Rate my breakfast fit

Rate my breakfast fit

>spending more time making the dish look pretty to take a picture than actually eating it

white people

>"look at how healthy iam :33"
t. faggot who just started lifting

I literally just put everything out in the sides and dumped the omellete in the middle, what is wrong with americans?

Lose two toasts, you don't need that much grain in one meal unless you like insulin spikes that just make you hungry later.

looks healthy desu

>fried eggs
>salty onions
>fried tomatoes
>fried bread
>some weird milk drink
>stainless steel cutlery


>>some weird milk drink

Its called a cappuccino

Looks dry like my grandma's vagina.

All of those things are healthy

jesus christ learn how to cook eggs

Looks lovely

>still eating breakfast
>still eating bread

>burnt eggs

u posted this bullshit on instagram / 10

Those are eggs? I thought it was some kind of crispy bread ffs

Lol that is NOT a cappuccino. Cappuccinos are half filled with fluffy, creamy, white foam. That pic shows an ugly flat brown liquid. Even lattes get a 1/2-1 inch foam cap. That pic is just shit. OP you should be ashamed

at least we have food nigger

They'll never learn.

>fried eggs 180cal
>fried tomatoes 130cal
>baguette 3 slices 390cal
>white rice 169cal
>broccoli 25cal
>onions 4cal
>garlic stuffed olives 30cal
>butter 100cal
1 Meal = 1028 calories
Stop eating so much per meal you fat fuck

Gross overestimation of the tomatoes and rice. Even that amount of bread and butter, calorie dense as they are, isn't as much as you estimated.

>waaaa you over estimated
then you go add that shit up plus the sugar drink and get back to me fatty.


omelette should not have any brown on it , should be a slightly creamy in the center and above all it is not a flat puck .

Might as well stop trying.

>fried tomatoes 130cal

what is oil?

It's still a big meal but probably closer to 800-900 WITH the drink depending on how sugary it is.

Let's see that chart, come on now don't eye ball the calories and just assume they are low that's how you get fat in the first place.

You have no idea how to count calories, stop giving advice.

1 tbsp of oil is roughly 120 calories you cannot be this dense. If you cook it in calories you get extra calories. no wonder this board is full of delusional fatties that will never make it.

Eh. I assume my eyeballing is pretty good since I've been losing weight consistently for a few months and am nearing my goal.

Mind you I'm not OP and wouldn't eat a breakfast that big. But this isn't a /fat/ thread either. OP could be a big guy on a bulk.

If OP eats like that every day they are no doubt a "big" guy.

kek. I mean sure if he is bulking he's not getting great protons here. Maybe he is a fatty.

The cappuccino was a big give away that they are a fatty. Black coffee is the true mans drink.

why are you eating giant chunks of semi cooked onion, you need some culture kid. Also you are gay for posting pictures of food on the internet

post a video of yourself frying tomatoes in anything less than a tbsp of oil and have them turn out like op pic, the other user is right 130 is a decent estimation give or take 20~

How in the fuck do you imagine there being a tablespoon of oil in those tomatoes? Do you think he injected oil in them with a syringe?

Ok reel it back in fags 1k cal on a breakfast isnt alot for the average 6 foot dude who lifts and eats 2 full meals a day + a snack and shake

>fry French fries in gallon of oil
>you just consumed a gallon of oil

>being this much of a delusional fatty
If you cook something in butter or oil it's going to raise the calories. That's why you broil, steam or grill foods if you want to cook them otherwise raw veggies are always best.

>implying I eat vegetables
Good one my dude, I’m sure life as a brainlet is challenging

Did all your fat go to your brain? You fry in oil it sits in the oil it absorbs the oil. Oil is calories so it adds calories. How many idiot fatties are there like you posting on this board?

>eating breakfast