Veeky Forums humor
If i wanted humour id tell you my one rep max
Fucking digits
Oh I am laffin
>I've been eat and drinking on these calories for over a decade at this point.
>No reason to change habits now. /shrug
Here we go
>championing giving up on functioning properly in the social fear.
enjoy your loneliness, poor health and misplaced sense of pride. Why are people like this? It honestly makes me sad
If that was my child,i would beat him to death and shove a bat up it's ass for being so autistic
The better question is, how pathetic do you have to be for black lipstick and tucking in your shirt to be grand acts of rebellion and self-empowerment? I get it, society puts a lot of pressure on women to be pretty, but there's plenty of women who wear no lipstick, dress in rags, live in abandoned buildings, steal all their food, and join folk bands where they sing on the street corner about blowing up the White House. That's freedom. This is just being kind of a slob.
Can someone please post some Sir comics? I've lost all of my.
>tfw I'm included in the screencap
Only have like 2
Kek these are great.
Imagine the male version of this.
It’s literally celebrating becoming a disguting antisocial hunk of shit.
‘I stopped shaving under my chin.’
‘I didn’t mind wearing cargo shorts anymore.’
‘I let my acnee flare up.’
‘Stinky? Who cares!’
The bext steps are ‘shit myself, feeling fine!’
How does anyone with a functioning brain find this funny?
NEVER IMPROVE already exists
If you don't see the joke I'm afraid to tell you, you might be autistic.
Oh boy, here we go
This one just ,add me sad because Veeky Forums is nothing like this anymore. Too many of the old gods have left humanity behind.
Truly, those were golden days.
those men are called powerlifters
depends on the powerlifter though
I remember this fucking guy. I cried laughing reading that thread.
found it
im a powerlifter, it was a joke
>having this low self-esteem you make jokes about yourself all the time
Let me tell you user that I really love you and wish you all gains in the world. Please stop embarrassing yourself any further.
Thank you user
>tfw in the screencap
jesus, i'm glad I literally just finished speaking to my mom on the phone
she was calling me because she remembered that she "owed" me a winter coat and found one that she thought I might like :) I have one with me here at school though so she's going to give me an instant pot for christmas instead
ily mummy
I highly doubt it
nice numerals
Oh shii
holy shit I'm dying, I had seen that pic but never knew the context. Just assumed he was some douche bro who thought the shirt was xD random.
holy kek, the digits
Hey, that's pretty good