/Fraud/ general

What pct should I run after eating this sandwich?
Thanks brohs

Also, how do I look like this?

week 1: Shallots, 50g
week 2: "
week 3: shallots 30g, ginger 10g


Am I ready to eat another one by week 4??



Entertain me during cardio please

Oh sorry, only just saw this now

Hey bro, what are you up to? Still doing that cardio?

Yep. I waited and waited :'( all my gains gone

When do I start/stop AI on my first cycle? Does it align exactly with the test?

What the fuck does artificial intelligence have to do with sterodiddlyoids?



ai = aromatase inhibitor educationlet

Only need to lose 5 more lbs and I'll be 8-10% and ready to start my first cycle.

I'm so excited, no more inspecting my own body in the mirror and hating it, no more wearing baggy clothes, no more feeling skinny, no more feeling depressed about my appearance.

I see women look at me mirrin, now I'll have the confidence to talk to them. I've been avoided sex because BDD and taking clothes off

Planning Deca, Test E, and HGC.

750Mg Test E, what dose of HGC and Deca?

I've been thinking about juicing for a long time ago for a little extra push and I have a few questions. If anyone can clear these up for me it would be helpful.
1. If I just did one cycle, do those gains stay when I go off (as long as I maintain my nutrition/routine whatever), or do I just shrink back after? Do I have to keep going and going?
2. What kind of gains would I expect from one cycle
3. What would be a good stack? Is oral stuff really that bad too or do I really have to start pinning?

1. "one cycle" not worth it in my opinion, you will be shut down, pct sucks ass
2. Your gains will depend on diet/discipline to progress on your lifts
3. test 500 mg/week maybe a dbol kickstart @ 25mg a day, watch your fucking Estrogen, get bloods senpai

Yeah while I was waiting for a response I was reading articles on other sites on it. One claimed a four week cycle of 35mg of dbol would net me at best 7 pounds of muscle after I've lost all the water weight and shit. 7 pounds is nice, but not nice enough to start taking toxic illegal drugs.

no, do more research dork, oral only cycles are retarded

Should I run AI with my sarms?

Is it because of the liver damage? I would pin but I feel like it would be significantly more difficult to hide that from my wife. I would take the possibility of liver damage from one cycle than the shitstorm I would have to deal with if my wife found syringes in our house somewhere.

Anyone else here had something very, very bad with permanent consequences done to them by another? esp, loved ones.

I feel such a strong hate all the time, from when I wake up to when I go to sleep, the only thing I feel is red hot hate. I do nothing but dwell on the past and replay in my head what happened. But the hate is the only thing I feel; I've grown to love it, to NEED it, to crave it.

I don't know what to do.

embrace it big lad

you guys never say why though

Because taking steroids of any kind is going to partially or fully inhibit your body's natural testosterone production. You're going to have high levels of in your blood, but the testosterone of a 80 year old man. Testosterone plays a role in too many bodily functions to justify crashing it and replacing it with another androgen.

Depends, if you haven't hit you're natty limit you will probably keep your gains with hard work and diet.

Good gains, don't expect a massive Arnold physqiue but very noticeably different.

Just go for 500MG of test for 10 Weeks on your first cycle, plenty of growth