What supplements do I take to help increase testosterone?
What supplements do I take to help increase testosterone?
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Lift weights
go to sleep early, wake up in the morning properly rested
Vitamin D and Zinc will help with testosterone deficiencies, but won't raise T after you've regained "normal" levels
Eat more cholesterol, less sugar
Eat more healthy fats, like nuts and avocados
Do not consume soy (just in case)
Do intermittent fasting
Some say moderate/high carbohydrate diets can help avoid drops in T...just avoid simple carbs like bread and pasta; eat fruit and vegetables
Also sleep at least 8 hours a day in a completely dark room, and sleep naked to ensure your balls don't get too hot (kills sperm, lowers T)
Cruciferous vegetables
High cholesterol foods
Resistance Training
Cold showers and Nofap
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