goal. (I suspect my tendinitis came about because I was doing decline pushups 50-60 reps.)
Post chest
It's 4AM and I want to go to bed. I don't have ultra shredded moobs, but I have compact, visible pecs that I can flex. Push ups are more endurance than anything so they normally don't build size, at least not by themselves which is what I did.
I've been stuck at 30 for a week. I got to 35 one day but I felt like I was going to break. I'm on a cut though so I haven't been able to build up any muscle mass. I'm hoping once I start bulking I can get up to 50 pretty fast.