What feels are Veeky Forums lifting away?
I just got accepted by a school I really want to transfer to, but most likely won't be able to afford it and will have to stay where I am; I'm really unsatisfied/unhappy here.
But enough about me, I'm here to listen. What's on your mind?
What feels are Veeky Forums lifting away?
What are student loans, credit cards, and part time jobs for?
Start lifting your dream bro.
when i see a cute girl all i can think is why would she even look at me
If you are really determined than go for it. There are so many scholarships to sign up for. They have some for the dumbest things too. Apply for shit ton of them. Work hard if it means you'll be happy
You got accepted which is great. You're a step closer
my ex and the shame that I have in my body.
I realized that this girl is just not into me. I get it, I'm not mad, I don't hate her nor women. It's just sad, I feel /not enough/, you get me? I feel like I'm not handsome enough, fit enough, smart enough, charismatic enough or just good enough to her. There's this girl who literally grabs my dick then and there but I'm completely absorbed by the first one. What should I do fellas? I feel like if I get to fuck the second one I'll just think about the first, even when I know that's completely retarded.
Have to do this stupid video project by Thursday for this nigger professor. She is so fucking incompetent. Hopefully it isnt too bad
Like that other user said, I’m sure you’ll find some way to fund it. Don’t settle for where you are now, you’lol regret it for the rest of your life and constantly ask ‘what if?’
I get ya bro. You know, women have their personal taste in men just as how guys have their taste in women.
Some will like the way you look and some wont be into you, unless you're an extremely smooth motherfucker but lets be honest, most of us are at or below social level.
Don't think about it too much, user. Go fuck that girl who's been grabbing your dick, get that confidence boost back up. Soon you will find a girl who is even more attractive than the girl who turned you down.
Thanks for the kind words user. I've thinking a lot about this recently. I think is time to move on.
I stopped working about year ago because I was getting fat and was too scared to go to the gym with all the extra mass. I then did keto for 50lbs ands started again two months ago. I look way better but my lifts are fucking pathetic. My dyel gym friend is bicep curling twice my weight.
I'm talking to my crush right now and I'm trying to muster up the words to tell her we shouldn't talk or be close. She has a boyfriend and it wouldn't be fair for me or for her. If I keep talking I'll continue to like her so I want to make sure we have distance but I don't know how to bring it up in conversation. I have to admit and tell her I like her which is mortifying
Don't get sad get angry. Sadness>inaction, anger>action
you SHOULD be pissed, be happy for your friend because he's making gains but be PISSED that right now he's better than you and you have to catch up every time you want to give up on the gym when you work late or the extra set when you're tired or the extra rep that you didn't think you could do think FUCK your friend FUCK my old life FUCK me for not doing this sooner oh well the only thing you can do is CRUSH IT RIGHT FUCKING NOW TIME IS RUNNING OUT
I snorted meth for the first time recently. That was fun. Like a light beer version of mdma.
I feel like I need to do drugs in order to bring out the best in me. I want to feel something other than a socially inadequate stupid fuck boy who tries to hard to even look happy while trying be someone he's not.
Lifting helps with first impressions with girls, but that's also the shitty part. They already have high expectations of what your personality is to them. My nickname other people call me is literally "Chad" because I look like a frat boy who plays football.
Lifting only makes the shell of myself bigger. But the small, sad boy who is in that shell will always be the same.
I dunno. I feel like I just needed to share something. I have more in common with anonymous strangers on a astronaut fetish forum than I do with anyone else in real life
Tell me the meth story please. And ecstasy stories too. I want to do more drugs, they have provided some of the best moments of my life.
Girls want you to sell them a lie, it's fine.
The meth story isn't fun. I was at a late night thanksgiving party with my buddy and is motorcycle club when this girl was pulling me to the side asking me to do a small bump with her. I was pretty drunk so I was like "okay sure".
I felt happier, focused, and social. But it only lasted like an hour and a half.
I also got pulled to the side by some dude because it looked like we were fucking on the side by the way we were talking to each other and her biker boyfriend really didn't like that. He doesn't know she snorts meth, so I was just like "lol i dunno man i don't know what's going on".
But I have an ecstacy story coming soon, two secs
don't know how to do sex without passion or love
Lol wtf a motorcycle club that's so far out of my element.
Being suggestible and drunk is fun, turning off the worrying part of your brain that says there will be consequences.
I love stims...too much...afraid how much I would like meth.
>girls want you to sell them a lie, that's fine
I'm a shitty businessman I guess
I rolled on molly a couple times at festivals. Those times were honestly the times I felt happier to be alive in that moment. My older brother and I regularly go to raves and festivals together, so we are pretty tight at it is.
The best time was at Paradiso a while back over at Washington when I was new to the rave scene. One night, I was taken in by my brother and his rave family. We danced and enjoyed music all day. My bro and I were blasting ketamine with a few hits of LSD and we were raging hard to dubstep shit.
Then night rolls in, around 9pm or so. We were sitting on this big grassy hillside watching the giant mainstage dudes play. Marshmello, Tiesto, all the big name pop DJs most kids heard of played there.
I took about 200mg of molly with my brother and his group. That's when the magic happened.
We all felt like such a close family with each other. The girls in that group were so intrigued to talk to me because I was shy and looked hard to talk to when we all first met, but now I was GLEAMING like a little kid. It was like these girls were so relieved to see this side of me.
We also had a gay guy in our group. I look over at him and I felt attracted to him. I guess I have a repressed bisexuality thing or something, but it was coming out. I blantely asked if I could kiss him. He looked insanely happy I asked him, and he both kissed for a bit.
I look at my older brother and he just has this surprised look on his face. We both just look at each other and laugh. That dude is my best friend in the entire world, and we've been through a lot together.
Part 2 coming
>credit cards
people are this stupid
I'm lifting away those existential feels, the feels that what we've set up so far as humans is the pursuit of falsities, and only living in the material world. Those things don't matter, what matter is the people around us, and how we interact with them, how we use this precious gift we have to be with those we love. This world isn't about a pursuit of the material, but the connection we have with each other.
Hold your loved ones close Veeky Forums, because one day they might not be there. I only wish that I did. I don't feel alive with them. Only the pain from lifting seems to tear me away from this. I end up crying mid set because for once I feel alive, and they aren't there with me.
>What's on your mind?
Too damn much.
>Lol wtf a motorcycle club that's so far out of my element
Trust me, I felt the same way. Stims are great however, but meth is one hell of a purple dragon to chase once you try it, and that can be a pretty slippery slope
Anyways to continue from The entire night was pure fairy tale magic. The amount of love we all felt for each other is hard to put into words.
There was this cute latina chick who I ended up talking to for the longest time. We both felt in love with each other, and she was totally in this "latina housewife" mode where she wanted to take care of me like one, because I apparently made her feel safe to be around.
We kissed, we keep kissing, we're holding onto each other. Everything is perfect and I wanted nothing to end.
But what comes up surely has to come down.
After that night, we all had that comedown molly depression. I don't get it nearly that bad as the other people, as the others were tearing up over random sad things they would just think of.
At the camp in the morning, I look over at the latina girl. The only I could think about was how much of a lie I lived. I could never be the man she saw in me. I'm just a tiny, sad, scared boy stuck in this hollow shell.
So I stopped talking to her.
We all packed up, left camp, and went about our lives as normal.
Don't worry user. You'll always have your place with someone. Even if it is a random stranger online. I'll be there with you
>tfw lonely and feeling empty inside
is this what life is? 9-5 go home go gym and sleep?
Had a falling out with a girl I had something going with for a few months now
>we fell in love over the summer
>when uni started we slowly drifted further and further apart
>she started to hang out more and more with her ex
>were ment to meet up 2 days ago but she canceled last minute cause she "has no time and has to study"
>find out she went out with her ex yesterday, she has a history of lying to me
>confront her about it, have a huge fight, mention how I was always there for her and commited to her fully, but she could never give 5% back
>it's completely true, only in the first 2 months that we were together it seemed like she was into me as much as i was into her, after that I was only good for her when she needed me
>radio silence for a few hours and then she texts me that she had cut herself
>i feel like the shit that shit would shit out
>never wanted to push her this far, but i was sick of holding everything in for so long
>even though i was the one getting cucked, she somehow came out the victim and now I'm scared she might start brainwashing my friends to make them turn against me
What brought this she devil into my life bros
I don’t ever get situations like this. Am I the only one who likes cutters? If a chick cut herself for me you bet your ass I’d invite her over to lick that shit, I dated a few and whatever self mutilation they feel like inflicting was always their own damn problem and I didnt hide that I liked it.
Just don’t chill with her shit’s easy as pie but I always see people like you getting caught up with these bitches they fell in love with that don’t give anything back. It’s ridiculous. There’s no fucking point because the fact she was seeing you but went back to her cozy little safe spot with her ex is such a huge warning sign you should of stopped giving her attention right there and started chilling with a chick that isn’t fucking retarded. Also don’t worry about your friends - if you tell them exactly what you wrote here everybody will understand even strangers like me that think this shit is stupid and you should feel good she cut herself.
>Went to boot camp, had the time of my life, strong sense of belonging and i liked my new identity
>Applied for airforce firefighter, got it, so happy, im on the right path
>Job was pretty boring, no leadership, no real sense of belonging, was ok for a few years but it all felt fake, training for something that will never happen
>Had some first aid training with a reg. nurse
>Got real inspired and tought it was way more fun than the firefighting shit
>Applied and got into nursing school
>All ive seen for 2 years of school is the pleb, dominated-by-women, shit-wiping part of the job.
>1 year to go until im done with school, no clue if it will lead to something fulfilling or if i will hate it
>Not making any true friends in school or new town, just meh allright to hang out with- ones, only women.
>Havent made solid new friends in years, hang out with the old guys now and then and game with them wich is nice, but it kinda feels like temporary painkillers, i want to make some new solid connecting.
I spend my days, with a little shitposting, a little hanging out, some parties, some sloots, some studying.
But there is a sense of belonging and direction with a clear goal thats missing. Its all just surface.
TLDR; its meh
stop watching porn you cuck
being this much of a cuck kek
let the bluebird out user, be happy
You sound like 12 year old fgt who watches too many romance dramas. If you tell her what you wrote here I guarantee you will never get her. Just be a normal fucking person and go after other people in the meantime. Then if you're both free take a swing at it.
Is she happy with him? If not sabotage it and then comfort her with your peepee
Just be with the second girl and think of other girls?
I dated my ex for almost 6 years, marriage talk and all. But for the first 3 or so years I thought of other girls almost every time we fucked. I felt bad but it's better then telling her that or never ever finishing.
Even with the huge falling out when we had when we ended it, and all the shit she's said to me I haven't told her.
You can do the same thing man. Just enjoy the second girl maybe you'll fall for her like I did for mine. And if not at worst you get to sex up a girl and get some confidence.
Gf just left me for a very petty reason. I feel that it was not the real reason she left and didn't know how to leave without hurting me so she made something up. I fear the loneliness since I have historically gone long times between relationships. She said the typical "it's not you it's me" bs and I don't buy it. She wasn't a great person but it only makes me feel like if I'm not good enough for her then how could someone who is a great person love me
Yeah no, dude.
>FWB wants relationship, knows I don't
>Still have fun, going out to raves, taking drugs and sleeping together
>Ends it because I won't commit to her
Now I'm a bit sad desu. Miss her. Though she's like 5'1 and kind of loud/boisterous which is why I couldn't see her as my gf.
>gf coming home soon
>can feel dat breakdown coming from sadness and stress
Can't wait
I was breaking a PR until manlet and the dyels asked to work in, making me wait as my adrenaline was falling
I was in the same situation. She got a new bf 9 weeks ago, and i lost my mind because i realized that i actually did want her the entire time.
Don't be a fuck boy, commit. There's some reason in your past that's causing you to have an avoidant attachment style, figure it out and deal with it. You think you're treating her like a human being, but you're not. She has emotional needs that go beyond the basic hello, and if you don't give them to her, she will leave. Treat her like a human being, not your meat puppet just to get a nut. This girl really does care for you since she has been putting up with your neglect, she can be a great life partner. Don't make my mistake user, the pain and regret will crush you. I wish someone had warned me
failing hard at my university studies and it's obliterating my already low self esteem.
>Started school
>English is about active watching of movies
>Norman bates parlor scene is being described
>Angles and surroundings imply Bates is off kilter and dangerous
>Notice my glasses are always bent and broken after one of buying them
>both eyes are slanted different
>wondering if I'm crazy
>what's on your mind?
Trying to lift away the thought of never getting close to her again, having a good banter between me and her and just generally having a great time with her with whatever we do
> Apply for scholarships
Seriously man, it's your full time job npw. There are THOUSANDS of them online, find a website that lists them and go ape shit. Literally for every hour of essay writing and filling out scholarships you'll make $500 towards your school (on average per hour) guaranteed. You'll NEVER make $500/hour again.
I'm taking a drug test today for a job that I'm not excited about but that I really need - I don't think I'm going to pass. Honestly I'm sad about it, and sad that I'm sad about not getting a job that I'm not excited for.
I'm applying for scholarships and I already work my ass off on the side, I'm just trying to be realistic. The cost of living in the Twin Cities (I got into University of Minnesota) is going to be high, and even though I'm kind of used to that here in Madison, Wisconsin, I just want to be sure I can make it work before I dive in.
im the opposite. I'm not sure whats worse.
I'm 22 and live at home
I have 4 more years before i'm exactly where i want to be
2 years til i get a certification and move out while finishing school for another year on my own
meanwhile my friends all have their shit figured out and live in their own place a lot with someone they love.
I haven't had sex since i was a teenager
>start lifting to be more attractive to girls
>start getting attention from them
>slowly realize that 99% of them are awful people
>they never admit fault
>all they know is manipulation and resource extraction
>most of them will never pair bond due to promiscuous lifestyle
>most of them are ruined by media and antidepressants
>gradually, I began to hate them
>still lifting and working hard at my job
>gradually my motives shift
>stop caring about women
>want to help create a world where the next generation of men have a better chance than I did
>get into politics
>too right wing for a normie gf
>still get a lot of attention from thots, who now absolutely disgust me
>good chance that I'll be single until I die
>at least I still have the weights
I feel like I'm giving up my shot at individual happiness for a slim chance of saving the world.
Does anyone else know this feel?
We're all the same on this board.Seemingly a few bad decisions, a couple insecurities and an over-thinking mind that makes everything feel unnatural resulted in a lot of us feeling awful.
It makes me simultaneously happier that I'm not alone but I feel misery on behalf of the collective.
Keep going brahs. I think we'll all get to where we need to be eventually.
Vote and make money if you want to save the world, otherwise, don't bother
>>too right wing for a normie gf
Meh, most women are retarded are just follow what they are told. Meaning they are usually liberal and its easy to convert them with facts
That or they really don't care about politics
>dropping out of school
>Got a job as a carpenter
>Gf wants to get married
I'm glad that I don't have to deal with the stress, debt, and depression hole that is American uni anymore, but damn I love my GF and I worry about her instead of school now. Fuck lads.
>>Gf wants to get married
if only i had this feel...
Make sure you learn the trade well and start asking your boss for the contracts he doesn't want. A couple of my friends in the construction business spent 3-5 years learning the trade, then started their own companies taking the jobs big companies didn't want. 5 years later they're both worth in the low 7 figures... while I fell for the college meme
I have lost my willpower and can't find it in anything.
>that feel when she left me without telling why while everything was going upwards
>ride a rollercoaster of being enraged, when adrenaline kicks off feel empty
Its been 3 years now, cant get over the fact that I couldnt say a goodbye or even know what the fuck happened
She literally changed personality 180 degrees, how is this even a thing
How's the carpenter life? Feeling like doing a 180º from my current job in IT, it's taking a toll on me.
I'm having a really hard time trying to be a normie and not becoming stupid
You're not alone, gf left me through a text message after three years, no explanations.
Caught me so off guard I fell into depression. I suddenly realized she had drained my soul and I was alone in the world.
nayrt, but I really prefer working a physical trade (mechanic in my case). I used to have a desk job for the state government, but only lasted 3 years there
>women pushing each other up the hierarchy while competent men get held back
>constant sexual pressure from ugly female boss
>corruption at all levels
Got out and never looked back. Now I'm self employed and can retreat to my shop and work the hours I want in solitude and peace. We are warriors and hunters, senpai. We are not meant to sit in cubes, obeying the whims of females
You know what hurts the most, man? When you realise all the "I love you's" were for nothing and she probably didnt even mean it
Re reading all those texts and realising its November 2017 and not April 2015
I'm in the union and I don't start till January. Still, I've worked construction all my life, same as my dad and grandpa, and it is a good thing. There are a lot of stupid people in the trades, but if you work hard, pay attention to detail, and do your job well, you will start making a lot more money than the other guys very fast. I'm only 18 and I chose the union cause I live in Texas and private construction is fucking horrible here unless you are a boss. Union vs private is different in each state, so make sure you look into it. Typically though, unions are best for beginners. As someone who worked private for a while, don't be a scab, either be a good proletariat or be the bourgeoisie employer that makes life hell for scabs.
Got rejected by the only girl I ever loved. Friends are assholes. Nobody understands me. My solution?
-lift Weights
Want to be able to maim them without weapons
Well what do you want then? Sure I got a little sidetracked on that cutting thing but it’s nothing you can do about it she wants to express herself that way. If she tells you it’s because of you and you actually feel bad about it you’re probably getting guilt tripped and if you stay emotionally involved with a chick who doesnt love and doesnt appear to respect your feelings all that much then I dont know what the fuck you’re doing.
I had a friend who fell in love with a bar employee who pretty much started living at his place after a little while and gave him every signal she was a slut. She outright said it. After those two weeks she started telling him she was falling in love with him, then she went to her hometown came back and started flat out ignoring him. His sister (who also works at the bar) then told him she was seeing another guy. Somehow he’s still in love with her too, he reminds me a bit of you and I wish you both would get over it.
she's got a new bf already. sorry bro.
How do i win the breakup game if i'm too fucking scared and lazy to go to the gym again
Well started lifting to feel a bit better about my appearance, but due to crippling self esteem, cannot notice any difference. Friends have said it’s an improvement but I fear they’re just being polite. Aside that my biceps look like shit due to short heads, quads look square (would love that rounded thickness) genetics are mid tier at best. Can’t seem to grow triceps either but hey. Ankle is ruined after surgery so it’s constantly damn near immobile too. Work seems to be dragging & feel like my pleas for progression are being ignored. Aside that trying to keep positive, take each day as it comes. Sometimes just feel like taking a break from it all, but nothing came of sittinf round doing fuck all.
/moan but thanks for reading (to whomever if at all) nice to get it off my chest.
Hope everyone is good, stay focussed, stay positive.
We'll all make it one day!
I can see my own breath in my garage gym for the first time this year. Winter is coming
Literally put grad school on a credit card. Used the cash back rewards as a down payment on a house. 3200 sq ft, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths on an acre of land.
This game is too easy.
Where did you buy that property user? Sounds comfy.
aarggh she just texted me saying she was thinking about me over the weekend, but that we shouldn't hang out for a while
his imagination
>Managed to get a decent undergrad degree.
>Accepted onto good postgrad.
>It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down.
>Scrape a pass through postgrad.
>Somehow manage to get a decent job.
>Turned around from tumbling down.
>Still feel like somethings missing.
I think I should feel like I should be close to making it but some days I just have no motivation at all and its makes me skip the gym and eat like a fat shit.
it makes running a bitch. now i can either by a bunch of expensive gear or freeze my nuts off in the cold
DON'T reply. If it has any future whatsoever she'll hit you up again
only when everyone's asleep, and no one will know
I know that feel man. There's s reason why all the good girls are taken. They're so fucking rare.
>'I'm cheating on my boyfriend'
>'we did coke yesterday lol'
>'can't wait to see my sugar daddy. He buys me beer'
one of these girls is crazy for me but the redflags man.
I haven't been genuinely close to anyone in so long. From the girls I almost dated last year, to my old friends from growing up, to the people in my family I used to be able to talk to, it's like there's this wall between me and everyone else. Like I live in a different world and nobody will ever really understand me.
>gf was raped a couple of months before we met
>severe ptsd as a result
>she's a hyper intelligent 8/10 cardio bunny
>every time I lift imagine what it was like when she got raped
>every lift makes me more prepared for anyone who tries to touch her next time
>every lift makes me more like the man she deserves to have
Also I have severe long term problems with mania and depression and as well as the numerous other physical and mental benefits it yields regular exercise makes me want to kill myself less.
>meet very cute girl
>start talking to her
>shes nice and feels like she likes me a little
>after a long time talking mention she has a bf
>feels like shit and wonder why couldnt she mention it earlier
i really want to message her but i dont want to be that guy so im lifting my anger away
I'm only 24 and I already feel like its too late to change my life. I've been in school for years and I'm still only a junior. I'm not doing so well in my classes and I'm just kinda stressing tf out. I don't really know what I want to do in life. I feel like I will be stuck working as a bar back for the rest of my life. I fucking want to get out, but I don't know how. I have no interest in joining the army or doing a trade.
I kinda just want to get a nice comfy office job, but I don't know what I'd be doing in the office.
im doing the right thing right lads
I'm autistic and will never get the girl I want
Yeah, remember that you don't need any particular woman (as hard as that is). You have to stick to your guns.
Is there a point to life as a small penised male
Where my chodebrahs at
I got to third base with two different girls in high school, but now I'm 21 and a virgin. Is that something to be ashamed of?
I feel like I never have a chance to meet women, and when I do, I don't even come close to approaching them. I dropped out of college and am now working in construction, where girls don't exist. All the girls my age are at school and away from my area. I don't know what to do.
i was chatting with her earlier and having fun but i feel i shouldnt do this too much, im just so lonely bros why cant anything work out for me
I was pushed into following my "dreams", did the who college-career meme.
The older I get the more I find I despise city-living with every fiber of myself. My work does not bring me happiness. The further I get into my career, the further it drags me into the cesspit of Manhattan, the ugly piss-stained cinder-block full of scared, unhappy, human-meat. The further I'm dragged in the more I realize I could have just got a simple degree in nursing, or a trade and bought a house in a comfy suburb. Everyone here is miserable and afraid to commit to anything because deep down they know they don't want to stay here. We are all rats huddled down on borrowed time.
I miss the simple pleasures of country life. I could walk into my backyard, set some cans on a stump in the woods and practice some archery or shoot a bb gun, or my rifle. I could stroll into the woods and be alone, dig a hole, build something. You need a permit to scratch your balls here. I had a garden of tomatoes and peppers. I could've had a yard and a dog. I could meet some qt who I knew I wouldn't just move away from in a few years.
I turned off the road to a happier, simpler life a long time ago. Why anyone is happy being a slave to money and burning away their life building an empire of dust is beyond me. I realize all I ever wanted was a simple moderate comfy life.
What is there to really do in Manhattan, the "greatest city in the world". Nothing. You can eat different foods and you can sit and watch something. There's not a goddamn inch of this city that hasn't been pissed on at least 100 times. Nothing here is sacred.
It's a big, cement, tombstone full of the walking dead.
But, you have just, got, to go to college follow your dreams. Or your life will be bad!
I wish I was on the train so badly
Then, a qt European girl would come in and ask to sit cause everywhere else is full. We'd start talking and have the most stimulating, passionate, and engaging conversation and fall in love
Let's go join an intentional community like EastWind or Twin Oaks.
All good feels for me today
>it's been about 6 months since I broke up with my long distance 2 year ex that wanted to legit cuck me
>Lose 40 pounds and gain some muscle because of this board keeping me in check
>meet a couple girls off tinder, things don't ever go to well
>This weekend meet qt 3.14 who's in the same major as me, workouts 4 times a week, into hiking and nature shit like me
>wants me to teach her how to dead lift
>Also have 3 other woman trying to get with me as well
>Set a new squat PR yesterday
I think this is what they mean by making it. Thanks Veeky Forums
>tfw you make smalltalk with a qt
o-one step at a time, r-right guys?
I'm actually really jelly. Story?
Nothing really happened, just walking after class when a girl in my class started talking to me. It just started with asking about anything we had due (she had been absent) and it just spiraled into small talk about some other stuff. It's not much, but at least she knows I exist now.
I just hate myself, and for some reason i cant seem to get over it. I see a picture of me and nearly vomit, or stare at myself in the mirror for maybe 10 minutes simply hating everything about me. I had dinner with a girl tonight and it was pretty nice despite the few times spaghetti flew but I think she might like me too. But i can't even like me? I got home feeling like shit despite the fun I just had, but for the first time in a long time I felt like I wanted to get better. I haven't felt that way in a long time. I think the past year I had really just given up. Nothing seems like it's going to better yet, but i think i will keep trying. Maybe I'll like myself, who knows.
Sorry for the blogpost
You sound exactly like me.
Something that helped me that may help you; I applied to lots of different types of job that I thought I MAY have an interest it, and got some interviews.
The process of preparing for these interviews, and going to these interviews, honed in my mind what I really wanted to be doing in my future. It made some mental processes click that simply couldn't click in the abstract alone, they needed a physical thing (ie: the impending interviews) to consider and work around.
After about 3 interviews my career path became much clearer to me.
Godspeed brother
I'm going to join the air force next year but I still have a ton of loose skin an gyno that i'll get shit for. I can deal with it but it still sucks.Other than that everything is looking good