Other urls found in this thread:
I want to hug you
see a doctor
Urinary tract infection
Have you been reabsorbing your cum?
sounds like infection i had bladder infection and it started like this.
go to doctor
I went to a doctor and my urine was negative for bacteria
Veeky Forums is only medical advisor he will ever need
UTI, prostate issues, rarely, a nervous issue, see a doctor, they'll get you sorted
Sounds like prostate cancer then
I'll be praying for you, lad
I'm only 21, I have so much life ahead of me
girl (male) here. this started for me after taking estrogen. also it's hard to get all the urine out when i pee now. like i'll pee, stand up, wash my hands and then when i leave the bathroom urine leaks out again. considering buying like panty liners made for like 12 y/o girls starting their periods. i feel like i'm gonna have to wear depends when i'm old lol it's so awful.
don't really have any advice or whatever. just a weird anecdote. life is so wonderful lol
The most effective treatment for any ailment is fast and early diagnosis. If you are not satisfied with the diagnosis you get from your regular doctor, seek a specialist, or another doctor.
>medfag here for you
Get your prostate examined by doctors:
Ultrasound, psa in blood, and finger up the butt.
alternatively, it could be a bladder issue if you have so form of neuropathy... but doubt it since you said no diabetes.
Prostate cancer
>girl (male)
Never change fit
>I have so much life ahead of me
Apparently not. Maybe Make a Wish will find you a GF before you die.
it's not enough you bleed from your vagina for 7 days a month, you have to piss yourself too?
Jesus you're disgusting.
DM me @illmakeyousquirt6969, tho
I get this after cumming really bad sometimes, also my butthole feels like it needs to poo the whole time but cant, plz help
How long did it last, it's been going on for a week for me
Ok I'll try to go see a doctor. I just don't want to have bothered them if this is ultimately nothing
maybe ur like, piss something muscles are weak
>I'm only 21, I have so much life ahead of me
lol no, now you don't
it only lasts about an hour after I cum, that sounds bad desu
>im sad this turned into a lgbtqhxautirdgeahkjya+ hate thread
Just leave already.
>make a wish
>find a girlfriend
There are limits to the make a wish foundations power. They don't actuallty make wishes come true, they aren't genies.
Look up intersistial cystitis. Im a 20 yr old male and i have the same problem. Have to go all the time and sometimes cant even go. Its better now though. Was mainly due to stress and anxiety
It's probably enlarged prostate, which isn't linked to prostate cancer. Look into it. Basically the prostate enlarges and pushes against the bladder cutting off the flow, so if you go you can't empty it out fully, or you feel like you gotta go but can't, etc
that's your kidneys
whatchu think high protein diets do?
You fapped and peed too quickly. I know it sounds dumb but whenever I go to the gym, jerk off and pee I get the same exact feeling for like 30 minutes. It has nothing to do with bacteria or an infection, it's some sort of minor prolapse thing from working out. Did you fap within the last 30 minutes or so?
I know that feeling, it's similar to that but I've had it for over a week
Thanks, I'll see what my doc says
urethral stricture? It's a narrowing of the urethra that can impede ejaculation and urination.
>girl (male) here
Don’t listen too the doctor Jew bro science is always right
Try sticking a paperclip in your pee hole too see if you can feel any blocks
Make sure you disinfectant with soap
Do you masturbate a lot? Masturbating and peeing directly after can put the valves between urethra and vas deferens (that normally prevent reflux of ejaculate into bladder) into spasm which in the absence of uti or the like can cause this feeling. Try engaging your pelvic floor (kegels)
My brother in law had a similar issue, he would wake up multiple times a night needing too pee but nothing came out.
It turned out that he was having undiagnosed anxiety issues. Meditation and sorting his shit out helped a lot.
It started when I masturbated three times in one day, which is abnormally a lot for me, but I haven't masturbated for the last week that I've had the issue. I'll try kegels
not anymore lol
dont worry friend it isnt serious. If this is chronic, see a doc about it. If it isnt chronic, then take a nice warm bath and drink alot of water
Can confirm this is true. I'm a nurse and see this in patients all the time.
Although they're all really old. I guess you fucked up on your genes, OP.
Maybe John Cena will be his gf
I'll suck it out if you want, as a bro ofc. No homo
Stop masturbating and drink tons of water.
It's highly unlikely that you have a cancer, but just ask your doctor.
>Stop masturbating
I came here just to say this.
>masturbating so much you cant pee
wtf is wrong with you people.
I haven't jerked off in over a week and it hasn't gone away. How long do you think this sensation would take to go away?
Take some aspirin twice a day, drink heaps of water DON'T EDGE and avoid caffeine.
It's literally their job to be bothered for nothing. Patients that leave with nothing wrong with them are the good ones. They still get paid for your time slot and they don't have to have the weight of telling someone some horrible shit on their shoulders, they don't need to spend time after office hours setting up specialist appointments
Just fucking go to the doctor for absolutely everything you mong
Typically you wait for a week, if symptoms don't go away, visit your family doctor (GP).
We can't diagnose you, it could be a variety of problems.
Eh not everything, you need to use some Judgement. Hypochondriacs for example visit the doctor too often.
>I have so much life ahead of me
get a load of this naive little shit
Have you been doing jegels without reverse levels user? Are you stressed user? Its called pelvic floor hypertonicity. You are constantly flexing your pelvic floor and it causes both sudden and constant feelings of needing to urinate. Had it for a month or so at uni and it was complete torture. You are going to have to learn to manually relax the muscle and practice conciously releasing the tension. Also generally find ways to de-stress and reduce anxiety. That month was absolute hell but I've dealt with it entirely and can piss like a regular human again.
Kidney Stone?
Not enough water?
How long has this happened? See a doctor.
i'm gonna go out on a limb here and say it's probably nothing, but you should definitely go see a doc and come back here and let us know what happened
how did you deal with it
he just told you u egg
>reabsorbing your cum
You're fat. When you sit down your gut presses on your bladder, fooling your body into thinking it's full. When you stand to urinate this pressure is relieved. Lose weight fatboy.
I had this problem, you're drinking a little bit too much water user. Just slow down a bit on it for a few days