"I lift because I don't want to die early as a fat piece of shit"

>zyzz is dead
>rich aka "ten scoops" is dead
>this guy is still alive

Get woke. Abandon the fitness meme.

That guy’s legs are fucking melting you honestly think I’d prefer that shit?
I mean goddamn look at him.

Literally how does he even feed himself?

How do you not just vomit at that point?

Does he shit the bed?

unrelated to OP's comically unoriginal attempt at trolling but is anyone else getting really tired of the word "woke"

Don't forget Greg "Training hard" Plitt.

It’s becoming old. Like how cuck is getting replaced with soy nowadays.

Remember thot? That came and went lightning fast.

Thot is still being used gramps.
Soyboy is something that is being pushed hard now. Don't know why, but it is.

Jesus yeah.
thinking about how many times these memes have been repeated on not just this site but twitter and other chan boards and even reddit gives me a fucking headache.

It's always the families fault
My aunte has gained 100lbs this year since she had leg surgery
Everybody backs up her bullshit when I'm talking to her and she claims she can't exercise/eat right
She eats a pack of twizzlers a day, drinks soda, eats fast food, smokes a pack a day
She sure as shit isn't buying all that herself she's still in recovery and can hardly walk
"Killing with kindness"
All I suggested was that she use dumbells since her arms are fine and to stop shoving sugar down her throat

>thot is still being used

Hardly. It’s typically Facebook normies now. You know, the kind that still go “you mad?” In 2017 on their Minecraft servers.

How much Pusey has he slayed? 0

>I prefer whores than being alive

You go my man

Alive is not the same as living

You need to sit the family down and tell them that.

She will bitch and moan and be a cunt, but it's for her own good

better die fit than live a second of that miserable pic related life lad

This is whats fucked about Veeky Forums

You're either 5% bodyfat shredded to the bone or 300kg bed ridden. Anything else in-between is pointless and you should KYS if you dare try be anything in the middle of that.


>2 roiding faggots have the same hobby as you therefore it's the hobby that's the problem not the steroids

Calls this 'being alive'. Kek.


I've always wondered how these people feel in their own body. In many stories I've read their skin is basically rotting. How are they not in agonizing pain? Don't they feel uncomfortable? It baffles my mind. I feel like shit when my bf is 20%

the reason why their dead is because they took test. fat dude just eats a shit ton of carbs, sugar, and sedentary.

fuck i've been gone for a while, 4 scoops guy is dead?

fuck this shit, i'll never lift again


It has be insane amounts of delusion and coping mixed in with fear of breaking habits that somehow overtakes feeling like complete shit about yourself. I don’t understand it

You named two guys who had unhealthy lifestyles involving drug abuse. That shit has nothing to do with being fit. You're projecting your need to drag yourself and everyone around you down onto whatever fucking pops up and makes it seem like it's justifiable to stop improving yourself.

You need a reason to lift and an example that it can help you in the long term? This woman is fucking EIGHTY and is in better shape than women HALF her age.

Do you want to be that crusty old fuck in the nursing home who can't fucking lift himself out of a chair, or do you want to be some badass old guy known as the gym sage due to the massive amounts of experience you have?

one. he has a wife and a kid. they pulled the kid out of school so she could focus on wiping his fat ass.

Could still be 0. Artificial insemination is always an option.