How do I not have hard nipples 24/7

Will they just shrink once I lose the weight or is there exercises for this type of shit I’m dying I need help

maybe you should try not being a nigger first

Story of my life....

Go back to . Or at least stop being a racist asshole, or *pretending* to be a racist asshole. It doesn't make you look cool or edgy or tough, it just makes you look like a fucking jackass. There is literally no reason to be that way. So knock it off, or fuck off. Uncool, unnecessary, unwanted.

Nobody else cares about your erect ass nipples, why should you?
White shirts make them much more visible too man, at least drop those if you're that insecure

Stop being a nigger but also some people just have permanent hard nips. Maybe consult a doctor instead of a Taiwanese steroid harvesting forum

hi r*ddit

Fuck you faggot, niggers are human pollution. Fuck everyone politically to the left of Vlad the Impaler and fuck the Christians that enabled all of this

damn user, calm down

as a black brah, it's the norm to have either hard nips 24/7 or weird puffy nips, you won the lottery because weird puffy nips are ugly as fuck
