Walking around campus and actually looking at the people around I noticed how rare /good/ facial hair growth is. That is hard and thick hair, no empty hairless spots.
How come it is like this? It seems so unnatural. Is this some kind of new world "hormones in our food" bullshit that caused this or was GOOD facially hair growth always this rare? As a kid I thought all men can grow beards except for a few.
Walking around campus and actually looking at the people around I noticed how rare /good/ facial hair growth is...
>tfw 25 and still have practically no growth on my cheeks
Just kill me. At least looking young helps me in my job.
His first wife essentially ended up Auschwitz mode due to chemotherapy as she slowly died of cancer early on in his life.
He, and his wife, have literally stated he prefers his current wife to remain heavier so that he doesn't have to deal with the memories of watching someone he loved waste away into death under a pestilential curse.
Pierce Bronson can have his autistic reason to prefer braphoggs if he wishes.
That's really sad. They deserve to be happy however they want.
Different people have always had different types of beards. That's why pictures like yours are noteworthy.
Also your hair changes over time. My uncle's in his 60's and his head hair and facial hair are both very course and similar length so he has a great head/beard continuum going on, which is really cool but definitely wouldn't have worked so well at a younger age.
>around campus
Found your problem you retard.
Beards develop with age, many men don't grow a full beard until they're in their 40's or even 50's.
Unless a man does something FUCKING retarded like taking finasteride and destroying his hormones, he'll probably develop a better beard later in his life.
Gdamn Pierce is aesthetic.
Does he even act anymore?
College students are all 20 dude, facial hair doesn't reach full thiccness until ~30. Ya kinda proved that with your pic
But if you wanna get conspiratorial about it, there are lots of weird hormones in food, plastics, maybe even our water. Apparently the estrogen in birth control pills is not fully digested and is urinated into the water cycle.
>He, and his wife, have literally stated he prefers his current wife to remain heavier so that he doesn't have to deal with the memories of watching someone he loved waste away into death under a pestilential curse.
That's fair until she goes too far the other way and risks health issues due to obesity..... and from that pic it looks like that may very well be the case. But hey, whatever floats her and his gravy boat I guess.
he was in the last jackie chan flick
>be my dad
>almost 60
>can grow pic beard
>hairline hasn't receded at all
>350 lbs bench in his youth
gonna kms if i didnt get his genetics
The Foreigner/Chinaman, it was pretty good.
Beards keep developing well into your 20s and 30s. My dad has a much better beard now at 60 than he did in his wedding pic in his late 20s.
We're evolving rapidly to not need facial hair.
smaller appendix
generally taller
difficulty getting goosebumps
no tailbone.
The xenoestrogen rich foods, and milks we consume do help contribute, as well as jobs and lifestyles of the new generation not needing exertion.
Its all a contributor
you dont get hair genetics from your dad
I'm genuinely, unironically, no homo mirin' how good Pierce Brosnan looks.
He's like a bottle of fine wine, he gets better as he gets older.
Suave motherfucker.
Don't know man I've had a full beard since 17
Used to get teased for it
Beardlet defected. I could grow a full beard at 20. Try getting your test levels checked soyboy
it's not 100% from your mom, if your dad is bald then the risk of you becoming bald as well is higher
Women generally fuckin hate beards
Beards always get better with age, test isn't tye defining factor. You have more test at 25 than you'll ever have, but you'll definitely have a better beard at 40 than you did back then.
Genetics play their part too obviously
if you cant grow a solid beard at 25 just make peace, it wont happen
nothing worse than a fagger who can't grow facial hair but still lets that patchy shit stay
Tested 380, I would gladly switch sides