Do you use a pad on the squat bar?

do you use a pad on the squat bar?

only when I'm aimin' high

No but i'm straight

no because i'd feel self conscious, but if there was nobody around, i would do it

>being a bitch

pls go

I prefer tampons for when I'm feeling like little bitch

>smith machine

only on safety bar

Yes every time

the mighty pussy pad

I've never seen someone with a decent squat use one.

Only when I do BRAP ups.

For some reason i laugh when i see a big guy go for the pad. Im not really big and definitely weaker so i know i have no room to judge. It just looks funny seeing a “tough guy” go for a softening cushion when most people dont.

how do i keep my shit tight at the bottom of a squat


>band around the legs

shit looks retarded and useless

>put pad on bar just to see what it does
>bar now feels awkward and slippery
Who made this and why

>shit looks retarded and useless
stop projecting

when you start lifting heavy the pad isnt a good thing to use. It's soft and compresses and when you push the bar will push down as you push up its kinda wack.

I just use my gym towel

it's not. you're retarded and useless famalam

The big guy usually lifts heavier and needs that shit. Most people aren't big which is why most people don't go for it. I know, shocking, right???

you're a retarded nigger ass faggot twink. absolutely nobody lifting heavy uses a pad, and most people who use them can't even squat their bodyweight.
your argument of "you're more likely to use a pad if you squat heavier" is pure fucking garbage

Are you supposed to bring your own pads to the gym? Squats suck dick because of the metal rubbing against my skin, so I might try it out.

do you use a pad on your period too?

Pic related is the only acceptable way to squat

Maybe they got new bars and no pads so everyone's neck got ripped up

>when you don't know what you're talking about?

dont do it bro, you get used to it after like 2 weeks

Never, the only answer

The only people who use the squat pads are pussies and idiots who don't know what they're doing. All of the pussies are idiots, but not all of the idiots are pussies.

you're projecting

What is going on in that picture? I don't get it.

yes because otherwise I can't lift

>yfw you come to the conclusion that the only people saying the bar pad is for pussies are obese fucks with their necks and shoulders brimmed completely with cushioning fat