Over 30, Getting fatter, Need Motivation & Help!!

/fit I humbly come to you for help. I have enjoyed working out off an on for years. However I am 32 now and my metabolism has slowed way down. I use to be 165-175 two years ago now I'm almost 190.

I look like chit. Moons and gut. I go to gym 4-5 days week, do abs, still look bad. I'm not sure if it's because of age, psych meds, lack of cardio, or shitty diet. I'm finding it very difficult to loose weight now when before it would melt off. Ever since I stopped drinking alcohol ive turned into a fat fuck. I don't want to just give up and be another fat middle aged American man. Help!

>lack of cardio
Stopped reading there. Do that and delete your post dummy.

gtfo with that metabolism bullshit.
get on myfitnesspal.com asap and start counting your macros. get a scale and measure your servings while you plan your meals out on sunday or the day before you start your workweek.

Same thing happened when I turned 30. My chad genes turned off and Pizza would make me fat instead of making me cut. Now I have to actually be strict with my diet, I suggest you start there.

I burn 100 cals 2-3 times a week on the cardio machines at the gym. It's boring.

Count calories, meal prep? I will look reluctantly look into it.

You are over 30, so freeze your sperm and then do 500mg of test enanthate. Such a dose is probably not even unhealthy for you seeing as your body craves the testosterone (which it clearly is lacking).

What you mean to post was
>I'm a stupid old fuck who doesn't want to count calories or exercise properly, I just want to "bulk" by eating whatever I want and telling myself it's ok because I lift weights a couple of times a week.

Yeah pretty much although I will say I'd be more willing to give up sugar and do more cardio then count calories. Just seems like a pain in the ass. I just want to be fit, lean, and athletic again.

>I just want to be fit, lean, and athletic again
>I don't want to bother with nutrition

Are you on zyprexa?

Eat one meal a day, drink 3-4 litres of water and take a multivitamin every day while making sure to consistently exercise.

Boom, general health and well being sorted.

youth is a wonderful thing, enjoy it while you can

Nah I'm on Effexor. Yeah it's time to eat strict and do cardio for reals again. Also I will look into counting calories. Thanks for the help!

I'm in my late 20s and I currently have a build similar to yours. I fucked up my back a couple of years ago and since then have greatly reduced the amount of cardio I do, but still weightlift once or twice a week. Its the cardio, man. You have to keep at it or else you will continue to get fatter (unless you greatly reduce your calorie intake which I refuse to do)

You're a piece of shit.

Start fasting. If you want to lose fat you need to force your body to burn up the stored fat.

quit shoving cake into your mouth you fat fuck

Fasting for entire days, half days, or what?

You're fat because you eat more calories than you expend.

>Eat less food
>Expend more energy

Your choice. Eating less is much easier though, you fat piece of shit.

You are pathetic


I'm glad your metabolism allows your body to break the first rule of thermodynamics.

What a moron

Its easy really, you became fat because of your shit diet and lifting routine. How about you start calorie counting? Find out your maintance, eat 200 cals less than that number for 1 week, weigh yourself to if youve lost 1.8/2lbs a week, if not then lower the cal by a bit or eat a bit more if youve lost too much weight

It took me trial and error but for me I need to eat 1800 a day to lose 1.8 a week no cheat day/meals

This and you need to be strict with your diet

I'm on 1763 cals a day and im losing 1.5-1.8 a week, been on my cut for 6 months and i can finally see my abs for the first time in years

You only lower the cal if your weight lose stalls, what I do before lowering the cals is I eat a bit more food but add a lot cardio and drink more water to see if im losing at the same rate

Thank you guys for helping me.

What was your routine to get to the 2015 mode?

So basically I was addicted to opiates which suppressed my appetite so I lost a lot of weight. Then I got clean and would work out abs every other day and lift weights to isolate muscle groups on the other days. Also ate fairly clean and did a fair amount of jogging. But the illegal drugs are really what made me skinny and gave me a base body to improve on. That's just what happened to me. I wouldn't recommend it.

It has to be diet, just limit sugary items and don't eat as much cheese and bread. its hard because of the hunger pains but thats really all it is. also the gym shouldnt feel routine, if the workout seems easy in any way, modify it

Ok champ :)

How many times do you eat a 200 cal snack? I'm guessin not 2-3 times a week.


i can tell you've been drinking a lot of alcohol

your belly is full of intra abdominal fat, you look pregnant yet you still have visible muscule definition in your adonis belt

yeah happened to mee, too
you need to boost testosteron levels by hard training, eating the right foods like fatty fish, avocado, whole eggs

that helped me out