hahahahahaha burger :DDDD
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Other urls found in this thread:
6x5 squat @80%
w2 cuckols dl 1x int for jeffersons
heavy tbar rows
incline curls
Can I replace deadlift variations on c6w with just lighter deadlifts if I feel that what I need is just to deadlift more?
>I-It's not about feelings guys !
>j-just judge the weight on how it felt last set
Mike on suicide watch
my lats traps and delts are killing me so i just did high volume bodyweight dips today
gonna eat this in few min lads
get on that onion garlic gain train
also her vagoo on far right
>white roast
>j-just judge the weight on how it felt last set
It's an issue of conflating emotional 'feeling' i.e 'that felt heavy' with 'feeling how many reps are left'.
Qualitative Vs quantative.
Just need to be a human tendo unit desu lads
>J&T2.0 first week
boios i wasnt ready for that volume
this tbqh, I am a weak fat GDE, every set feels heavy, but I can still make out a difference between how many I have left (or, not, in some cases)
What's your setup like? The default sheets just looks like a redundant mess of exercises.
what does this mean?
giant dick eater Tbh
Great Dane Enjoyer, essentially a bestiality aficionado
Gargantuan diamond erections
Google Developer Expert
genetic dead end. 100% serious.
Good duck eater.
Pretty much if you eat duck you lose 20kgs off your total per 1g of duck
God Damn (I miss) (h)Er
God damnit eric, it's a silly meme about Eric lilibridge being racist
I hate you but I admire your dedication
>tfw you missed out on teen love
>but you almost had a chance at loving trappy
so you mean if I take the special box at my Asian (contains roughly a pound of duck) I will have a negative ton total
I forgot I was British and somebody asked if I was alright and said yes I am thank you when I meant to just say alright right
Why is there one of them at every school? Ours was called Kim Williams. Proper moon face like that too. In year 11 a rumour went round she wanked off the caretaker causing his marriage to one of the dinner ladies to collapse.
>just English school things
I like getting to the point with an acquaintance when you ask each other how you are you're allowed to mention how tired you are but that's it.
My schools was Donya. Apparently she e-dates on discord now.
we had a Cindy
gave some mean head tho
>what does this mean?
It is an acronym for "gravity dominated effiminate", and it means that anyone with less than a 20" vertical jump is not made for strength sports.
I am always sad being by myself, but I never think I am alone when I am with you guys. I love you /plg/, it's unfortunate I will probably never meet or lift with any of you.
Just used the default sheet but 3rd day is T1 dead, T2a front squats instead of front squats/back squats.
Also planning a 5th day for back work.
Weird. I feel alone all the time even with you guys :D
Take it to /soc/, you needy faggot. We don't need a girlfriend here
You still haven't posted your squat
Take asin or another suicidal AI after you get done with the tamox or the ralox then to avoid an estrogen rebound.
It's all qualitative. RPE is like those personality surveys that ask how much one identifies with a statement on a scale of 1 to 5. It's a rough way to quantify a qualitative feeling.
It has its uses, but actually quantitative data would be a measurement of bar speed during the concentric portion of the lift, or some such.
haha ok raffy
I felt like I've always felt like my vertical of 22 inches (56 cm) has been really good :(
True, but Helm's and Zourdo's research on RPE found that for experienced RPE users their ratings matched velocity measuring anyway.
Once you've built the skill it's practically quantative anyway, yes you're using a subjective measure, but you're still focusing on a quantitative measure - i.e quantity of reps in reserve, rather than commenting on the 'quality' of the set.
>beer exploded on the ride home
Why is a good vertical so important?
Sure, I'll post mine. What is your squat?
I think its a good indicator of explosive potential. Im guessing thats the reason.
Probably to do with transfer of explosive power.
Cause its funny
This was the most autistic post I've ever read
>Why is a good vertical so important
It is an indicator of fast twitch muscle fiber ratio.
A good vertical doesn't mean that you're guaranteed to be a good powerlifter, but a bad vertical jump guarantees that you will never be a proficient powerlifter.
I wonder how high Jezza and Ray can jump
I have a 31 inch vertical is that good?
>Jezza and Ray can jump
Higher than you think.
Either a box jump, or God tier fast twitch.
is that ham expensive
Let's see your impressive squat first, you've been shitposting for 2 days after you got your inflated vertical jump
football players literally train for power tho not sure how that chart proves anything
oh right forgot that you were a total hack
Not a box jump
How do I measure my vertical at home in my living room?
Only counts if done with a Vertec with an experienced operator. Otherwise you can easily inflate.
Fuark the 2 pots of coffee i drank made the 6x5 feel like light weight. thanks bugez.
What ever happened to Esmeralda?
You can't. See.
wtf I love figboi now
Cucked isley with some niggers and left plg
Why? He got owned here
Wow, rude. Islet AGREED to watch.
>football players literally train for power
Vert jump is improveable via training about 15 % max for healthy males.
Reach as high as you can and mark a wall. Then jump with no run approach. The difference in height is your vertical.
Less than 20" means that lifting will be a hobby at best.
>sport science
>Vert jump is improveable via training about 15 % max for healthy males.
hello mark rippetoe didnt know you posted here
Tick tock shitposter where is the squat vid.
trip on mike
He's right.
My dicks just TOO BIG
>My dicks just TOO BIG
Tick tock shitposter where is the dick vid.
You want one fag? Admit you're a fag and want to see my dick first
No, you'll die
Friendly reminder if you can't squat 200kg your opinion is irrelevant
If I know I could, but have not yet done it, does my opinion count?
Is this the guy that posts his poop all the time?
>does my opinion count?
This is a general for powerlifting. 200kg is barely respectable.
Only once
Ok, then I will do it at the end of my training cycle so my opinion can count
If I can squat 75kg does my opinion count?
If you haven't done it you haven't done it. Even if you managed 20 reps with 199
If you can squat 200kg you can squat 75kg.
Drinking and answering your (((power)))lifting question.
Whats on your mind?
What are your one rep maxes?
>If I know I could, but have not yet done it
you know what this means
it means fuck all
if you havent actually lifted something then you havent lifted it
really easy rule to remember
Some of those are in lbs, some of those are in kg, and they're in no particular order so reel free to figure it out
That is sad. You shouldn't give advice or even post so much.
mate i will fucking end you
130 lb dl 160 lbs squat 450 kg bench , right?
pretty easy Tbh
>bench 450kg
>you shouldn't give advice
>Literally a study on powerlifters
>Not relevant
Why would LARPing be a hobby on a japanese cartoon forum? Are you Raffy?
What is your vertical jump? I'm trying to understand your shitty squat and deadlift.
>1 minute apart
Who wudda have thought the Sean obsessed buda lite is the vertical jump obsessed shit poster