What is /fast/?
Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and fat fasting
While fasting alone is fantastic for your health, Consider doing a ketogenic in addition to become god mode

>HGH , Test, and muscle growth?

>how can I get a quick rundown? Where can I start?

>any more info?

>Fung talks and lectures:

>Doesn't salt make you explode?


PASTEBIN: pastebin.com/9jxsCb2Q

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01K26BUSM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1511747510&sr=8-2&keywords=keto minerals&dpPl=1&dpID=41p4kwbsPIL&ref=plSrch

Pls help. The stupid bitch is eating a donut right in front of me now. I'm about to break.

You should add Rhonda Patrick's interviews with Dr. Satchin Panda for those who want the hardcore science behind time-restricted eating.


Do you see this chart over here? This is a chart of insulin ranges in humans, before, during, and after eating.


If you are doing IF, you have to do 23/1. Why? Because just one meal spikes your insulin for 3 hours.


Source, directly from basic ass wikipedia: Circulating insulin also affects the synthesis of proteins in a wide variety of tissues. It is therefore an anabolic hormone, promoting the conversion of small molecules in the blood into large molecules inside the cells. Low insulin levels in the blood have the opposite effect by promoting widespread CATABOLISM.





Dose a cup of black coffee a day interfere with the effects of fasting at all?

hey, sorry to hear you are suffering. Best idea is to leave the room. how long have you been fasting?

when you are at your goal weight you can pig out like a mother fucker. until then you can either do 23/1 IF or straight up fasting

ask all the questions you have buddy i got you covered

not terribly no, unless you are dumping a ton of fake sweeteners in there and drinking it all day.

fake sweeteners have barely any calories but raise the tits out of your insulin. which is fucked up and sucks, but it's scientifically proven

I've been going for 4 days now. I feel weak as fuck and get lightheaded/dizzy whenever I physically exert myself in any way. Is this normal? Thank btw, pal.

think about the sensations making you feel hungry

Daily reminder that Serge Nubret ate only one massive meal per day

my pleasure buddy :) it's semi normal

I am doing 23/1 IF for 6 weeks now and if I stand up too quickly I get very dizzy. but it's no biggie, totally benign, goes away after 20 seconds or whatever

I still do cardio like this without much problem. The best thing you can do is increase your fluids and electrolytes a bit.

But basically this is just "how it is". Weight loss of any kind involves catabolism, and this is generally taxing on the body in minor and non-permanent ways.

the reason for this is that generally glycogen is the currency of all cellular function in the body. while fasting, we have low glycogen if any at all, and thus we feel weaker and dizzy.

i ate 2000 calories of potato chips yesterday on 23/1 IF and literally didn't gain a fucking ounce of weight.

truly the diet of champions

How do you get more electrolytes?

eat/drink salt or salty water

drink water with potassium added into it (brand is called NoSalt)

don't try to eat the potassium plain though :) it burns like a mofo lol

On day 2 of snake fast, not sure how long I will go

long as you can, then pig out for 20 minutes, then back to multi day fasting

watch the weight pour off of you

Do you think that 7 lbs can be lost in one week eating 3day/week ( With one day OAD ? )

Serge said that he would eat many pounds of horse meat, beans, and rice in his daily meal, wew lad

how heavy are you currently? even at 15% body fat I am still losing 3-7lbs per week on IF

much of this is water though. I've yet to meet anyone who really truly is shredding 3500 calories of pure fat per day

what's the rush?

sounds yummo if you like horses and exercising a lot lol

"- Look at the cows they eat all the day. Now look at the panthers they eat once a day, and which one look in better shape. It is not the quantity you eat or the quantity of time which make the champion, but the quality and not whatever the quantity of time you eat, my body is cleaver enough to know when I should eat, he let me know by sending signals. HE TELL ME SERGE YOU HAVE TO EAT. Then I believe in my body, I listen to him I EAT, My body does not listen to any article or scientist to tell him when to eat. You think that science knows more about your body that your body itself?...Listen to yourself before to listen to others. I eat so much in one meal that I don’t need to eat 6/8 times a day, I leave that to those who don't have a big appetite."

after my 3 day fast i feel alot better
my body just feels healthier

is this down to the weight los or does fasting do something else

partially weight loss and maybe you've lost a bit of inflammation and mucus in your body (a natural by-product of digesting food)

So I done two week of this. 4 hour window and manage to get it down to a 2 hour window.

The problem is that I'm still hungry all the time. When do you stop being hungry all the time?

The other problem is that I feel faint and not eating that much during the window

Counted my calories and during eating window was eating 1,300 calories. Seeing as I'm a male not sure I could live on this.

Not sure if I can continue if the hunger does not go away. Feels like I have two choices be fat or be hungry all the time.

what foods are you eating during the window? how much weight have you lost?

post stats and details and I should be able to sort it all out for you

I feel like heaven when i'm eating in my 30 minute window. could eat 7000 calories if i wanted to lol. but i do deal with psychological hunger, not pangs

300lbs fat fuck here. How long do I need to fast to be normal weight? I know I should drink a fuckton but do I need any vitamins?

If you follow my 23/1 intermittent fasting plan, you will lose anywhere between 60-120 pounds in 4 months.

You only need to drink when you are thirsty. Some salt and potassium only needed for multi day fasts.

Vitamins are pretty much a meme but you can take some if you want.

All you have to do is just eat everything within a 1 hour period per day. Our science and research has proved it. I can explain more if you want

Stop hanging around fat donuts eating females

>All you have to do is just eat everything within a 1 hour period per day. Our science and research has proved it. I can explain more if you want

Sure give me the plan doc.

My pleasure buddy.

The crux of this is very simple. Pick an hour you want to eat. Say like, 5PM? Whatever works best for your schedule.

From 5PM-6PM, eat whatever you want. You're 300 lbs so you can get away with a lot. If you can avoid soda and white bread, great.

But pretty much shove all of the chicken and veggies down your throat that you want.

Then, from 6PM until 5PM the next day, don't eat anything. Drink water when thirsty. Don't chew gum. Just don't.

The weight will literally fly off of you. Here's why.


What this basically means is that, in order for you to burn fat (weight loss), you have to keep your insulin low. The only way to do this is by not eating for hours and hours.

But obviously you eventually will get hungry. So you eat, all within one hour. Bing bang boom. If you eat 6 meals a day, you're fucked. You'll never lose weight.

What do you like to eat? Generally we try to keep it like 10% carbs, 45% protein 45% fat around here, but there's no rule.

I ate 2000 calories of chips and cookies yesterday. I literally lost weight the next day. You can't beat this diet.

So one meal a day and low carb? Right now I eat like 3 meals a day and I guess that kinda fucks me.

Maybe a bit off topic here but why do bodybuilders take/abuse insulin

Why did nobody tell me dryfasting is so much comfortable and easier than waterfasting?

had the same feeling, even tho my dark as fuck piss and people telling i'd get kidney stones if i kept doing it kinda freaked me out.

Okay so I managed to do a 36 hour fast this week, but pigged out this weekend because of social obligations and whatnot and because I'm a fat fuck. Gonna try 72 hours and maybe longer if I feel good. Wish me luck, boys

Not him but you will lose weight faster with low carb but its not actually required to lose weight

Same. I've completed two 5-day snake meme fasts this month. Days I wasn't fasting were anywhere from 23-1 to 20-4. I'm on day 2 of the 3rd and going to go for 7 days. Down 20lbs since November 3rd.

I've various articles saying that for 3+ days you should prep with 1-2 gal of water and 1 tsp of baking soda in 250 ml of water

Insulin’s function in the body is to shuttle the nutrients from your blood (glucose) into all the various cells around the body which need it (which includes muscles)

Bodybuilders basically are able to administer exogenous insulin and not get obese because they have an absurd amount of anabolic steroids in their system partitioning the nutrients in a way that favors muscle over fat

b-b-b-but if you eat OMAD its impossible for someone to eat their TDEE so it's still CICO!!!!!

that's why they lose weight!

So basically keeping insuline low as a natty lifter will be forever suffering?

i literally eat 3500 calories in one sitting, shut the fuck up

You lose an average of 1 lbs a day if you do a water fast.

Your average weight would be like 160-180.

So you will need to fast for 120 days straight to get to thinness. Either way it'll still be faster than other methods of weight loss and easier.

only stomachlets can't eat at least 3000 calories at once. GET THAT FAT IN YA

Yeah but after a water fast for that long won't I gain weight fast as fuck? Shit like seems much more sensible. Sure water fast would be faster but it doesn't seems maintainable.

If i work out during fasting (intermittent or other) should I avoid the protein shake afterwards?

No. You'll be fine because your insulin sensitivity increases. Eat big after your workout and it'll be good.

Could a 48hr fast help me lose that last little bit of belly fat?

It's the same thing except on fast forward.

Water fast burns through fat storage and there's been barely any stories of people rebounding as long as they continue fasting, follow OMAD, do IF or exercise to maintain.

Also it gives your body a break from digestion, resets your insulin levels and your addiction to foods that made you fat in the first place. Nobody's telling you to do a straight up water fast but as long as you adopt fasting in any way be it OMAD, IF, ADF, Water fast and more you'll be on your way to losing weight as they're all different applications on the same thing which is to control your insulin levels and to push your body into burning it's own fat stores for energy.

However for big guys if you can do a long water fast, you'll find it very easy the longer you do it as it's easy to maintain and will be the fastest way for you to get to a weight where you can enjoyable do other forms of exercise and other forms of fasting to adopt for your daily life.

Either way good luck user, just do some form and you'll get there.

if youre gonna do it go dry.

protein breaks the fast, so it depends

also stop drinking protein shakes, eat fatty meats for better protein and fat macros

48 hour fast isnt long enough, all you do is remove water weight.

48 hours is only the beginning

don't forget to drink snakes piss


I pretty much did this 3 years ago and went from 225 to 189. I wasn't really working out either. Just ate a regular dinner every night. Steak and salad, chicken and veggies, or go out to eat. 2 or 3 cups of coffee in the morning, water as i got thirsty throughout day. I felt better than ever.

Ok I see. Isn't a long water fast dangerous though? Do I need any mineral/vitamin supplements? I mean I def have the willpower for a water fast since I'm not really addicted to eating I'm just a lazy pos that sits at his battlestation 24/7.

Might just do OMAD since I'm not really in a hurry.

do you still lift on 23/1? is it only for cutting, or can you bulk?

do you lose a lot of muscle?

The fatter you are the safer it is.

You're 300 lbs, the longest a guy has fasted is 1 whole year.

All you need is potassium and sodium in water and a multi vitamin once in a while.

Actually just checked again and I'm 308 lbs.
>multi vitamin once in a while.
Like what? Every 2-3 days?

yeah more or less

the important thing is electrolytes.

What about Morton Sodium-free? It says zero calories and has potassium chloride in it?

amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B01K26BUSM/ref=mp_s_a_1_2_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1511747510&sr=8-2&keywords=keto minerals&dpPl=1&dpID=41p4kwbsPIL&ref=plSrch

What do you think about something like this?

Im interested tell me more

I started IF not so long ago and just found this thread. Kind of worked it out myself that 8 hours a day of eating like is commonly recommended was too much to lose weight. One meal a day seems to work. Water fasting sounds interesting though, do you get saggy skin? I've lost significant weight on keto before without any loose skin.

You don't have loose skin at the end because your body cannibalizes it for amino acids

You're overthinking things. Just drink Pedialyte (or your local equivalent) once in a while. It's basically Gatorade/Powerade without the sweetener.

Is it zero calories?

Would a medium-sized regular tortilla kick me out of keto?

Pedialyte has 9 grams of sugar per serving.

Hey fags
/fast/ oldfag here, pionered OMAD and EoD OMAD, wanted to know if we came to a good conclusion on fat fasting

Was busy with some work and accidentally didn't eat all day but did have 3 coffees with some heavy cream in them, it was so easy it almost felt like cheating.
If fat fasting produces the same anabolic hormones that are protective of muscles as a water fast, I am going to be on that shit like white on rice.

That's a theory that hasn't been studied.

Read the Warrior Diet by Ori Hofmekler. Actually buy it you cheapskate

Hard no, homie


>small study about somostatin
Hello avocado faggot, you didn't answer my question on whether or not this prevents the actions of HGH and epinepherine ramping.

ADF fasting has the 2 days set at 500 but still shows appreciable health results
Straight fat fasting is set at 1000-1200kcal and is only 90% fat
What does this make of 300kcal of pure fat placed in coffee? Not much, one should think

Is there a different mineral supplement that guarantees no insulin response?

How much will using sugur and cream in my coffee affect my fast? Using yohimbine on a 22-2 IF btw

Any creamer replacements?

>Wants to replace the cream


>How much will using sugur and cream in my coffee affect my fast?

A lot, especially with yohimbine, holy fuck please don't do this

Find coffee that's tasty enough that you can drink black

Do you lose electrolytes if you fap while fasting?

Yes, fat fasting produced the same results as water fasting with out the muscle loss. It is a plant based calorie restricted ketogenic diet. It was what Tim Ferris actually was doing.

>It also shrank waistlines and resulted in weight loss, both in total body fat and trunk fat, but not in muscle mass.

Sorry if it wasn't clear, I'm saying that sugar has a clear replacement whereas cream doesn't.
For real? I need to be super diligent with yohimbine? Is it okay if I'm only fasted 10-12 hours before taking it?

>Search Results
Semen is only one percent sperm; the rest is composed of over 200 separate proteins, as well as vitamins and minerals including vitamin C, calcium, chlorine, citric acid, fructose, lactic acid, magnesium, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, vitamin B12, and zinc

You feel extra bad because fapping makes you hungry

I gave into the urge because it's harder to fall asleep on long fasts and I thought rubbing one out would help but IT DIDN'T

>For real? I need to be super diligent with yohimbine? Is it okay if I'm only fasted 10-12 hours before taking it?
Yeah that's long enough


Fatties that had 500-600 kcal of a mostly carbohydrate and herb blend had a weight loss of 5kg +-.95 of fat but only loss of .26 =-.22kg of muscle. As Fung's great muscle article states, even if you do lose a tiny bit of fast, the HGH flood will help you more than recover once you refeed.


wish me luck bros

p.s. fuck off avacado, no one likes your shitty vegan propoganda

>fapping makes you hungry
Well shit that's what was wrong today

If you're a trap you should break your fast with this.

> fat

Does not say what type of fat. Animal and plants don't have the same amino acid profile so this is pretty irrelevant They used plant fats in the mimicking diet. >ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1967585

Wait a minute, that study says they were eating 400-600 calories a day. So even if I only eat 400 calories a day I'll still lose weight and not much muscle? I thought it was bad to eat ANY food during a fast because of the insulin response.

The most optimal HGH spikes that we use for lifting come from not eating or eating things that are not glucogenic (carbage, protein)

Either do the LATTE FAST or stick with water fasting

I can't lift right now because I'm waiting for a torn tendon to recover. Is fasting plus not lifting going to turn me into a faggot?

What's latte fast?

I'm currently 74 hours into my first water fast.

theoretically, because fats don't spike insulin, you can get away with doing

Different macro nutrients have different effects on your insulin level

>Fung's great muscle article states
>Fung's great

Almost all you do is lose muscle with prolonged water fasting.

Fung already lied about his "computer model" being a human study when it wasn't when he talked about muscle wasting during fasting. Only a retard would trust that fucking manlet gook.

There's one problem with the rationale behind fasting diets, according to David Lau, an obesity researcher, professor and chair of the diabetes and endocrine research group at the University of Calgary. When glycogen stores in the liver are depleted, the body doesn't burn fat: It breaks down protein. Lau said starvation will only burn fat as fuel after about a week of starvation.

"Muscle protein breakdown occurs in the first 24 hours of starvation," he said. "Muscle protein breakdown [is] not healthy."

His concern is that many people are fasting without realizing they may be losing crucial muscle mass. The danger is that as protein in the body breaks down, it could lead to other unwanted side effects, such as altered immunity. In order to fight infections, the body needs to produce antibodies, a type of protein. But when the body is breaking down protein for fuel, it may not send the right signal to make antibodies, Lau said.

Don't forget to buy avocagofag's bullet coffee and keto pills goy. The proven true method of fasting will not make you lose weight.

>but weight loss and muscle preservation would still be on the menu
Isn't that what the Avocado faggot has been saying? I've been mostly ignoring him because ALL CAPS LIKE A FUCKING FAGGOT

How do you deal with the brainfog on the first 48 hours or so of fasting?

No he's saying fasting will just destroy your muscles and organs

>fats don't spike insulin

oh lord this is so hilariously wrong

insulin spikes every time you eat, period. if you eat fat, it will be stored

fat fasting is a total fucking joke for anyone who wants to lose weight

>modified fasting
>Twenty-six patients participated in a 14-day fast, during which they ingested a supplement made from fermented medicinal herbs and carbohydrates (intake: 400-600 kcal/d).


Stop being a pussy. The more times you do it the less it affects you.

>family is addicted to divorce so I had to attend multiple thanksgivings this weekend