How do I make back gains without snapping my shit up?

How do I make back gains without snapping my shit up?

Mfw hit 225 pendlay 3x5 feels rather good tbqhwu fampalam.

Hit that son of a bitch atleast three times a week.
Pull ups (weighted)
T-bar row (dont be scared to use body english
Pendlay row
Dumbell row

Heavy af brethern, fuck that 30pound single handed cable row trying to squueze, fuck that
Also some kind of pull from the floor variation

>pendlay 225 3x5
nice bra would defintely mire, no 1 at my gym even rows or do anything the most ive ever seen some 1 do is just a shitty 1plate loose form yates row

Pu-pu-pu-pulll uuupps....
Be-be-be-bent over barbell rows
Sq-sq-sq-sq-squats (lower back)

Strong core and strong lower back

Shoot for 90 pounds on Weighted planks and a 225x10 hyper extension
Pretty much guaranteed to be injury free at that point

Get stronger on higher rep ranges for deadlifts.
Everyone treats lifting like the only way to get strong is to lift in 85%+ range. Doing a piss load of volume is at worst going to make you develop the shit out of your erectors. If you have good technique then you'll just get strong in a manner different than constantly doing maximal lifts. Work on deadlift 10 rep max or something and youll be less likely to get injured.

Weighted Pullups
Rows, but I prefer dumbbell these days.

dont do cuck rows
do pendlay, deadlifts and chinups and you wont snap anything up.

>Work on deadlift 10 rep max or something and youll be less likely to get injured.
unless you go too heavy, then you are very likely to snap your shit up compared to low rep deadlifts since high rep heavy sets are super taxing.

this, high rep deads will fuck you up in the long run

dont go over 5 reps. if you wanna add volume, do more sets

hell, ideally you should do 10x3

Dumbbell rows ma nigga

quick reminder

Tbar row >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> bent-over row

wait is that how you're supposed to do rows?
i'm crouching way fucking lower than that so that my back is basically flat and rowing it into my body - im sure i saw it in a video somewhere


you can do it any angle you want, however it will change what you are targeting. the more parallel to the ground, the more you will work your back/lats. if you incline more it will train more traps

lol how have I been so retarded that I've been doin bent over bar bell rows wrong for two years. I do my seated rows just fine but have been flaring out my arms on BOBR. fml but thanks for posting that pic

pull ups are the best back builder, especially lats. rows have their place but the priority absolutely should be on pull ups.

get your pull ups to +1/2 of your bodyweight on the dipping belt for a 5 rep max and your lats will be pretty huge.

this (but only for deadlifts).

high rep deadlifts will fatgue your back in such a way that it becomes more difficult to keep it safely aligned than low reps will. and fuck reps x sets for volume, this user is right, number of sets is the best indicator.

nice meme buddy. chins/pullups are essential, but without heavy pulls/rows it won't do any miracle

can you pull up half your bodyweight for 5 reps? if not you aren't allowed an opinion

im convinced people like "going to the gym" more than they like lifting heavy weights.

im at 95kg 5x5, so im about the same level as you, feelsgoodman

>lower back
DYEL kek

I weigh 110kg (242lbs), I can do chin ups 1x5reps with bodyweight, 1x10 with 40kg (88lbs) assistance.

but still, I agree, chins/pull ups are essential. last workout I only did chin ups and my lats/back is still sore. can't wait to start doing some weighted chin ups

>pic related

>squats taget lower back DYEL kek

Low bar squats strongly target lower back. If you did not skip leg day you would know this.

I’ve been hitting pendlay rows twice a week and on my full body day do 5x13 strict pull-ups, tryna get my shit WIDE

I cannot for the life of me progress beyond 60 kg rows without my form going to fuck.

I fucking hate barbell rows. Is it time to switch to dummies instead?

You're doing Pendlay rows. OP is bent over row.

don't know if you are doing bentover rows, but if you haven't yet, try T-bar rows. My form was fucked with bent over rows, even with lower weights, and I never really felt my back. With Tbar I feel fucking great, one of my favorite exercises and way easier to put weight on than bentover. With bentover rows, as it is a free movement, you can fuck up with your arms, opening too much or whatever, in Tbar, because of the Vgrip, your arms are kind of fixed, so it is one concern out of the way. Also, having one end of the bar in a base on the floor makes it way more stable too

I'll give it a go. I don't think my gym has a fixed T-bar. Is it fine to just use a barbell in a corner ?


How the fuck do I get my weighted pullup up? Im at a plate at 190 bw for 5x3. I do weighted on my pull days and bw pullups on my other days.

He means weighted you brainlet, so with 55kg of plates hanging from your waist, you dyel.

>31 replies
>not one mention of power cleans

also a cool way to train your upper back is front squats. try doing some high rep sets and feel the burn in your traps



>Power cleans
>Front squats
Genius. I wonder what would happen if you combined the two. Personally, I also recommend power snatches and overhead squats.

yates row

Im going to second this

Are deadlifts good for building lower back

Not really

i'm not talking about doing pull ups with half your bodyweight taken off, i'm talking pull ups with half your bodyweight added on in the form of plates hanging round your waist or a weighted vest or something

fuck, it takes no back at all to do any of what you said. my 55 year old mum can actually do that

not him but tbar is the worst feeling row i've ever done. all the usual shitty problems with rows plus terrible ROM

TFW hit 100kg for a triple on Pendlay rows. feels good.
Been doing 10x3 twice a week now, trying to up the weight once it's no longer a struggle.

>We actually have people on this board that think this

probably because your mom doesn't weigh fucking 110kg

Pendlay rows and one arm cable rows, if your cable machine has the little plastic balls on the end of the cable then use that instead of a handle attachment.

If youre deadlifting your back should be able to handle rows

>225x10 hyper extension

It's a secondary muscle. The main activation is from the glutes, hams and spinal erector.

>and spinal erector.
What do you think lower back is?

>mfw the spinal erector is a long thin muscle that runs all the way along the spine

Pull ups, back machines, volume

How to get wide af:
>Heavy fucking Meadows rows, body english required
>Barbell cheat rows or pendlay rows
>Trapbar deadlift
>Heavy fucking rackpulls
>Shrugs, all kinds of heavy shrugs, use body momentum

barbell hyperextensions.

the difference it makes for the lower back is insane. makes deadlifts easy and gives so much more stability for squats. my current gym only has a back extension machine; maxed out with extra weights stacked on top is way too easy after having done pic related for a while. you should see the looks i get.

Just dont do deads or rows and you'll be fine, there are a huge number of alternative exercises

Snapping your shit up is almost exclusively a lower spinal column issue, which rows/deads are notorious for doing.

Frequency is volume isn’t it? 3 sets twice a week is better than 6 sets once a week is what you’re saying? Isn’t that obvious?

Not him but frequency is how often you hit a muscle

Volume is more related to the volume you put on a muscle in a day

tfw i struggled so much with getting the barbell in place, although i did it on the ones where its 90 degree, and trying to behind the neck pulldown the bar was difficult

yeah the thing i was using had handles i could rest the barbell on before getting on. also used body momentum to bring the bar into position. i just had to put some plates under my feet to prevent the whole thing from tipping over forwards.

Buddy, a 225 x 10 on hyper translates to about 800 lb deadlift.

Go to a better gym if you care about this

Are deadlifts good for a strong back?

Hi, can I get a one-way ticket to Snap City, please?

Rows, rows and more rows + vertical pulls like chins, pull ups and lat pulldowns for lats and your upper back. Hyperextensions for your erectors, shrugs or high pulls for traps. That's pretty much all you need. Once you're actually big enough to be able to focus on specific parts more scapula pulls for your teres major to increase your v-taper and stuff like bent over shrugs for rhomboids and rear delt flies for a bit of lower trap and rear delts.

Explain yourself mister

Just keep your back straight nigga, it's as simple as that and yet many people still fail

the fuck is with all the snap city retards on here? learn proper form and don't egolift and you won't hurt yourself, that's literally it. barbell rows, deads, weighted pullups, heavy shrugs. fuck all of you chickenshit 'lifters' that can't be bothered to learn proper form.

Pendley rows always felt awkward and uncomfortable for me so I'm doing barbell rows on the roman chair with my back parallel to the floor.

Also Yates row, cable row with different grips, heavy hyperextension low rep (5) + lighter high rep (15) and weighted vertical pulls with different grips.

What i mean is having one high volume backsession is subpar, much more beneficial to spread the volume thus increasing the frequency.
gj brah

don't limit yourself. I'm doing a 160x10 hyperextension and only diddlying low 400s