Reminder that the natty limit is way higher than you think it is

Victorian bodybuilders were swole before steroids were even invented. I see some people on here using roids to make noob tier gains probably because they believe all the shitposting about 'you can't make it natty'. You can get a lot bigger than you think without having to roid.

Natty thread.

They also had way more test and were more virile.
Modern men are weaker in every way than men from 100 years ago.


That's a shit excuse. Anyone can raise their test by eating properly, sleeping properly, cold showers, lifting and, of course, raw onions.

High contrast downward lighting in black and white.

>implying that's not how every roiding Instagram bodybuilder takes their photos minus the black and white.



yeah, but we shouldn't judge the natty limit based off of soyboys. it's the CEILING, not the FLOOR

And the average men are less physical, contributing to a lower average serum T levels. But compare natty athletes of then to now and you'll find them entirely comparable - just like how you'll find the serum T levels of someone with a sedentary lifestyle then comparable to someone with a sedentary lifestyle now.