How aesthetic would you look as a female? Apparently I'd be a fuckin model (pic related). Post and rate others.
FaceApp Thread
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You're gonna be a super cool old dude. Just have to wait it out
You need to sort your life out man.
>thick brown brows
>blue eyes
No shit you'd look good as a woman. This is the pinnacle female facial aesthetic.
Does anyone have a link to that app that takes the make up off of women's faces?
wrong desu
reposted from another thread
How is this fit related anyway?
because aesthetics and grills
Facial health
It's all fraud, I legit look like Adriana Lima according to it.
somebody do Anzu
I look like a combination of my younger mom and sister
you look like my ex kek
Is your sister single?
No dude, married and pregers
lmfao i’m dying
pfff for some reason you turn into a baby with the girl filter
Sort yourself out.
this. race filters were fucking amazing
>mike pence turns into bleach blonde obama
my sides
>Pajonald Trumpali
Lol at these horsefaced "females". i'm the only Stacey here that's close enough to a 10/10 gril as can get.
There’s something autistic about your eyebrows
M8 that's an indication to a healthy forward maxilla. You only see 0.001% of females with this type of Jaw, including Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Pornstar (uhhhh i forget her name...Upton?), while the rest grew WRONG
this would do well in a /b/ trap thread
Can you post pic of a recessed vs healthy forward maxilla?
Here you go. IMO all females would look better even though it brings the jaw forward making it look bigger and manlish
I don't even think I have a maxilla.....
But it could also be a tribal preference. Eastern Euro women often have square jaws even though they're not really manly
Its pretty rare so don't feel too bad. But some interesting theories
Explain this.
Cherry picking
Idk what you're asking but Opry has decent forward growth. Not too much but just enough perfect harmony. He's also tilting his head a little (Tip of ear needs to align with eye)
Everyone would look better if their jaw grew how it was suppose to
Would you fuck me if i were a woman?
y not
>my younger mom
Here's me as gril.
r8 me
I'm scared of faceapp cause it turns me into my sister
the gender filter seems to screw up bone structure for some reason, it makes it jagged and asymmetric
>le epic eyebrows model meme XD
thick eyebrows dont look good on women.
Where's your penis?
bottom right looks like my high school english teacher
he was a manlet
You look like that handsome dude from lost....fucking insane eye area and jawline.
how do you get good eyebrows and eyelashes?
This is my new favorite app
On the pooper
Uhh guys I barely changed
Reminds me of
The man version looks like a fucked up Ryan Gosling
I keep trying to make this work but it keeps glitching half my face
Will post if I get this to work
So far all the closest attempts look like my mom when she was in her 20s
There should be an app dedicated to gender swapping called trap app
I tested this on myself and pressed the male option
It made my neck thicker and my beard thicker
Tried the same on Arnold Schwarzenegger and literally nothing happened
i've been told i would make a good trap ._.
Russian genes. After puberty hit and my eyebrows+eyelashes became super thick huge, like more huge than the pic (they're somewhat plucked). But I think I am sensitive to the DHT hormone which i've read is responsible for masculizing the brow area and jaw.
I guess they were wrong
They lied
Rugged manly jaw bones and sunken eyes
This app confuses my dick
Cut it out
No Asian? Also, how to achieve Hollywood mode? >:
Hollywood mode is literally makeup
Just get eyebrow makeup and use it on your eyebrows/beard
Post more trannies
Oh no, you don't look like sigurney weaver, you just look like a grill
>Tfw balding slightly
This is the future I am headed for
Hollywood mode looks more like "alpha vietcong" mode
You look like a cheap Ben Kingsley ripoff
All it changes with me is a little makeup
HAHAHHAA he looks like fucking Danny D in the top right
Hey nigger version of me
Why am i an asian chick?
Post without filter
Nigga wtf, my old man looks cranky af
because you're an asian dude?
no bully
Your female self looks like my girlfriend in a VERY homosexual way
Maybe I could be your girlfriend tonight?
that depends whether you have a penis or not
>tfw you will never be your female or male filtered self
Girls can have penises too you fucking shitlord
>War... War never changes
I know this feel user, its having a big face
Had to run the filter twice and add bangs to not look like a horse. Turned out like a younger version of my mom, desu.
Surely chad version would be achieved with makeup?
You look like the sort of guy my sister with yellow fever keeps going out with.
Chad mode is literally make up where can I learn to do this?
Man, you've been here for a while. did you start mewing?