How the fuck are you guys eating so much?!

How the fuck are you guys eating so much?!
Ever since switching from junkfood to clean eating and hitting my macros I've only been able to eat 900-1100 kcal a day. My TDEE is approx 2,276 kcal.
Now the weight is dropping off fast, not complaining about that, but surely this is going to fuck over my metabolism and cause issues.
For real Veeky Forums, where do you get those calories from?
>inb4 onions

Fats and carbs

Should probably add, I'm doing 30/35/35 protein, fats, carbs.
I'm stuffing myself with each meal and eating inbetween meals.

that looks fucking tasty!

>stuffing myself each meal
>1100 calorie

Son I can eat a 10 egg omelette with some mozarella in it, 250 grams of oats, with two table spoons of peanut butter, one tablespoon of honey and about half a liter of milk in under 10 minutes. And I have to force myself through sheer willpower not to reach for some pancakes.

I am hungry 1-2 hours later. I was like this pre lifting too, only I was stuffing my face with burgers and pizza and you name it. Sometimes I could eat about 10k calories a day for a week in a row. What I'm saying is, you have little guy genes.

cool now tell us something factual and not a personal anecdote u fucking mongoloid

What kind of facts do you want? Stop being a pussy and eat more

There is nothing factual you fucking twiglet, you can either eat like a man and thus look like one, or you need to go buy some fucking test. Now stop shitting up the board with

When I’m trying to put on weight the only thing I add to my diet is a big peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a glass of whole fat milk. That meal alone can add up to 700 calories and it’s better than any weight gainer supplement shit.

Actually, just eat a fat ass peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a protein shake mixed in whole milk 4-5 times a day for a month and I’m sure you would put on some weight.

keep eating, stomach will stretch

30% protein is a little high but you aren't going to hit your daily protein intake at that caloric consumption unless you hit that %, sadly

nuts, whole milk, greek yogurt, peanut butter, olive oil

wait are you cutting? how can you complain about being too full if your goal is dropping weight? metabolism? you don't understand TDEE if you are saying words like metabolism

What the hell are you eating that's to low on calories?
My normal day is (only major stuff, I'm not typing out everything)
>7 eggs, scrambled
>cup baked beans
>Cup oats, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 2 bananas and cup milk smoothy
>Cup or 2 rice
>Cup beans
>450g chicken

That's 3000 calories.

If you really are struggling, just add olive oil to everything. It's very calories fence and not very filling.

Drink an extra protein shake, or two.

Sounds more like a tapeworm than actual calorie use. Have you considered getting a de-wormer?

>7 eggs, scrambled
what the fuck i can barely eat 2 with a few bites of bread and sausage

Why don't you eat any veggies? The beans and rice probably have fiber but jesus your shits must be nightmares

>I am hungry 1-2 hours later.
I fucking hate this. I'm just glad I was always into fitness or I'd have been a fat fuck.

I don't have a worm, I get fat like a fucker if i don't exercise like a mad man. It's more of a willpower thing, back in highcshool I used to eat way past my full point to try and get big. It was really something, I would sit there and eat all day till my legs swole up, nearly gave myself diabetes. Got big though.

you drink a lot of coffee user?

Didn't list them since they don't contribute to macros, in total over both meals it must be about 1L of mushrooms, bell pepper, habaneros, spinach, cabbage, onions, parsley and garlic. Mixed with the eggs and rice/beans.

This is what I ate today, 161g of protein, 423g carbs, 138g fats. I didn't even have breakfast, I ate my first meal at 12.20 and finished my last one a few minutes ago (21.15). It's not even that much food, I'm lean bulking. I don't get how a normal person with a normal stomach can't eat more than 1200 kcals. Sure, I didn't eat enough veggies today and I ate a bit too much junk food, but as long as it happens every once in a while and I don't get fat I don't see the problem.

Forgot pic

High calorie 'clean' foods (depending on your definition of 'clean'):
-Olive oil (put it in sauces, use it with vinegar as salad dressing)
-Peanut butter

Obviously those are mostly fats so that might put you over your macro limit. If you'd rather eat carbs you can just stuff yourself with carbs. Seasoned rice is delicious, or mashed potatoes. Whether you consider those 'clean' or not I don't know. Honestly the whole idea of clean foods doesn't withstand scrutiny.

are u a cutie trap?

Practice expanding your stomach by drinking gallons of water. That's what professional eaters do before contests. Can confirm it really works.

Not quite to OPs extreme but Im finding it hard to go past 2000-2500 a day. Im gonna add stuff to make it but I havent really figured what I need a day. My work has ne moving according to my phone 15000 steps a day and then I go to the gym so Im hoping people saying you cant build muscle while in a calorie deficit are off the mark. Aside from just taking someone at their word or reading an article on it that didnt read the study itself, are there conclusive studies on thid or is there just broscience for me to hope around with.

nuts, fruits

Oh, you can also drink milk and fruit juice. I know everyone here is retarded and thinks dairy and sugar is bad for you though.