Is nofap legit?
Is nofap legit?
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depends on the setting
Casual fap! Fapping when I cant fuck my gf.
Not really it made me cum too fast with girls
Porn is the real enemy. Do a hard reset - at least 30 days no masterbaiting AND no porn. Very hard. You’ll see how powerful the addiction has become. You probably won’t last five days.
But if you are a man, you can find out for yourself. Then you won’t need to ask.
Just LOL if you think going without porn for 5 days is hard. I've done that just because I've been too busy with other things and this is coming from a person who usually jack it twice a day at least.
You nofappers are such pussies.
All I know is when I don't fap I don't hate myself for fapping. Girls seem to like me more. It's easier to get hard during sex. I feel stronger and more energetic.
Here's my theory. Women want our cum. It's biological. When you waste all your cum fapping to traps women can sense that you don't have any cum and think you're a beta, because, well, you are. Cum is your most valuable resource as a man. Don't waste it.
No, it has no observed medical benefit. People who do it are trying to fix their broken, shitty personalities, but it won't work.
Who is this semen demon?
Riley reed
Who? Her?
Thank you good sir
Hnnnngh. Christ that's hot.
This, no porn is supposed to be much more effective, or even no porn but with some masturbation. Though I could never do it myself as I'm fucking addicted to Veeky Forums and porn gets posted all the time here
how kids these days not knowing who riley reid is
shit niba even in the days i was first wanking we used kazaa and i still knew who jenna jameson was
h-how did you know I fap to traps?
Nah fuck you man I need my sappy vanilla doujins to feel things
Try and see for yourself.
>Daily raw onions/garlic
>Cold showers
>8+ hours of sleep
Natty roids
w-wait there are people that d-don't fap to traps?
Oh my god can you shut the fuck up. We get asked this question and it gets posted every fucking day. Try it for a month you and see for yourself dumbass. You have nothing to lose. Seriously fuck off.
The struggle isnt do abstain when your busy, it is when youre bored at home
I rustles me that no-porn and no-fap are getting mixed up nowadays. No fap is tough as hell and no-porn takes a little discipline but anyone can do it
Has anyone here tried, instead of nofap, just doing no ejaculation? In other words jerking off is okay as long as you stop yourself before completion? Edging in other words. It seems like it would have the same health benefits. It could be a good way to test the strength of your will to stop before cumming. And could help with actual sex because you will be used to stopping yourself from busting too early. Also if you go too far by accident and you're about to orgasm, if you hold the kegel muscles (same muscles that let you stop the flow of piss mid-pee) you can stop yourself from ejaculating.
thats even stupider
What's the big deal over Riley? I don't like her at all. You can tell her skin is fucking gross even with make up too.
You're lying to yourself to find an excuse to fap. Quit porn. Go at least 2 weeks without fapping and then start masturbating using your imagination 1-2 times a week.
Yes. I'm on day 8 and I've started seeing dreams again. Well, I've occasionally had dreams during the time I've PMO'd, but now they are very vivid and they feel like they last longer. As I like dreams very much, this is yet another reason why I won't be fapping again.
No, that's stupid and even worse than normally fapping
A week here. I no longer require degenerate pornography to get turned on, or any pornography. My biggest turn ons have swtched from traps/gay shit to women in general. A bit older a bit chubby, doesn't matter, but definetly more attracted to breeding material.
I also don't need porn to get excited.
I feel better because i no longer feel like a willless chimpanzee.
It does help with girls in the sense that you're not as anxious because there's no room for that when you're all agression and talking to them just makes you wanna gag them with your hand and bend them over right there wherever you are.
That's about it i think. Overall i feel better about myself.
Oh and noporn helps as well, i did a month of it some time ago, separate from no fap, and i'd feel even more agressive and more attracted to woman than with no fap. I'd get hard at the slightest feminine curve and feel like i wanna rape everything near me, also felt more confident. When i tried porn again after a month it was more excited, it raised my heartbeat like i used to watch it for the first time.
Wanting to fap means high sex drive which means high test.
Fapping to porn is bad.
> On Day 27 (longest run I've ever achieved)
> Dreamed about trannies last night
What the fuck have you done to me Veeky Forums?
You gotta ask yourself the following:
Is this common knowledge or just some stupid shit only people on Veeky Forums do?
If its the latter, then be sure to not do it. Too many low-test beta neets on here that try every dumb meme in the hopes of increasing test and one day becoming a man.
Fapping in moderation is fine
Onions dont do shit except make women stay away from you even further
Cold showers are bullshit
I only nofap if it begins taking too long for me to get off during sex. Inverse is also true.
It's good more as away to wean yourself away from doing nothing and just wanking constantly, by using time off to find a hobby. Once you have shit to do, you sometimes can't find time or energy to fap, so when you do relieve yourself, it actually serves the de-stress function it always was meant to be.
It cured my Death grip syndrome (couldn't cum from intercourse) so it worked for me. Don't know about all you fags who are "addicted to porn"
Im a literal fag and dont fap to traps satan, thats how gay traps are.
Should i fap with deathgrip to last longer in bed?