>outruns you
/Emasculation/ General
Who cares?
Shit thread.
damn she is ugly as fuck. the plastic surgery didnt work at all
good for her
>Guess I need to train more
Why would I run? I haven't trained this long and hard to run from shit. If a bear attacks I'm going toe to toe until on of us walks away. I ain't dying as a pussy.
> have a good laugh
> invite her to coffee
> have a nice chat
>not realising its about chasing down
>point at slogan on shirt in pose for camera
>wearing a jacket that obscures most of the slogan
fucking women, when will they learn?
What would you talk about?
>If a bear attacks I'm going toe to toe until on of us walks away. I ain't dying as a pussy.
Yeah, dying as an idiot is much preferred
I dont run, whats even masculin about running?
You can't esmaculate what isnt masculated
That's how we hunted for thousands of years, and you don't think it's "masculine"
Look at lion prides.
The Alpha does nothing but laze around all day while his bitches get him food.
We're not lions
If you get outrun by women, then you are not fit and you’re most definitely not an athlete.
It doesn’t matter what you look like. If you get outrun by someone like Ivank fucking Trump, then you’re a cuck.
this is the greatest filename i've seen for that 1 yet
>having good cardiovascular endurance
>not alpha
Sprinting isnt running you mongrel
Thats a huge difference
Yeah if we would want to run 5km sure, no fucking human needs that shit.
If I can sprint faster than her, I can beat her down, steal her food and rape here as a price
Running is for pic related on the left
and you're not a neanderthal hunter either.
We did both. That's why HIIT is so great. Follow the prey until it's exhausted enough for you to sprint it up
>Sprinting isnt running you mongrel
What the fuck
not that guy, but black man in picture related is clearly on anabolic steroids therefore doesn't stand as an example of a sprinter's natural body.
Sure, the usual Veeky Forums argumentation: If hes bigger than me, he must be on roids
>getting outrun by women and old people at your local 10k
pick one.
No, I'm a Homo Sapien, and Homo Sapiens ran down their prey.
I don't get this meme that endurance is somehow for women. You'd want to be strong and endurable
Why even preying until its exhausted, no fucking animal hunts like this
If he's competing, then yes, he's on a performing enhancing drug.
And you do realize that the nigger probably has great endurance as well?
he is on roids you fucking retarded newfag, literally every world class sprinter is on roids, just like every top tier bodybuilder, powerlifter and strongman.
>join a simple 5k run for shits and giggles
>run starts smoothly
>good pace, easay breathing despite almost 0°C
>all of a sudden a 12 year old girl passes me
>she's easily outrunning fucking everyone
>actaully start to sprint just to keep up with her
>after km 3 I can't breath anymore
>everything's in pain
>have to legitimatley stop moving for a few minutes just to catch my breath again
>manage to finish the run barley within 30 min
>the little girl was already finished and preparing for the 10k run that came afterwards
Lifting isn't everything when a child can outrun you.
Humans do, because we can't outsprint most other animals
>roiding for this
Sure m8
She did the half marathon in 2:11:03.
I'm over 220lbs and even I can easily beat that.
Well, gassing out is never masculine.
Especially not when you gas out in an athletic event where you compete with women and children.
most predators hunt like that you mongoloid
Why even farting
Good for you, but I doubt most people on Veeky Forums could run at a 10 min per mile pace for 13 miles
If you can't meat the Army's 2 mile run requirements you're a soyboy
what if i told you the long distance runner on the left was also on PEDs
You do realize PEDs aren't limited to muscle and strength building, right?
Ever heard of Tour de France
lmao what show is this from
Normally I would agree with you, but that guy actually tested positive for AAS roids.
The strain
I'm aware, doubt he injects test though.
>>not trying to hit a Boston Qualifier and 1-2-3-4 in the same year
Fucking one dimensional athletes, ffs.
lmao do you actually ever went to a hunt?
without training you can outrun a dog, a boar a deer almost any animal.
i go each week on something called drückjagd, you use dogs to hunt the prey to a place where the hunters will shoot the prey.
fucking good shit brah. Just of of curiosity what does your running training look like? How hard was that run? That looks like a really good time
she's just average looking, also she already hit the wall
fuck. didn't realise how fucking old this was. Veeky Forums is so dead
Old? Dude I ran that less than two weeks ago lol.
Former D1 runner, that’s actually a reflection of pretty lazy training on my part, was doing 40-50 miles per week with a 15ish mile long run with some of that long run being at marathon goal pace or 10-15 seconds per mile faster (more and more miles of the long run at a fast pace each week). Long run peaked at 20, with 10 miles at 6:0x pace smack in the middle. Occasionally did 10x200 at 30-35 seconds with long rest once or twice a month to keep my legs from going stale.
>based Janne Holmén gets posted time after time
damn trumps daughter looks like *THAT*?
You ran 2:50 on only 40-50 mpw?
What was your weekly mileage when you were D1?
Was that on par with your other PR?
those are some long ass teeth's
its sad that there are 22 yr old girls stronger than you
can't wait to hear the excuses
Then someone that wasn't retarted realized how big a waste of time and energy persistence hunting is
>All these gymroidheads so agaisnt running
lmao if you cant run a mile under 5:30 you are without a doubt not fit.
>until one of us walks away
>one of us
>implying possibility of defeat
user, you've already lost in your head. Never gonna make it.
source me bruv
>>You ran 2:50 on only 40-50 mpw?
>>What was your weekly mileage when you were D1?
70-80 miles per week, including doubles, with one long run and one day off.
>>Was that on par with your other PR?
It's slow relative to my other PRs.
400 -> 57
800 -> 2:05
1500 -> 4:13
3k -> 8:55
5k -> 15:40
10k -> 32:17
HM -> 73:43
i ran a pathetic 37 min 5k for the first time last week at a local turkey trot.
and i felt pretty tired at the end. longest i've been able to jog without stopping is 4.5 miles.
where do i go from here to improve my 5k time?
>30 min
You just suck lmao
Run more.
this is a 6.5/10 in Texas
have you even run a 5k before?
Not that guy but honestly anybody who isn’t obese or old should be able to run a 5k in under 25 min.
You cannot call yourself fit if you can’t do at least that
i guarantee you most people who lift at your gym can't run a 5k in 30 min
how much weight is this?
implying a bear can't chase any human that isn't usain bolt
That’s literally 10 minute miles. Maybe if someone hasn’t run at all, but given 2-3 weeks of training, one should be able to do it easily (obviously males only).
What's it like being 13 in 2017?
jessica buettner
thx govner
I agree with you, but you really sound like a nigger
not enough emasculation.
Mass > endurance desu
I doubt anyone in 2017 lift and run in balance to be overally fit.. obviously everyone just wanna be as huge as possible and cardio is just little part of their training. Your comment about not being not fit because someone cant run 5k under 30 min is retarded.
still touch n go, no matter how many times you post it m8
I'm more impressed with her grip strength. Think of the handjobs.
I saw a pic on Bumble of this bitch doing a 6 plate squat.
She was fucking yoked, and I have no idea why but I insta-right swiped that bitch.
u can tell the dude doesnt know what hes doing, hes trying to curl her while shes using her entire body.
>using 45lb 'fat' bumper plates on a deadlift
>wearing makeup to the gym
>booty shorts
>attention whoring due to a lack of self-worth
muh female power kek
Hey, I'm the guy you were replying to, is not me.
Go buy Daniels' Running Formula, any edition though newer is better. He's an exercise physiologist with decades of experience as both a researcher and a coach. His book is, in my opinion, the best and most concise on how to train for middle to long distance running. He also gives good info on form, stride rate, breathing, treadmills, hills, etc.
there was a guy that defeated a bear in hand to hand combat once. he used his arm to disable the bears mouth and punched him to death with the other arm.
You all realize that she will be the first female president of the united states right?
he did it right. she did it wrong. when you arm wrestle you're supposed to only use your arm, not the whole body.
where are the size=strength fags? just roid if you need aesthetics. no one cares about how much you can lift.
nigga are you from somalia?
I can't catch her, beat her down and steal her food ahahahahaha!!!!
take your fat ass to mcdonalds and calm down.