>he lifts weights and wants his woman to also go gym
Are you fucking gay or something? Women are supposed to be spoiled, soft, fat, and lazy. Only men should train hard physically and have muscles. There is nothing sexier than the contrast between a jacked guy and a cute fatty.
He lifts weights and wants his woman to also go gym
fuck off, roastie
Imagine being this delusional.
>doesn't want to feel absolute feminine softness against his jacked physique
Fucking gay
Do you like your women to die at 45?
>imagine being this gay
Thinks I'm a woman, top kek soyboy.
>Americans want their gf to look like a male track and fielder from the 70s instead of a fat slampig with a monster ass and tits bigger than your grandma's.
For your own sake, I hope you never actually hook up with a fat chick
>le being fat will kill you quicker
Like rich piano??
Fucking meme. Tons of fatties in America living until their 70s and 80s.
saying you have big tits because you're fat is like saying you have a fast car because it's falling off a cliff
I exclusively fuck fatties. No better feeling then grabbing a huge fat belly during sex. The more muscle I put on, the more fatties I crave to pound.
Get a hold of this soyboy.
Bottom feeders serve an important role in nature. Thank you for fulfilling your role, OP.
>bottom feeders
I've turned down skinny attractive women on countless occasions, fatties are just superior in every way.
You realize all the fat bitches I fuck would be top tier skinny bitches for most men if they lost the weight?
kek where have I heard this?
you're not funny...... like, at all
>soyboy with the test levels of a 65 year old thinks I'm joking
No way in hell am I gonna deal with the smell those tubs of lard give off long enough to fuck them.
OP I share your attraction to fat women but I can't agree with your claim that it's the way everyone should feel. Personally for me I know it's because I'm mentally ill. After your own body image rots and deteriorates enough, the effect of decay starts extending to how you see the bodies of others as well. I'm not even jacked, in fact I'm literally starving and very fucking proud of it, and in some fucked up parapsychological way, that's exactly why I find fat women attractive.
It does get me going to characterize fat women as lazy and spoiled -- like, in jest -- but I think it's important to bear in mind that in reality, outside the realm of foreplay, not everyone who's soft and fat is "spoiled, soft, fat, and lazy," as you put it. Some are only the two. Mostly because there's being *metabolically* spoiled and lazy, and there's being spoiled and lazy in terms of *character*. I think it's safe to say most people who are fat are spoiled when it comes to food and lazy when it comes to exercise, but not all excess and deprivation surrounds the issue of food, and not all hard work is exercise. It's certainly easy to conceive of a fat person who eats too much, moves too little, lives in difficult and humbling conditions involving deprivation of basic needs other than food, and, in several non-physical regards, works very hard every day. I would go so far as to say a majority of the lower middle class in the US falls under this category.
You should get that checked out.
You know, the brain problems.
And also the being-literally-starving bit. That tends to negatively affect health.
Please leave and never come back
>if you can't overhead press your girlfriend, ether you're not a man or she's not a woman
A sexual fetish doesn't make you mentally ill you retard
He's not saying that, genius, he's saying he's anorexic or something. Why he thinks that's causing his fetish, who knows.
This is what a real high test relationship looks like
Same logic applies here as to fatties themselves: never question the logic of someone crazy enough to slowly kill themself for no good reason, the only answers you'll get won't make any fucking sense.
He's retarded. Sexual fetishes develop when you're 4 or 5 years old.
And I'm 6'5 and 230lbs, been lifting for 3 years.
This guy knows what's up.
You realize that some women also have fat fetishes? Some women love being fat.
What are you talking about? The OP is a fat chick... blue hair and nose rings and all.
OP is tumblr shill.
I'm 6'5 230lbs natty jacked you fucking idiot. I'm not a woman.
No roastie tumblr. Now take your fat ass and do shill somewhere else. You fat acceptance has no welcome here, lardass land whale.
Stop pretending you’re a dude too. We see right through it.
Sure you are, tumblrette. More 5’4” 230 lbs and blubber. Green hair, tattoos, nose ring and wearing your favorite feminist t-shirt as your angry sausage fingers pound away on your crusade to rid the world of fat shaming.
I don't really see what that's got to do with the fact that if you ask a person with a crippling addiction or serious eating disorder why they think the way they do about any given thing they'll just shit out incomprehensible drivel in response.
>hurrrr muh genetics, muh haes, cake is good for ur bones, diet soda don't have calories
>huuurrrrrrrr the reason i like fatties is because im anuhrecksick, celry has too many calories, oh NO i can't eat too much WATER ill get FAT
literally the same exact mental deficiency
Bruh, you're fucking delusional. Why are you so upset by jacked good looking guys like me preferring fatties?
Shitty bait, if your goal was to look like a low T soyboy, it worked.
This is now an EXTRA T H I C C thread
Because you’re larping and not doing a very job with it.
>you’re not a dude
>you’re not jacked
>you ARE a tumblr shill
>you ARE a fat chick
>you are meming and larping thinking you’re going to change Veeky Forumss view on disgusting hamplanets.
Now run along back to tumblr and tell your fellow female hamplanets how you showed us and put us in our place.
This guy gets it
I get what you're going for and feel similar in parts, but anything more than a little bit chubby is too much.
Take the girls posted so far: Not only are they unaesthetic, they are harming their own body.
Nothing better than a cute & chubby wifey for a jacked guy, but this goes too far.
Yeah, nah, coincidentaly way out of the manlet range, jacked and natty AND a fucking degenerate fatty fucker?
I'm sorry, tumblrite, you need to be a bit less blatant with your lies.
Maybe start with claiming to be a reasonably average guy, fairly jacked, and talk about how much you really love your chubby GF, then people might not notice you for the degenerate you are.
Of course, I can't really expect subhuman filth with their brain clogged up by all that lard to be able to think logically enough to not come here and say "I'm actually the real Frank Zane time travelled from the past to tell everyone fucking fat women is amazing" in the hopes of mindfucking some poor guy with abs in to slipping one of you whale pod a length of dick.
>oh NO i can't eat too much WATER ill get FAT
Kek, literally my exact train of thought some days.
Meanwhile when I see fatties indulging in the opposite kind of delusion I encourage them because it turns me on.
I am a hypocrite and a monster :-) Sure glad I won't last much longer, the world really doesn't need people like me.
Tfw you feel this way for real and your beautifully chubby milf gf left you
>Sure glad I won't last much longer, the world really doesn't need people like me.
Legit question.
Are you okay?
Hahaha, no I am most certainly not, but that should be none of your concern.
>Nothing better than a cute & chubby wifey for a jacked guy, but this goes too far.
It's never too far, user
does it turn anyone else on knowing that for a lot of the fat girls you sleep with that you're the fittest person they'll ever sleep with?
imagine their next boyfriend is some twig and he finds out she used to get pounded by a guy that could snap him in half
imagine her thinking about you every time she needs to be turned on
I actually might be a part of the problem where fat chicks seem entitled to having tall fit rich guys and I love it
Girls ideally should be small, slender, cute, and easy to manhandle.
Used to think like this too, but changed my mind when my ex gained some weight.
At the beginning she was like 1,60m 45kg or something with better abs than me but over time she put on maybe 5kg and looked overally just better, well-rounded, softer, more feminine.
I really liked that, what a shame she doesn't want me anymore.
Never found a girl this cute again.
> not want a Veeky Forums gf to compete with and run your dick along her abs like a washboard
Pick one and only one
Stop guys my dick can't take it
That would only turn me on if it was a average or hot chick, not a fat one since that's to easy and I'm not about to lower my standards to such a degree.
>thinks I'm larping
Top kek.
>People think "Tumblr shills" are a real thing
Thats hilarious. Tumblrettes can't survive on Veeky Forums it's like the surface of the sun for them. Their lard would catch fire.
No, these are real fitizens. Traitors. Men who must be corrected.
... Just kidding, I'm into it too. Rock on OP. Fat girls are the best lifting/test fuel ever invented.
>Do you like your women to die at 45?
Yes, that way you get get a younger woman without feeling bad.
nice b8
>muh strawman
Testlet detected
Nice to see so many fellow fatty lovers that lift.
There was a crusade against us recently. Like an actual meta thread.
I'm not sure if I'm angry about the pointless butthurt over our tastes, or proud.
How the fuck do you people deal with the smell? Or the fact that they look like blobs of flesh?
Fuck.. hnngggg
Only stupid fat girls actually smell. Any fat girl with an actual IQ knows to take care of their hygiene and use beauty products like thin girls do.
Only stupid trailer trash fat girls don't take care of themselves.
Why the fuck are you comparing your girlfriends tits to your grandmother's?
>this is what a real high test relationship looks like
Glad she feels pretty enough to wear five pounds of makeup.
Nigga this is shit bait. This whole thread is shit bait. Get andy Goddamn six on the line cause this whole damn board is shit bait
>only stupid fat girls don't take care of themselves
So answer the question, how do you stand the smell? Cause any woman who is this grossly obese is as stupid as the day is long
Are you Obama Leaf cause you are btfo Veeky Forums?
>Self control equals intelligence
Have you ever, ever met a man in the STEM fields? Or pharmacist? Fucking slobs, every one. Mental aptitude is not equivalent to fatness, unfortunately for your worldview.
I don't want my woman to go to the gym but I don't wanna feel like I have a large pack of yeast on my dick. Fat women are just ugly and unappealing.Plus size is one thing but being a land whale is another.
I agree. I love seeing my girlfriend die at 30 too.
Reported for marketing and going against board culture.
This isn't even a troll at this point.
It's a direct attempt to influence people into becoming BBW lusting degenerates.
It's not as bad as the trannies and queers but it's up there.
apaznte maromme
I agree to an extent. My ex was by no means fat but she had a nice curvy figure and hitting her from the back, seeing her ass ripple and tits bounce around while miring my gains in the mirror is a great feeling.
You won't get that from some rock solid gym bunny
ohhhh yea, heavy breathing and strange smells are soooooo hot
I find fat women disgustingly lazy and inferior, but it turns me on. I love hatefucking fat women
Before this thread is pruned I want you to know that I fully agree with you. Men should be in fit physical shape and women should be allowed (even encouraged) to get as fat as they like.
Obese girls are the ultimate form.