>lurk Veeky Forums
>decide to try going to the gym
>complete skeleton male
>read people squatting several pl8s
>try squatting
>max 85 lbs
>tfw you realize you're way below average at everything
Lurk Veeky Forums
I can barely squat the bar
Sucking at something is just the first step at sorta being okay at something. don't stop
Someone post the romanian weightlifting jesus story
next week, go back and squat 90lbs. the week after, squat 95lbs. keep at it and in a year, you'll be lifting with the big boys.
>You're way below average at everything
Not only did you just start OP, but you're also a skeleton i.e have a weaker starting point, I feel you on this heavy. Like said, add 5lbs more next time, 5 more the next time, so on and so forth, the weight will get big fast.
Thank you guys I will keep at it
post tits
Hey man, we all start somewhere
>tfw you realize you're way below average at everything
I know this feel son. I started at just the bar for bench and squat and now I can do 1pl8 on each. just keep going you took the first step to improving. now keep squatting that bar and you will get the gains.
you took the step most motherfuckers avoid.
Keep at it and eat more senpai, I can't stress that enough
Your first stop on the road to making it, is stopping yourself from making feminine attention seeking beta threads like this.
Stop lifting you fucking loser.
In a year you'll be glad with your progress
lift and eat for a year and you'll start being stronger than dyels
lift and eat for a decade and you'll be stronger than other gym-goers
>I haven't become a strength mutant despite going to the gym 1 (ONE) time.
Do you mean Russian? Cuz I found this:
>"One of the first times I benched, probably two or three weeks in to lifting, I got a little overconfident. Got pinned under the weight, and being new, I didn’t know what to do.
>This guy comes over and pretty much deadlifts the weight right off me without even a grunt. I mutter something embarrassed “Thanks man, I guess I’m tired or something, I dunno mutter mutter.”
>He lets out sort of a chuckle and with a thick russian accent says, “Do not get ashame. You try for more you can do today, but tomorrow, you lift more. Everyone beginning somewhere, soon you will be strong.”
>He finished his workout and left. I don’t think I ever saw him again. I think I met a Russian weightlifting Jesus or something."
A life of little physical activity will do that to a person. Work at it hard for 6 months, diet included, and you'll be above average in everything. It takes that little amount of time. Unless you got low test then you've got to shoot up at some point.
>Max 85 lbs
I've been lifting since summer and I'm at at fucking 50.
Are you not counting the bar?
Every now and then, I see people at my gym give the squat rack a try for what seems like their first time. They can maybe do only 85 lbs at most. Their form is absolutely bow legged dog shit and are far from reaching depth. I probably started around that weight too, but I'm closing in on 3pl8 soon. So yeah, you're basically a gym normie so you're either gonna keep training and make it or you're gonna be like those people I see only once at the gym and then never come back.
What's important is not where you start, or where you end up. Ultimately, if you keep struggling you will realize that the journey is worth it in and of itself. Take heart, friend, we all started somewhere. I'm still a weak DYEL, but that doesn't matter. All that matters is that I've learned to love the journey. You will as well.
Don't bother. You'll never catch up, and you'll just embarrass yourself trying.
Being this weak is quite normal for someone who was previously sedentary. Just keep at it.
Get better idiot.
who cares if you're below average brah, the whole point of going to the gym is to get STRONGER. Add a small amount to each of your lifts every session and after a year you will be way above average.
>start something new
>realize your suck
Bad mindset, results will come with hard work and dedication.
eat big to get big bro
we are all gonna make it
You're not competing against anyone except yourself. You must be the sole reference in your point of view. It's what about YOU do, not what other people have done. You can only lift 85 pounds ? That's good. Keep at it. People you see that lift 300 pounds+ may have started weaker than you, but here they are. Just focus, have a hard good look at what you do, and never give up. It's long path, a hard one, but a well worth one too.
everyone started low, you're no exception. now 85 lbs be pretty bad but keep up the work and you'll squat decent weight after some months/years. don't look ahead of the long road in front of you, just get your ass to the gym, don't skip a day and you'll wake up one day and see all the progress you have made
That's not bad at all. I started at 90 5 months ago now at 260. The strength will come, but you must believe
Post tits.
>first time doing something new
>surprised when I'm not exceptional at it
oh boy we've a got a big one here jim