6 pack thread
Let's see em boys
6 pack thread
Let's see em boys
fuck you have a six pack for during bulking season?
i just want to remind you all that no one cares about your 6 pack if you're under 200 lbs. you look pathetic
Lol you mirin brahs?
I was bulking, but then I started eating onions 5 days ago and this is what happened
Considering 90% of this board is just intentional misinformation like this, why the fuck do I keep coming here
There is nothing to mire. What you are is simply the natural male form made visible through perpetual starvation. So grats on being an untrained lifter that doesn't eat?
>says 6 pack is from starvation
>abdominals are muscles
>muscles grow through break down, nutrition and rest
>break down aka micro tears aka lifting aka training
I know you can't follow logic, but maybe you can ask your mom to explain it to you
>being proud of having girly twinkcel abs
welp, thanks for reminding me to stop bulking
You look good. Anyone who says otherwise is on gear or is a flabby fat man-titties faggot
go away fatty
Genetic losers come to this board to project their insecurities. Its always some skinnyfat liberal dork, they do it to all boards.
I fell for the bulking meme a while ago. Then I realized that there is no information out there to support the idea that having a higher body fat percentage helps facilitate the growth of muscle.
Come join the revolution
Thank you. I figured they would post pics of themselves if they actually looked better than me
nice man congratulations on a 6 pack. You getting any girls to touch ehm recently?
Lol if youre not lean year round
I went to a club and put a girls hand on them, then she pulled my shirt up and started licking them.
Then we stepped aside to talk and all I could say was y-you too
The sticky is golden, but everything actually discussed on the board itself is complete shitposting.
The biggest troll Veeky Forums ever pulled was convincing the internet that SS was all you needed to get aesthetic, that bicep and core isolation is the devil, and getting fat is the key to building muscle.
t. androgynous geek
Looks a bit overdeveloped from what I can see. But still better than being a fatty or skelly
Working on them, my routine is shit right now tho.
I've been doing what others in the gym have told me to since that's all I knew about fitness since I joined 1 month ago. Realized that non of them are following actual proven programs just shit they've made.
Thinking about ICF 5x5 but a lot of people don't seem to like it.
I've been a skelly with abs my whole life and only heard this from fatties that are jealous of the attention abs will get you
Then you'll be better next time
ITT: people that go out of their way to isolate their abs
focus more on heavy compounds, don't fall for the twink meme
The only an exercises I do are cable crunches, hanging leg raises, and Dragon flags. I do 2/3 of those 3x a week.
Abs are like any other muscle, you have to hit them hard for them to grow. Imagine how ridiculous someone would sound if the said "chest is made in the kitchen" or "all you need for biceps is squats and deadlifts"
bulking isn't a meme, you need excess calories to gain muscle. i really hope that you're baiting.
>implying a shredded 6 pack makes you a twink
>I fell for the bulking meme a while ago
Jesus, dude.
How can you think gaining weight when you're trying to build muscle is a "meme"
How much excess calories? Is 300-500 extra calories really going to make you fat?
>gaining weight
>higher body fat percentage
Not the same buddy
I have a hard time with the hanging leg raises since my body moves so much while I do them.
I mostly do crunches, will try cable crunches tho. I heard crunches in general are bad for your back, which worries me.
Dragon flags seem like an amazing excercise but I seem to have quite a difficult time at doing them, I guess I just need to work on the others till my core is stronger and then i'll try the Dragon flag.
I also love the abwheel as it hits quite hard.
definition of twink: a term often used to describe a man with a smooth, youthful, only slightly-muscular physique.
500 is the norm, 1000 is even better if your test levels are in the upper range
How are you going to gain weight without eating over maintenance
Do you actually lift, man?
On YouTube you can find demonstrations of "beginner" versions of leg raises and Dragon flags. Just give it time and don't lose your motivation
500 is a safe bet
he's probably trolling, theres no way someone could actually believe that you can gain muscle mass by eating at your TDEE
>implying someone with a shredded 6 pack is only slightly muscular
>implying smooth
actually, you can. It's an arduous way of doing it, however, and becomes harder and harder the bigger you become
6 pack means nothing, if you train abs heavily and give the rest of your body little attention, then of course you're going to have a skinnypack, before i started lifting i was 5'10 at 120lb and had a ripped 6 pack, just due to low bodyfat. was skeleton everywhere else. i'd consider myself as a twink back then.
>These are the people giving you fitness advice
Jesus, I was right leaving this shithole.
>want muscle
>muscle gain weight to gain muscle
Really advocated my almond milk there
Dirty bulking is a meme, keeping your surplus small, like 300-400 calories is ideal along with eating decent macros.
this. OP is a weak little dyel and looks the same as any other virgin normie in clothes
dirty bulking isn't a meme kek
>dark nipples
>random numbers file name
i aint fallin for it
What are you even talking about?
Anyway, here's your (You) user.
he's basically saying that you guys shouldn't be posting and giving advice here, judging from your physiques
>I was right leaving this shithole.
>as he posts in said shithole
Really joggens the nogen
It's always bear mode fags that hate on 6 packs. Same for skinny fags
Holy shit lol stay fat you pieces of shit. Good god I bet you look terrible all year round. Do you even watch your macros or just eat whole pizzas?
>I fell for the bulking meme
Finally, someone else gets that bulking is just an excuse to ignore nutrition and for fatties to convince themselves they’re healthy.
>What are you even talking about?
Jesus fuck...
I've only been on here once every few months in the last 4 years and everytime I see shit like this and leave again.
t. brainlet
i wouldn't call myself a fatass, since i'm only 150lb, KEK i'm a fucking skelly. now post a picture of your 'shredded' self
>having a higher body fat percentage helps facilitate the growth of muscle
what's with all these newfags not understanding what bulking is, but then passionately railing against what they mistakenly think it is?
bulking is just being in a caloric surplus, nothing more
it doesn't mean you have to get fat as fuck, it doesn't mean you have to run a 1000 cal surplus, just eat like 250-500 cal surplus and never let yourself get above 15% bf
Nice, mirin
Ignore these insecure Beefcakes complex faggots. They learned from a young age their insertions were complete shit and try to belittle anyone who isn't a fucking fridge. Abs are for the women not these betas
I am untouchable to you brainlets. I've already forseen your replies to me, basic faggots
But I wasn't giving advice? Rather I was looking for some.
Seems like somethings bothering you user and you're projecting your problems into here.
It'll all be okay, man.
that's just my interpretation of what he was saying mate, if you're looking for advice, here is definitely not the place
Yeah, yeah I know.. I was just confused on what user was trying to achieve being all high and mighty. Internet points?
5'10" 120lbs you would look actually sick and your joints would be the thickest parts of your body
You are an idiot. How do you misinterpret that guys post? You're complaining about this board but you seem dumb enough to be the actual problem
>How do you misinterpret that guys post
He didn't?
Also, this board really is shit, dude. It's ripe with misinformation and bitter, resentful Anons
The sticky is the only valuable information that Veeky Forums has provided me, and I've been here for five years
well, this is me almost a year ago
you're a fucking brainlet dude, i never misinterpreted his post
So, how did you gain weight
Here's a better pic
Never mind, thought you were the nobulking guy
nah dude, i'm not that guy. i just ate anywhere from 500-1000 surplus everyday
i really hope that you're trolling
I'm thankful for that, else I would have to eat my own words. You look breddy gud
it depends on the person honestly. You can only really know how much calories you need for optimal muscle growth and minimal fat growth through trial and error.
Isn’t it possible to gain muscle while eating at maintenance? Total noob here
It's not ideal, but it can be done at the untrained stage. If you are not obese then there's no point though, you should be bulking slowly, like 2kg per month max for the first three months, then 1kg.
How long will it take me to get abs?
It is, but it's much harder, and gets worse and worse as you progress.
People new to lifting can easily gain strength and muscle while eating at maintenance for the first 2-3 months, but you really should be bulking to ease the process.
I'm am by no means an expert, however, so I can only tell you what I have learned through information I have absorbed here and there. I really don't think there is a clear cut answer to it, though, since the human body can vary greatly from person to person.
Safest bet, eat 300-500 calories over maintenance. That seems to be the general range
Current weight and height?
How the fuck are we supposed to know
5'9 and not sure exactly
t. benches 95lb but at least I train abs everyday :^)
When you make it a part of your lifestyle.
>cmon user show us your 6 pack
No chest and skeleton fingers. Your weak as fuck no one cares about abs on someone skinny.
When will they learn
Ballpark it.
5'8 to 5'10 and 150 to 180
5’11 | 193lbs
I only count 4 breh
also condolences on their insertions. otherwise mirin.
Dont care about anything you said but you dont even have abs. Cut more or stop pretending.
im sorry about your biceps user
ok, be nice