Is boxing the most viable martial arts to learn for street self defence and taking out the average guy...

Is boxing the most viable martial arts to learn for street self defence and taking out the average guy? It seems quick to learn and would put you leagues above anyone who's untrained in a fight scenario

Any better options?

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BJJ is the best option imho.

Muay thai

I've been boxing for 5 years
Knocked out a guy with a Pimp Slap while yelling "Begone Thot" because he kept pushing me in the street while being drunk, it gives you exceptional fighting potential against a non-trained fighter, you are fucked if you fuck with a more complete fighter

BJJ will better prepare you for situations where you have no choice but to defend yourself. i.e. somebody grabs you, tackles you, etc.

Boxing will give you good hands fast, but a lot of the situations where it's most useful are also ones where you can just walk away. And walking away is something you'll learn how to do if you've been training hard for long enough.


*takes out a gun and shoots you*

pretty accurate, knowing how to punch alone properly already puts you ahead of 99% of people
when a street fight breaks out people throw wild, uncoordinated punches with no power behind them
not that you should ever get in one since any lucky shot that someone might land on you may result in you dying or hitting the concrete and being paralyzed from the neck down

If you know how to tuck in your neck and chin the chances of being knocked out by an punch with no power are almost zero

only punches with the body behind them can knock someone out

The most viable martial art is carrying a can of AXE on you at all times and practicing snapkick.
I think they're from like kenpo or some shit? Not hard, basically you kick up from the ground in a smooth motion instead of winding up, and you keep your toe pointed. Definitely the fastest kick starting with your leg already on the ground, it's punch-tier speed with practice. The downside is if you're retarded and pick the wrong target you can fuck up your foot because you're striking with the top of it or the toe.
Step 1: Block the first strike (nearly ALWAYS a right punch at chest or face level) with your non-AXE hand. You can grab if you want but it's easier to just block with your hand/forearm, literally any martial art style can teach you how to block a right punch simply and effectively. You're not doing a grab-and-pull or a joint lock or anything fancy and you don't want them getting too close.
Step 2: Make a feint in return with your non-AXE hand while your AXE hand gets out your AXE, then you spray it all over the fucker, right in the eyes/face/mouth. Why not mace? Because if the wind suddenly picks up you'll mace yourself, so AXE is safer. And funnier. This is actually a momentary distraction/blinding/blocking vision, not an attack, anyways.
Step 3: Snapkick the fucker right in the balls. If you miss take a step forward while still spraying the AXE and do it again.
Step 4: Repeat step 3 a few times for good measure, you don't want that faggot chasing you after he recovers.
Step 5: Maybe stomp on his chest a little once he goes down if you really want to keep him down for a bit.
Step 6: Leave, but empty his pockets first. Don't want the stuff? Burn or throw in river, fuck that faggot.

>but muh honor
Honor is for duels and exhibitions, self-defense of any kind is for defending yourself. Don't expect some random faggot attacking people on the street to have a code of honor and not fight dirty, and don't show them any mercy either.

The absolutely best street fighting martial art for 9/10 success is RUNNING

Can we compromise on AXE + running?
It's a secret jitsu which reduces their lung effectiveness.

Tight defense / peekaboo boxing will make you a finely tuned weapon in a very short time. Accept no substitute.

This 100%, muy thai is full on. So many simple moves to unleash on someone with the use of knees, elbows, kicks and punches. Absolute devestating results against an untrained fighter. And peek aboo boxing is very very reliable.

untrained fighter simply can not defend against kicks when thrown in a simple combo with punches .it takes time sparing to train your brain to react against kicks within combos
Muay Thai is very effective

Definitely not. Hands aren't that good in a street fight, they are surprisingly easy to break on a skull especially when you are used to boxing gloves.

It has elements of good street defence but going to the ground is generally suicide especially in a situation outside a bar where they are likely to have friends who will stamp you into the concrete.

Krav maga is the best for typical street defence, knowledge of Muay Thai and BJJ is excellent too since clinch + elbows, knee, RNC and guillotine are the best weapons are probably the best weapons to have. Krav maga is excellent in terms of developing the best kind of psychology for REAL violence, making you fully accept that you will need to bite out necks to survive at times

I win all my fights by at least 100 yards.

learn how to throw a punch properly and unless you have little bitch nigga hands you'll be alright. BJJ will get you raped.

Low kicks are very underrated for street defence, especially against boxers who have their leg side on. Once scrapped with a roided up bouncer, swung a kick just above their knee and it crippled him took him out the fight immediately. I guess he had bad joints.

you mean you swung a low-test kick at him which he didn't even feel and then he fisted your asshole for 15 minutes straight

You have to throw it with a sideways fist to connect with the two hard knuckles, connect with the low ones and you're fucked. Also its easy to connect with the forehead when it gets wild.

Learning how to use elbows and open hands is a good use of your time, punches can be useful if you have a clear shot at the chin or if you can get some good shots to the liver in. The idea that you can just box your way out of a fight is laughable though, especially when someone grabs you (which happens often).

Nah, wasn't 15 straight we took breaks to add lube when it got dry


nigger what. Jack Dempsey teaches striking with the bottom three knuckles because on most people's hands they line up nicely. Additionally, you should not be stupid enough to punch someone in the head since the skull is one of the hardest things in your fucking body. That's why boxers aim for the jaw and nose to incapacitate and knock opponents out.

Only faggy TMA's teach punching with the first two knuckles.

Yeah boxing makes your stance side on and very very vulnerable to low kicks.

Famous fight being 1988 Rick Roufus vs Changpeuk Katsongrit

Can find a dozen videos of boxers on youtube fighting off a group of attackers
Can not find one single video of someone who's trained in krav maga.
I shit you not I actually found someone who ipmanned the fuck out of a mugger, but I've not found a single person using kravmaga. Haven't found anyone using akido either.

Most people keep chin down and protected so obviously shit gets in the way if they are defensively savvy. Cheeks are pretty hard as are temples. Fuck the bottom two, the low one especially breaks very easily.

Aikido is indeed complete bullshit.



have you ever seen yard apes or ghetto trash fight? defense isn't even part of their vocabulary.

>using reddit as a source
I'll let you try again later

>The idea that you can just box your way out of a fight is laughable though

your opinion is shit.

nice knockouts, anyone got any other good martial arts self defence knockouts, bonus points for multiple victims

>Is boxing the most viable martial arts to learn for street self defence and taking out the average guy?
yes, that or muay thai
>Any better options?
no. most street fights won't end up being 1v1. you don't want to go to the ground. any striking art that isn't muay thai or boxing is a waste of time.
t. someone that wrestled for 8 years

No, this is.

Boxing is good, but you don't wanna break your hands in a street fight

>spending all your time practicing getting hit in the head with soft gloves

>Implying you would be sparring constantly

>Any better options?
get a gun

There's very few fights that you need to have in your life. It's better to just walk away in 99% of cases, but if you absolutely have to fight you'd be better off grabbing an instrument in the off chance they have a knife or friends.
No martial art is good for a street fight, but in terms of helping you win one on one BJJ is probably the most helpful since most fights end on the ground. Boxing training would help more than hurt but often times you're not gonna get any combinations or jabs off when they just run straight at you often with haymakers. And you're not going to do a sweet dodge + liver blow combo like in the movies, shit happens too fast.
Remember, best case scenario of a fight is you punch the other guy once and he backs off. But that won't happen, usually you'll have to get someone to the point where they can't move, and that would either mean the risk of accidentally killing them (punches to the head risk brain damage, especially to the back) or debilitating injuries which can get you in legal trouble. Not to mention you'll hurt your own hand most likely if you punch someone, and this is provided you don't get your ass kicked yourself.

Just don't bother. I'd rather be a pussy and run away from a fight than finding out the hard way he has 5 buddies with him.

how is boxing gonna protect you if someone grabs you or tackles you?

You'll have the same chance as you would normally, but you'll be better built to deal with it.


martial arts are sports and shouldn't be practiced with "streetfighting" in mind, you do them for conditioning and rivalry in sportsmanship

you want to handle street threats, carry a gun or some other weapon, learn to use that - you'll be able to fuck up any martial artist in no time

It's not the power of the punch itself, but catching an unexpected haymaker definitely has the potential to knock you down, and then it's hitting your head on concrete that results in KO or death

>22-1 career in tatters
>18-2 understands loss is unavoidable and a part of life
Fuckin' saved, best Chad meme I've seen

depends on how much boxing practice your have. I've done it enough where the combos come automatically, especially against untrained dudebros.

But overall, you're right. No telling whether Tyrone will have four buddies with him, ready to jump your ass and kick you in the face. That's why I always carry a handgun.

weapon > mma > boxing

It's one thing if you're ready but often fights are started through sucker punches where you aren't really in a position to dodge anything. Turning slightly sideways and pulling your arms a bit closer to you subtly is probably a good idea but that also provokes, you know?
Better to just leave it.

That's why you always have to read a situation. Always be ready, and on guard. Not saying to look to start a fight, but make sure you don't put yourself in situations where that kind of thing that can happen. And if you're somewhere where you know that someone could suckerpunch you, you better be well aware of your surroundings. And yes I know, aint my first rodeo

Bjj is good, better if you live in a country with restrictive interpretation of self-defense laws, but take a lot longer to learn to be efficient.
And your A-B-C tiers are bullcrap.

We're not all 'murricans and some live in Kommiefornia, so a gun is not always at arm reach.

Muay thai takes as long as bjj to become proefficient at.

Muay Thai for stand up
Combat Sambo for the ground but there's probably no legit Sambo gym near you unless you live in some ex-soviet state so bjj, wrestling or judo.
If you had to chose one id say Muay Thai.

boxing + wrestling masterrace

Yeah, the only issue would be getting sucker punched, the brain just shuts down, some pro fighters have been knocked out like that, but if you keep a good awareness you shouldn't find yourself in that situation unless you are getting assaulted