>Numale soyboy small souled bugmen cucks shilling against onions.
>actually sitting down and writing an article about what people are doing on Veeky Forums
What a pathetically insignificant life. Really, it's almost tragic.
This is the average soyboy you are dealing with, thinks reddit is filled with toughest guys on the Internet while being unable to read, search or look anything not celebrity related
they are like teenagers
>We look forward to their next gustatory humiliation.
I was never a big fan of the onion meme but to insult my board like this? With a name that rhymes with Condom this guy sure talk some big shit, let's see his fucking gains lil manlet journalist living on subpoverty wages. Bet his gf left him for a onion eating Veeky Forumsbro who called him "soyboy" while proceeding to cuck him and the kid got mad.
>was never funny or good even before the soyification of media
fuck off
For what? Helping the onion industry?
I read this in a soyboy voice.
What are you a grocer?
> for avclub
get a better job OP
What are you a communist soyboy?
What did you call me?
lil twig arm low-test soyboy talking shit about Veeky Forums like he's some hot shit lmao
pic related, soyboy on the left
>admitting he doesn't understand a website as simple as Veeky Forums
>using "asshole" as a verb
>"Veeky Forums splintered off reddit"
>muh racism
Huh, I have the same sword.
>Veeky Forums founded in 2003
>reddit founded in 2005
Lmao what a retard. So it's not enough for them to steal and overuse any Veeky Forums meme and now they're claiming that Veeky Forums copied reddit.
thes things make me rage the most
>tfw you will never be this normal
Feels extremely bad man
>You shouldn't eat onions because _____
Does this article answer that question?
>Veeky Forums splintered off of reddit
Because it's a totally douchey thing to be bro.
Don't be /that/ guy. I bet you're fun at parties.
I tried this today with my Brevile cold compress juicer. I planned on drinking 100 ml of the juice. I took a gulp and it really wasn’t bad. I’m used to drinking Isle Scotch Whiskeys which have very flavor. I took another gulp and that’s when I felt uncomfortable.
I immediately got a body high, similar to the one from eating very spicy foods. My face was flushed and my heart rate went up. Then I rapidly felt nauseous (keep in mind I drank 50 mls in less than 10 seconds). I vomited very quickly without really deciding to nor attempting to keep anything down.
I’m not one of those people that gets aversion to foods based on attacks of nausea. I will definitely try again tomorrow with a more conservative approach. Perhaps watering it down with juice in 25 ml doses will prevent the reaction I had.
No one is telling you to stop eating onions you lardass, everyone in Veeky Forums eats vegatbles. Its newfags like you claiming it raises test with no evidence that are the issue.
>Veeky Forums splintered off of r*ddit
Remember brehs.
>First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.
>Veeky Forums splintered off of reddit
hes not joking guys
>No one is telling you to stop eating onions
Then what is the reason for articles like the one in the OP existing?
Not that user but where does it say in the article you shouldn't eat onions at all.
This is the author of the article: Clayton Purdom. Why the fuck would I listen to this numale
Lazy entertainment for people to circlejerk about their entertainment platform. Same thing we do here.
>Haha look at those retards over at Veeky Forums thinking that eating onions gives you so and so benefit. We avclub posters are much smarter and well adjusted.
I wouldn't know, I'm not going to give these people any views.
He's not a normie, he's a beta orbiter.
This guy has clearly never been to Veeky Forums
Where is this from
Mad Men you massive pleb
I hate how soyboys and bugmen and just liberals in general are so proud of themselves for not knowing or understanding things. Like people who say "I just can't understand why someone would be racist!" like really? You never once tried to understand the thing you dislike, or something unknown? I'm not a liberal bugman but I at least understand the minset, and why someone would choose that life.
It's crazy how they tout their ignorance around like it's something to brag about.
Heres the articles the author got in his belt: pop trash, nigger loving,fuck drumpf, video games and star wars
one big numale bingo
The entire article besides their Veeky Forums prints, it just shill you to a newyork site and tells you onion eaters are meanies
The article linked before, had way more pictures but its summarized here
It's a social conditioning trick.
>I'm really smart, and I can't understand X, so X must be really really stupid
It's not even logical internally but hey, what are fallacies for
The newyork author, some girl who lives off solely to shill merchandise
the one from op was some dyel who lives off celebrity gossip
No past articles regarding men health, nutrition, hormones or medical research on either
/nuonion/ here, do onions contain calories worth counting?
Not really. There's like 30-50 kcal iirc. Not really necessary to count unless you're eating a bunch of them in a day/