cbt bulk or cut edition
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>If you ever wish to achieve your full potential..
>You must grow.
>at least like five inches.
>180 cm
>80 kg
>pectus excavatum
>wide hips
>small wrists
Wat do
Wtf dude how can you weigh 80kg at 180cm with a body like this one?
Instead of encouraging skinny fats to cut, why not just tell them to workout and eat. If you're smart enough, you should have figured out by now that food is essential to get lean body.
I don't have a scale but i suppose that's my weight, not really sure tho
I won't cut until june maybe
6'3" 200lbs
5'5 167 lbs
Weirdly, I've gotten smaller recently. Lifts are all increasing as usual. Kinda worried, I was working with an ALS patient the other day who told me that his first sign was declining progress at the gym. Definitely paranoid about neurodegenerative disorder but it's probably that I'm not earing enough or spending enough time in the gym. Not that I have the option to spend more time.
5'11" 176. Been lifting for about 16 months, 1,090lb total
Oh and 6'4" 250 lbs
6' - 75kg
I've been lifting for about a year and eating at maintenance for a couple of months.
Literally don't know what to do :(
you should weight yourself. I've got same height + thicker than you, and I'm at 76kg
Barely lifted at all the past month but I'm still eating non-stop, depressed bros where we @
Bulk through the winter, wear hoodies
Looking great baby, do whatever you damn well please
Bulk for sure
I don't really want to get bigger. Maybe a bit leaner. I've been maintaining this body for almost 6 months now though. Getting leaner from this point requires sacrifices that I don't want to make, as does getting stronger.
It's a strange kind of feel being content with my body, it makes me worry that I might start slipping.
It's gonne be summer here, tho' lol
But thx
should cut a little, imo. You'd look nice
you weigh 70 kilos max
you're delusional
be my bf?
Currently bulking
goalbody desu senpai
what do you do for your back?
traps are shit, abs are shit, legs are probably shit
5'7 190lbs
I do pull-ups and muscle ups every workout.
Heavy deadlifting, Dumbell rows and seated cable rows are my main back work, with pull downs and straight arm pull downs as assistance.
My legs aren't too bad. Nothing special like. I don't really want them any bigger, and same for traps. I never isolate traps because I think big traps look bad.
Either way I doubt you look good. Evidenced by your lack of realising I'm flaring my lats which will make anybody's traps look their worst.
6'0 189lbs
Cut or bulk?
Forgot pic
that phone is as big as your abdomen
I can tell you're some dyel.
Literally me
natty? routine? stats?
be less gay
june will be too late
best one in thread
hgh before its too late to grow
could go either way, id recomp first
actually lift
you too
bulkable. could cut sub 10% to look even better
but not lifting apparently
roids but looks pretty good
cut to 10-12% first then bulk
finally decided to not be a lazy glutton and stick to a diet. down from 195ish to 178. lifts have suffered a bit but its been well worth it.
changed my mind. you should bulk
arms look much better mirin progress
thanks man.
i just looked at my progress pic folder for the first time in a hot minute. its pretty crazy that i started from this when i first began lifting
I need to cut pretty badly for this cosplay but im only 20 lbs off both a 2 plate ohp and a 4plate squat and then 10 lbs off a 5 plate diddy. Do I continue with my bulk until I hit those numbers or do I start my cut now?
Currently weight 130lbs, trying to gain more muscles, Cut or Bulk?
5pl8 is just a number brah
i thought id feel a sense of accomplishment when i hit it and then when i did it felt no different than any other deadlift pr id hit.
just cut, your strength might go down a bit but itll go up again eventually
No, PPL, 2/3/4/5, 8 reps each exept OHP
what do you want to cut? do you think there is a treasure of muscle hidden behind those last few kgs of fat? you need to start lifting and permabulk for at least 2 years before you even CONSIDER cutting
Just started lifting 3 weeka ago. I'll check back in 6 months.
chad mode desu
you like user? :)
more like hipster guido mode
today I had dinner with my little bro and muh best homie, I bought rosstbeef for the crew and had a feast
tfw feeding my crew
tfw chad
natural btw
I lift your faggot ass up and fuck you bareback in the standing press position, Jerry
Probably just maintain desu. I don't like thin cores but that's just my taste so if you bulk go bear mode
Veeky Forums is so fucking gay
whats rosstbeef?
Lifting for one year doing pplpplx, currently cutting for at least another month as I want to become non-fat for the first time in my life. Any critique?
I don't think anyone would accuse you of not being natty m8. You're still pretty dyel. Keep bulking.
Forearms could use work for sure. Not bad for a year though. Did you start from fat or skinny fat?
Back shot?
I‘m 6‘5 you small twink
have a nice life never getting out of dyel mode u lanklet lmao
He's flaring his lats you dyel
No need to get mad nigger. I'm 6'0 and I'm not small. I'm just saying you look dyel. That's the curse of being over 6'2. It's fucking hard too look like you lift without roids.
>tfw 6'0 is the ideal height to get easy gains but still be tall enough for women to not think you're a manlet.
Started from fat, not obese but like 100kg with little amount of muscle and 6'2 for reference, been fat all my life pretty much. And yeah, the only thing I do that hits my forearms right now are some hammer curls, I should do some direct forearm work at the end of my pull days but they're pretty high volume and I really don't feel like doing any more when I'm done.
Hard to take back pics, but here you go.
Mate that's really good progress. Well done. Work on your rear delts too. Can't tell properly from light but almost everyone has shit rear delts cos they're hard to learn to target. Face pulls are the key but face pulls take a while to get the hang of to do them properly. They're easy to cheat.
Thanks bro, appreciate it. I actually do face pulls like 4x10-12 every pull day, so twice a week. Though I'm still not sure if I'm doing them correctly to hit the rear delts as much as possible. Got any good cues?
190 cm
70 kg
Am i skinny fat? Im skinny but still my belly is fatty..
Cut or bulk?
It took me year to get it right. First I'm assuming you're holding the ropes so the plastic end of it is by your thumb not by your little finger. U basically have to stand upright. It's easy to cheat by leaning back into them. If ur doing it right you'll only feel it in your rear delts and a little bit in lats. It'll feel like your gonna get dragged forward onto your tiptoes. You keep stable by squeezing your ass and core and lower back tight. Start at the lowest weight. The higher the weight the more you'll try to lean back and cheat. Use a mirror to make sure you're upright.
Omar Isluf has a pretty good vid on how to do them on YouTube.
That athlean x guy on YouTube has a good video about how to stand upright. It's harder than it seems. His vid is like the 5 cues to have good posture or something. I'll try to find it
I do PPL 3 days a week except these last few months I've been doing boxing club instead of legs cos I'm on a cut, and wanna get better at boxing. they make us do loads of legs and body weight stuff in the boxing class anyway.
Don't really have a set routine I just do what I feel like. Recently been doing a lot of OHP pull ups and weighted neck curls cos I want a massive neck.
Lift and bulk. Skinnyfat.
Here's the vid that shows you how to stand upright. Do these steps and keep in that position when doing face pulls. youtu.be
Even though I haven't reached anywhere near my goal yet I still get tons of mires by girls I know
left is just less bf%, right?
ayy lmao
I am liftin and bulkin. Just i started as 55kg. You dont have to be offensive. We all try to make ourselves better.
Here's me now which is about 2 weeks since first pic
Btw I'm 6' 167 pounds
Holy shit. Yea I hold them right but, I've been doing them kinda leaned for a long time. I'll definitely lower the weight and try upright ones next time. Btw, is it important to retract the shoulderblades as part of the movement?
Yeah and at the start of the movement they're protracted with your shoulders forward. Really focus on rear shoulder doing the work.
Posting more dyel
just bulk
Ew, wth is up with your body?
oh shit you got btfo by
you need to lift, those twig arms will lose you friends like legit.
Exhale you retard.
You wanna see my calves?
you should try doing tricep workouts one day user
you mean he should begin lifting in general instead of being the prince of prom?
Was auswitz mode, started lifting a year later not knowing what the fuck I was doing and eating everything in sight. Got up to 20% body fat. Spent 5 months cutting from top right to bottom left. Currently lean bulking, 3 months. All my lifts have gone up in these three months but getting anxious of losing my definition. That fear of going back to 20% is so real. Should I just keep bulking or do a mini cut in a month or so?
I'm just standing straight cuck
Good progress user. You could have gone from top right to bottom left in maybe 20 days if you fasted though.
Doesn't that make you lose muscles though?