Why do women hate me?

>be 6'4", Veeky Forums, liftan for 7 years
>face is okay, clear skin, no objective deformities, but surely not MM tier (looksmaxxing though)
>dress fashionable but suited to muscular physique, i.e. like the goose
>have a teaching assistant position in university, stem subject
>when I recognize some guy I teach on campus, I can usually just look at that person and quickly say hi
>on the other hand, when I see some of the female students and just look at them to quickly say hi or whatever (you know, to be polite), they don't even seem to notice I'm there, even though it should be obvious.
I mean, I guess I'm kinda autistic and all but all I ask for is basic human decency and being treated like a normal person. And we're not talking about "clubsluts" or whatever, these are "normal" qts with glasses we're talking about. I've seen to rationalize it with them disliking or atleast hating me, but I can't really understand why.
Anyone have an idea? It's late and these thoughts aren't getting out of my head. Is there a point where gains lead to qts assuming you're a douchebag or what? I'm athletic mode, 220 lean btw

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>Kinda autistic
As all senses of self awareness go, if you can sense it then its perception is augmented tenfold in other people. Think of body odor for example.
>Basic Human Decency
From a woman? you really are autistic.
>It's late and I'm over analyzing my existence
Go see a psychiatrist. If you frequently over analyze everything you could be mildly psychotic, and low dosages of anti-psychotics in conjunction with a short acting benzo like bromazepam 3mg would clear you right the fuck up and in about 20 - 21 days you would be noticeably less autistic.

>Read the 48 laws of power
>Read Might is Right
>Read How to win friends and influence people
>Read The Richest Man in Babylon
>Take up a Martial Art that you find interesting and commit to it for at least 3 years.

thing is, after one of the classes a girl of that class I sometimes see when commuting happened to wait at the same bus stop. Didn't want to bother her too much so just stood a bit away, but she seemed to decide that she'd rather walk to the (not too far away) train station instead of waiting at the same stop. Also when passing by, I just quickly glanced to say bye and she did some weird double-eyebrow raise - it felt like she made fun of me. Can't help but feel like I'm considered subhuman by the women I teach.
I'll channel my rage into tomorrows session, OHP coming up lad

are you trolling?
Go see a psychiatrist, over analyzing basic human interaction to that point is not healthy or conductive to your mental health. You sound like a psycho killer reasoning out his murderous rampage against women.
Fuck sake.
Get help, for your sake. If you think it's too expensive then save money for it, sacrifice on supplements for a month or something, but get help.

>murderous rampage
I just want to be liked/loved, no violence. I guess the rage is against myself, nothing more than that. Now listening to some lofi indie before crying myself to sleep, feels bad mang

Post face and body

go see a therapist, they'll help you work through your stuff. Seriously. Its not that you have a mental disorder, but sometimes you just need someone to help you see the world differently. The biggest thing you have to do is just figure out that 98% of the time, no one actually notices you or cares. Just like, chill.

You just gotta love yourself man, then you'll realize people around you love you.

not posting face on 4chinz
think this is from last year or 15'
b-but I want to be noticed

I've been feeling down this whole november

Then go to a club, your female students really aren't going to just magically want to bang because you're in shape. That's not how life works. The problem you're having is you think people either like you or hate you. The reality is, 99% of the time, people don't give a fuck. It's not like or dislike, it is like, neutral, or dislike

Go listen to some kpop and feel better about yourself

you should take a bunch of psychtropics because you're overanalyzing the most anxiety inducing thing a man can experience and your otherwise well adjusted life should be interrupted by psychtropics. Trust me I'm a patient and my authority figure told me to take the pills and i can't stop taking them or I'll have a psychotic episode from withdrawing. Anyways take some anti-psychotics and anti-depressants and benzos and muscle relaxers. It'll do wonders for your gains and you'll be A LOT MORE NORMAL DUDE YOU DON'T WANT TO BE WEIRD DO YOU? Take some anti-psychotics dude trust me i'm a patient and I'm not qualified to recommend psychotropics to anyone and am also being cared for by a doctor who gets kickbacks for prescribing them to me hahahahahahaha tkae the drugs bro

I usually stand out at the club and get plenty of mires (feels pretty funny to be that one tall/broad guy in the crowd). Still, I don't think those students even visit the club. I'm talking about "homely" women here that don't seem to care too much about their appearance anyway - the impression that they seem to dislike me (and I don't know why) just makes me feel sad.

Work obliques, other than that you look okay

Everyone in this thread is wrong, OP. 3g of shrooms is what you need

yeah, got fucked over in that regard. Prolly need to cut to sub 10 to see them, or raise my pants to rock bottom.
Thread's mainly about feels though, not necessarily physique

I mean they're playing a different game. People express the value they place on other humans in their presentation. People who don't dress particularly well won't care if you don't. People who are homely don't care how physically attractive you are. If you want them to like you, try being an interesting person.

>looksmaxxing though
The fact that you actually looksmax means you're insecure as fuck. Any remotely attractive woman will smell this from a mile away and her pussy will dry up before you even talk to her.

how would you classify being "interesting" though? I have worked and released on some music projects in the past, basically channeled my feels into it over the years. Not that they would know, I'm not gonna tell people my life story while having to do my job. It's just negative vibes I catch from these students, dunno man

with "looksmax" I just mean exercising enough to maintain a physique, putting effort into dressing well and having a nice haircut etc., not that full blown lookism surgery stuff kek

>Literally admit what your own problem is in the OP
>Backtrack when it gets pointed out
Sure thing, bro. Keep obsessing over every minor flaw on your body and eventually women will like you.


So, teach me how to fix my insecurities then. Didnt say you're wrong

>So, teach me how to fix my insecurities then.
Realize that 99.9999% of people in the world literally do not give a fuck about your existence. Anyone you pass or meet in public will forget about you in 15 seconds. You're not deformed, so no one but you cares about or even notices whatever flaws you think you have. The only people who might notice are other insecure guys comparing themselves to you (like anons on Veeky Forums).

But I'm not a therapist, so fuck if I know how to fix your brain beyond pointing out reality.

Thanks Sensei
Now, how do you know If a girl likes you? I doubt i'll make a gf in the next few years If i keep living like atm

Dude, look for jordan peterson in youtube, look for the personality video series of this year.

>>face is okay

you're ugly

i've seen at least fifty of these kind of "y no gf?" threads/posts over the years, and without fail, it's because the poster is ugly and doesn't realize it

>Now, how do you know If a girl likes you?
If she says yes to a second date there's a strong possibility she likes you.
>I doubt i'll make a gf in the next few years If i keep living like atm
Why don't you focus on being happy on your own and possibly meeting a girl you'd like to be in a relationship with rather than obsessing over getting a GF? If you just want sex then go to parties at your college and hit on sluts until you fuck one of them.


So whats the next step of my Masterplan? I do fine with women when going out but not in daily life

Ive never asked a woman out nor approached one in my life

Try anime instead, then.

try to work around your ugliness

>different haircut
>letting stubble grow out just a little
>getting eyebrows groomed

without a pic, we can't really say how to fix this, but barring that, you're just going to have to try different things to try to mask or disguise your ugliness, kind of how ugly chicks use makeup or how manlets wear platform shoes

you'll know when it works because women will stop ignoring you

I Like the makoto shinkai stuff.
Thinking bout it, also never had female friends
Also regarding face, i get mires/compliments by clubsluts, dont want those though. Constantly see short/ugly dudes in relationships too

You misunderstood, im not getting ignored by all women, just one certain subset and it irks me

>mires/compliments by clubsluts

in a dark club environment, all they see is tall+muscles

in daylight, girls can see your face more

You've failed human interaction 101. Either find your fucking balls and go talk to some girls or be alone forever. That's really all there is to it.

>Constantly see short/ugly dudes in relationships too
Remember how I said that the only people who would really care about your flaws are other insecure men comparing themselves to you? You're the insecure man.

Lol at those Tips, trust me ive "looksmaxed" long enough and am pretty content with the results. Hair is Francisco/ballou Tier after studying faggy haircare Tutorials.i was "scouted" for some Shit Back a few years (prolly scam)
I mean, If I cant see it myself i guess its time to take the black pill and go Monk mode