>mfw there are "grown" men who are shorter than a 13 year old girl (5'9" without the heels)
When will they learn?
Also manlet hate general
6'0+ only
>13 years old
6'1 reporting in. Being tall is great. I can't actually imagine being a manlet and trying to pick up girls. I would rather be fat. At least fat tall people actually get respected by other men. I would rather shop big and tall than be caught in the boys section. Lmao.
6'7 dutchman checking in.
Would love easier gains. Barely ottermode after 4 years
>tfw 5'4
All my female relatives grow taller than me at age 13
>Those feet
Hnnng, great suckable toes and big soles meaning more to lick.
Definitely tonight, but as far as grills go at 6’7 you don’t even have to worry about gains, they’ll be all over you just for your height.
Holy shit yikes, at least tell me you have a good face or something.
Yeah, I've got a good face at least
why are you foot fetish motherfuckers so weird
Tbh I would rather be Aryan and 5'8 than 6'2 and shitskin, as I'm right now.