Can I get a non meme answer on how to not be fat?
Can I get a non meme answer on how to not be fat?
Eat less, intermittent fasting, eat clean, do cardio (hiit and liss mixed), lift weights
Eat more pizza and McDonald's you fucking moron
pls stop posting cute girls it makes me feel feels
With CO>CI
It's not a meme, it's literally the only way anyone ever loses weight, other than getting in a serious industrial accident.
have you considered maybe eating less. and meaning it not just eating fewer fries with your mcdouble
Come to the realization and acceptance that you are not a victim of circumstance, you are fat because you chose to be fat.
The only way out is to chose not to be fat, once you have chosen then everything else will fall into place. If you are not seeing the results you want, then you haven't chosen not to be fat.
You make me sick
The K.I.S.S diet for not being a fat ass?
1.Everything that isn't water or non gummy/sweet vitamins or drugs are a meal or snack.
2.Drink only water and keep hydrated. Sugary liquids, sodas, drinks, coffees, etc etc are oft the number 1 way people take in tons of calories without realizing it.
3.Eat only veg, meat, nuts, berries, the occasional fruit as a pick me up. No preprepared foods or snacks are allowed ever
Everything labeled as "low fat", "diet" or "zero calorie" is horrible for you.
4.Learn to cook your own meals. This will both save you money, and give you better control over what you eat.
5.Buy smaller plates. This sounds weird, but trust me. The need to eat anything in front of you is a big reason why many people are fat.
6.Take up intermittent and water fasting. There is nothing NOTHING wrong with skipping a meal or going without eating for a day. As a matter of fact it's good for you. Unless you have serious diabetes.
7.Go for daily walks. You'd be surprised by how good of a workout a good long purposeful walk is.
EAT LESS. Lift weights. Do HIIT after lifting. Do an hour of steady state cardio if you have time. It's literally the simplest thing in the world if you just do it.
Calorie counting and meal prepping.
>AT LESS. Lift weights. Do HIIT after lifting. Do an hour of steady state cardio if you have time. It's literally the simplest thing in the world if you just do it.
Telling out of shape people who don't even know what losing weight is or what it entails and are more then likely horribly underft to do fucking hitt is without a doubt the most horrifyingly stupid fucking trend in online fitness today.
It's not a meme to say eating 'less' leads to weight loss. Your body burns calories, by burning more than goes in, your body starts using it's fat reserves.
That said, here's some high calorie foods you can easily cut that will make all the difference:
-Icecream, very high in calories, very little substance.
-Sodas, high calories, no nutritional value
-Fruit juice, high calories due to a lot of sugar
-Chips/Crisps, high calories, lots of carbs
-Candy/sweets, high calories, sugar again
-Breadlike foods, cupcakes, cake, pastas, lots of carbs so high calories, doesn't mean it's unhealthy to eat bread but cutting it will see a noticable drop in calories and bodyfat.
-Fastfood junk, high calories, low nutrition most of the time.
Replace these by more whole foods like beef, chicken, eggs, cheese, veggies (though I know you'll never eat them) and fish like salmon and tuna and you can eat much more while consuming less calories.
Also they'll make you feel much fuller after a meal so no urges for snacks.
All I'm saying is do high intensity cardio until you sweat and theen slow down and do it again. It's not hard. I'm not saying to kill yourself. Just work up a sweat. Anyone can work up a sweat for ten minutes.
if you give a fuck you'll do the research yourself instead of asking others to do it for you
No, you fucking idiot.
It's dangerous to tell undertrained people who probably do fuck all in the way of fitness or activity to do Hitt.
It's not required and it's not fucking safe.
Just going for long walks is all it takes to help burn extra fat.
The time it takes to walk is time they'll not be sitting on their ass and eating and thinking about eating or whatever.
Lol okay yea just do walks and burn 10 calories around the block. that will help you lose weight. lol
Better yet get a gym membership and just walk on the treadmill for 30 minutes. Those guys always make it...
Yes, as long as he eats at a caloric deficits
Fuck off, your diet is the way to lose weight.
Literally just eat less. Literally only took me one week of clean eating to lose all cravings of shit food
absorb less calories
Diet is key but if you work out hard your ghrelin levels will lower and you will be less hungry. Working out hard and doing cardio will help any diet.
Walking one hour every day for 10 days is enough to let you eat double of your daily caloric intake once, do it everyday and its equivalent 3 days of fasting every month
most people won't fast but they sure can spend one hour walking
about tree fiddy onions a day
No joke, veganism has helped me lose fat but still make gains. Most excess carbs don't get converted into fat stores, but a whopping 97% of excess fat consumed gets consumed to fat stores.
Eat less than your body requires
Diet properly and strictly below your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure), that will allow you to lose weight (muscle and fat). If you eat high protein during this period, and workout you will allow your body to better retain muscle.
Basically no one reading this thread is fit enough to outexercise a bad diet.
Walking isn't about burning off that 2k mocha frappucino.
It's about making you far more aware of how many pounds you have and making you more fit and more able and willing to be more active.
It's about getting you fit but keeping you healthy as well.
It's about time spent thinking about other things and staying off of your ass rather then injuring yourself doing a piss poor attempt at hiit for 5 minutes.
N.E.A.T burns hundreds of fucking calories a day and that adds up to thousands of calories a week.
The few extra hundred calories you might burn from "after burn" from performing, for that person, dangerous hiit sessions 2-3 times a week is peanuts compared to that.
It sounds all cool and hardcore because you're tired and sweating and shit.
But it's trash compared to daily 1hour long walks when it comes to fitness and weight loss and overall health.
Make sure you eat often. Going into starvation mode will make you fat. A desert after cardio is good for motivation.
Read Guyenet's book.
>desert after cardio
What did he mean by this???
>N.E.A.T burns hundreds of fucking calories a day
NEAT _CAN_ burn hudreds of calories a day, in some conditions.
I am 1m90
I went from 105 kg to 90kg, the only change is I went vegetarian and stop using oil in my dishes
Now that I'm leaning I'm building muscle
How do you get enough calories without meat or oil?
Figure out what your maintenance calories are. There are plenty of reasonably accurate calculators you can find with a simple google search.
Find some sort of calorie tracker and track EVERYTHING YOU PUT IN YOUR MOUTH.
And the most important thing: Overestimate how much you're eating, and underestimate how much you're burning by moving and exercising.
For example, if you're getting a burrito and you see the calories are between 800-1000 calories, record it as 1100 calories. If your fitbit tells you that your 10k steps means you get an extra 600 calories today, only eat 300 extra.
If you're hungry, drink water. Get some low sugar metamucil and chug one down if water isn't good enough to fill you up. Start eating a lot of fiber. Beans and greens.
Avoid simple carbs. Cut out as much sugar from your diet as you possibly can.
Drink A LOT of water. If you think you've had plenty of water today, fill your bottle up one more time and suck it down to be sure. This will prevent bloating.
Weigh yourself at the same time every day. If it's first thing when you wake up, always do it then. If it's after your morning shit, do it then. Be consistent.
Eat less and eat a clean diet. 2000 calories of doughnuts isn't gonna be the same at 200 calories of veggies and lean protein. Sorry you can't have milk and cookies for every meal and you have to apply some discipline. Just grow up you man child and take care of yourself.
What's the matter user?
-Periodic fasting
-Avoid foods that elevate your insulin rate a lot
You can choose the hard path and fucking bust your ass everyday with tons of cardio, weightlifting, meme diets and all that bullshit in an unsustainable routine or you can fucking do some research and JUST EAT LESS BRO while lifting weights "moderately". Good food (veggies and lean meat) on a caloric deficit plus a 30 - 60 min short and heavy session almost everyday is perfectly sustainable, makes you feel good and makes you lose your goddamn fat.
what an uncomfortable hiking outfit
>"starvation mode"
wow, fucking anorexics are just swelling with all that fucking starving they're doing...
Fucking soyboys, when will they learn?
Eat food.
Eat food.
>eating less is a meme
sorry fatty, you're not going to make it
>its a vegan that hasnt yelled at me for eating me
Rare. Also it is great for losing fat if you know what your doing
Preferably, eat more protein while eating less carbs and fat, but at the end of the day what matters is.
Eat less friend it is only way. I lost 135 pounds, I still have some stomach left and gets me mad. But run hard and long, it works, some days I go 10 miles. If you are strong enough do fasting for 3 days then recover for a week (eat sensibly during recovery) while maintaining the running, it works
Eat less, move more
>eat more protein less carbs/fat
Meme answer
No it isn't your moron.
Most fat people have sugary candy filled diets that barely get them 60 grams of protein.
Protein makes you feel fuller longer and will slow down your digestive track.
Protein is great for repairing muscles, but doesn't convert nearly as efficiently into energy or get stored as fat.
Having a diet high in protein is a great way to lose weight.
Some anorexics do have a swollen belly because of malnutrition, but not getting proper nutrients is different than not getting enough calories.
You are probably addicted to sugar. Do Keto, go through withdrawals and realize how much tour addiction is making you eat.
Then lift three days, cardio two until you hit target weight and can start bulking muscle.
Use this for help planning meals.
Well that's just it, but assuming they gain actual weight (assuming fat is what they meant) is actually silly. They hold absurd water weight and it causes painful swelling, but it's not even close to the idea that they're getting fat.
It's because you know you will never have a cute girl of your own and not because of you lack of ability but because of your lack of attempt
Just do the opposite of everything you want to do.
If you want to sit on the couch and watch TV. Do the opposite, get off your ass and go do play sport or exercise.
If you want to eat ice cream or junk do the opposite.
If you want to eat a fat the opposite eat s small veggies salad
If you don't want to do chores do the opposite get off your ass and get moving and do them. Etc etc ect
You get the idea
Also you could try doing the opposite of what you don't want to do.
I don't want to exercise do opposite and exercise.
I don't want to share my food with others do opposite and share with others
Etc etc ect.....