The true king of fit

>more aesthetic than zyzz or jeff
>facial aesthetics
>made it at like 17
>came up from dyel status

Other urls found in this thread:




I like vitruvianpyshique more, he actually gives advice

Captain baby head?

He's good but he's cookie cutter af and has beta genetics. But him and nippard both give good advice

>When your not big enough to make your head look small

not gunnu make it



What do you mean beta genetics
Also yeah his advice is pretty basic but he goes VERY in-depth with explaining it, soon he might talk about more complex stuff

When i said cookie cutter I meant personality/vlogs, his advice is really good all around. Beta genetics im talking about his delts and some other insertions + how his physique looks compared to how old he is/ how long he's been training.

Dudes face looks 10 years old! No Manly features present

pic quality is low, look at other pics he has strong chin and jawline


The true king of Veeky Forums is Klokov

>Pause squats what you dream of deadlifting
>Can throw weights overhead that most of fit can't deadlift yet
>Tells roasties to stfu when they swoon over his perfect body
>Pecs so perfectly square that construction companies use him as a guideline when building
>Flexibility of a gymnast
>Well educated
>Travels the world lifting, teaching others what he's learnt

He'll always be a tier above the rest

True I guess, but he is actually natty unlike David

Dave is natty

>Does dumb crossfit tier meme shit, KEK

The dude’s shoulders are as big as his skull
This is bimbo from fraud and the 2 look very similar

kek, dave is a jpeg master. its angles and lighting brah. look at pics he gets tagged in on ig at meetups and shit, he looks way smaller, he's def natty

is an olympic lifter with bowlegs, something Veeky Forums would kill themselves for
>capitalizes on sport that's mainstream to maintain his lifestyle and make a buck

>facial aesthetics
Nope. Baby face to a built body doesn't work well.

is he roiding


possibly recently but before he was natty

god I would suck his dick forever no homo

there you go, cashing in on crossfit was a great move. If his whole "brand" wasn't so Ed Hardy-tier corny he'd be way bigger worldwide as well. Dumb ruskies.

6"2 is t-tall?

>alpha on t shirt
Only beta cucks wear shit like that

Every fan of this guy ive seen is never below 20% bf

If you really think this is not photshopped you are beyond retarded

How long 'till he dies?

imagine how baby his face would look without tren

Agreed. This is the god of Veeky Forums ... you can all now stop posting manlets and other noobs, kthax

Waist too wide

He forgot to train neck

Dude looks like pic related

The one and only Zyzz, son of Zeus:
>260 pounds
>Unbeatable aesthetics
>Died six years ago but still inspires a legion of sick cunts

that pic is photoshopped as fuck, but i agree he's aesthetic as fuck, god tier insertions and body type

I agree Dave is king of fit

don't think that's what he meant, buddy

>those shoulders

I wish he didn't encourage the faggot hair style.

Bug eyes, poor facial development, and he even has a double chin at that low bodyfat.

It ain't shopped, it's produced by angles and light on a pump. Videos of him or stuff at conventions show his true size. Very lean but bretty strong.

Big facts

this desu
Is nippard natty?

Tired of this crap. The king of Veeky Forums should come from Veeky Forums itself.
Just set up a big ass thread and let the new emperor arrive.

wow such retards

the picture OP posted is shopped retard, just look at the delts
here's the original from his video

6'2 is literally manlet cut off. This guy is a manlet loser

But I thought Zyzz was never actually on Veeky Forums

>implying anyone would ever agree on some loser from Veeky Forums

Can humans actually be this fucking dumb

He's not roiding. Never has been.