Can women take estrogen and get bigger tits and ass? Or does it fuck their shit up

Yes, why do you think breast sizes are increasing in developed countries, even controlling for obesity?

why do chestlets even exist?

There as different formulations for the pill that range between estrogen to progesterone. But increased breast size is a very common side effect once girls start taking the pill.

So a huge percentage of women in the western world are on exogenous steroids and it is considered totally normal

Everything is going exactly according to (((plan))), what are you, some sort of conspiracy theory nutjob? Birth control is 100% safe and definitely isn't causing any problems .

Mate if the Jews want to make women’s tits bigger then I’m on Team Goy.

You can't have good without evil, user.

>Mate if the Jews want to make women’s tits bigger then I’m on Team Goy.
So you want womens tits to be smaller?

If they switched tits the one on the left would still be hotter

The goyim support the Jews, dummy

damn i know a girl that has this body type (only seen her in tight clothing like white blouse and tight pants) but im afraid like everyone already hits on her. How do I stand out so I can watch her naked?

You are misinformed. Goy is just a non-jew. A lot of people believe it is derogatory rather than just neutral. It looks bad when you are an asshole and wrong at the same time.

He means republican

Made for BBC

So should I force feed soy or my gf or not? She could use some extra thiccness in those target areas.
she's a vegan so it wouldn't be that hard to increase her already relatively high intake of the shit.

>dating a vegan
that's a literal gains goblin

>Not secretly dosing your gf with natural progesterone.

Excessive estrogen will turn a woman into a literally cancerous, depressive entitled whore.

Give it 20 years, I'm going to be getting so many (yous)

Too much estrogen in women can lead to:
>swelling and tenderness in the breasts
>decreased sex drive
>irregular menstrual periods
>mood swings
>fibrocystic developments in the breast
>weight gain
>hair loss
>cold hands or feet
>feeling tired or lacking energy
>difficulty with memory
>trouble sleeping
>increased symptoms of premenstrual syndrome or PMS
It probably won't give you bigger ass but it will give you spoken tender tits so if you can put up with the discomfort of tender boobs as well as all the other side effects then go for it

>A lot of people believe it is derogatory rather than just neutral.
Considering goys are just beasts without souls I'd say it's pretty obviously derogatory.

Asses > Chests

>Excessive estrogen will turn a woman into a literally cancerous, depressive entitled whore.
That explains the average tranny.

>>decreased sex drive
>>mood swings
>>weight gain
>>cold hands or feet
>>feeling tired or lacking energy
>>difficulty with memory
>>trouble sleeping

Rofl, true for me.

(20, Male)