The snatch is literally the greatest display of strength possible. Prove me wrong. Top tip: you can't. Inb4 butthurt powerfatties.
The snatch is literally the greatest display of strength possible. Prove me wrong. Top tip: you can't...
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>tfw can't snatch more than 145 lbs because it feels like my shoulders are gonna snap
c+j is superior in every way for strength display
>muh superior because you can lift more weight
uhhh....yeah. that's what strength is
Uhm, no, because the movement itself can make something more difficult and impressive. The snatch is far more impressive because it requires more power, is done from a mechanically disadvantaged position, and you get the weight over your head in one motion.
>The snatch is literally the greatest display of power possible. Prove me wrong. Top tip: you can't. Inb4 butthurt powerfatties.
nah, that would be the deadlift
>The snatch is literally the greatest display of strength possible
Not at all. Weightlifting in general is not really about strength.
t. weightlifter.
>strength and power aren't related
Everything in lifting requires both. Even 'pure' strength lifts like the deadlift. Hence why I said srength feat to be as general as possible.
Oly weightlifting is about explosiveness and technique, not necessarily strength.
I'dd say deadlift is definitely a better measure of pure overall strength, even though I such at it.
Big snatchers can deadlift big numbers. Big deadlifters can't snatch big numbers.
You're retarded if you think deadlifting is more impressive.
Overhead press is cooler.
Deadlift is cooler too, but only conventional.
>strength feats don't have power or explosiveness component
>thinks technique makes you magically stronger
You're confusing a stength feat with a 'pure' strength lift.
>throwing a weight over your head from the floor is less cool than standing and pressing it from your shoulders
Yes, because they don't know how.
A champion female weightlifter can for sure snatch a lot more than a male champion powerlifter, does that mean she is stronger? Absolutely not!
Yeah, that's correct.
snatch is way too mindset based, i.e. there's a huge skill component... klokov says it himself.
Sure, it's one of the most impressive strength feats but to say it's the greatest display of strength is a bit far-fetched. Something less dependent on your daily form would be better
I'm not arguing that big snatchers are stronger retard. I'm arguing that the snatch is a more impressive stength feat. It requires strength, power, and explosiveness done from a disadvantaged mechanical position and in one motion. Making it more impressive overall than any other lift. You need more talent to do a big snatch than anything else too.
Sure, it's a very difficult movement.
However, as a pure measure of strength it falls short.
That's not what I argued, so no idea why you're stuck on this. Snatch is more impressive and difficult to do than any stength movement, hence it's the most impressive stength feat. Nothing in powerlarding or strongman compares to someone snatching 217kg.
This is cooler and more impressive than what any of those guys have done and it was done in the 70s. If the clean and press was still in oly lifting, we'd have seen more impressive numbers still.
>500lb hambeast in a thong and leotard
It's impressive but it's just not that cool bud
I'm glad strongmen didn't adapt this retarded style of layback pressing
i'd rather stick to my 1pl8 OHP while being lean and ripped than press 5pl8 and look like a fat truck driver
The olympic lifts are too technique dominant to be a display of raw strength.
Any of the top strongman competitors would struggle to snatch the numbers even lower weight class Oly lifters can do. You'd be a retard to say the oly manlets are stronger though.
Snatch is the greatest display of power yes. But the deadlift is the greatest display of strength.
Fuck off go do snatches and die by snatches themselves,bitch.
> display of strength
Yeah, also body proportions. You can be strong as fuck but if you're lanky with long femurs and whatnot that bar ain't going that high.
First of all, I'm not arguing what is the most impressive display of raw strength or static stength. I'm arguing about what is the most impressive stength feat. Big distinction. Strength is more than just static stength, it's also power and explosiveness. So a stength feat must include all related components of strength.
Most lifters in the supers are over 194cm.
And the manlet oly lifters in lower weight classes will no doubt be stronger kilo for kilo.
He has a lower body weight than the obese strongman in the imagine of the post I replied to. Nice dodging of context faggots. I was obviously comparing the biggest guys.
>Soyboy is out of arguments
Snatch, deadlift, clean and jerk, squat and push press are the greatest tests of overall body strength.
>lifting weights is a good test of strength
clean and press>clean and jerk
For strength I'd say the squat, for power though you're definitely right in saying it's the snatch.
This. It’s really power+technique
gymnastics is literally the greatest display of strength possible
>comparing bodyweight exercises to barbell and weights
oly lifts: technique >>>>> power/explosion >> strenght
once you reach a respectable weight in CJ and snatch, you can be fucking strong, you will fail EVERY lift if your technique isn't good every single rep.
most important role of strenght in oly lifts is the squatting and being able to hold the weight overhead. to move the weight it is basically explosion.
I love oly lifting, but the snatch is not a feat of strength, it's a feat of power and technique, and it's second to the CnJ as a feat of power
Might as well say dumbell curls are a display of strength too
>cnj and snatches don't involve stength
I didn't say that. While a snatch involves strength, there are too many other factors that are more important to consider it a feat of strength.
ninja turtle swag
you can make it work
That guy doesn't actually have particularly long femurs though.
I'm not impressed with the female snatch.
I can 1 arm muscle snatch (zero knee bend) a 135 barbell easily, most days without any warmup. But I have never snatched cuz im not flexible and CBF to learn technique. I'm also 6'8 with an 8 foot reach so that's how far I'm throwing it. I'm clearly stronger and more powerful than any oly manlet ITT but I can't snatch so they will still claim dominance :DDDD
This is like bragging about your leg press to a powerlifter
The greatest display of stregnth is not braging on Veeky Forums.
>here let me use momentum to put something I clearly cant actually lift over my head
>what could go wrong
overhead press or kys
Guys as tall as you need to gain more weight. Best snatcher in the woeld is 6'6. I'm 6'4 and need to gain weight also.
>can't lift but you can throw over you head or clean and jerk or clean and press more
Power >>> strength
It's easier to bail out of bad max effort oly lifts than a bad bench or squat.
Wrong. It's the greatest display of power. The greatest display of strength is a tossup between squat and deadlift
>doing 1 rep maxes
If you cant do it at least 5 times dont it
>leaving /ourguy/ Radzikowski out of the filename
high bar squats are pretty easy to bail though
>power and stength aren't relsted when it comes to barbell lifts
Even a slow as fuck deadlift requires power
Strength is the production of force against an external resistance. Power is the production of force over the time it takes to produce such force
IE. A deadlift can be done slowly. You can grind out a deadlift, making it take a few seconds to complete. You can't do the snatch slowly. Therefore the snatch is a representation of power and the deadlift is a representation of strength
Wrong. There is a minimum amount of power for every lift.
deadlift into reverse barbell curl into ohp would be a greater show of strength
There's technically power in every movement, but to call Snatch a strength exercise and deadlift a power exercise is fucking retarded
Randy? Shouldn't he be on patrol with Mr. Lahey?