how the fuck is this 19 yo kid so goddamn strong
>tfw you will never get to scream "FUCK WITH ME!!!!!!!! to channel your aggression to the bar because you lift at a YMCA :(
how the fuck is this 19 yo kid so goddamn strong
>tfw you will never get to scream "FUCK WITH ME!!!!!!!! to channel your aggression to the bar because you lift at a YMCA :(
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I wont scream fuck with me because I am not an autistic loser
He has a seriously autistic hair cut and wears pleb clothes to the gym
>t. jealous
it's legit pathetic how you people post. fucking incels.
Genetics, idk what else you want to know? Also if this not a testimate of what Rip can do I don’t know what is.
>tfw cutting
>tfw slowly losing strength
>tfw at least two more months until i return to strength based training
he's in his early 20's
jesus christ this kid is a monster
Meanwhile im stuck at 320 squats and 405 diddlies lol
>critiques the hair & clothes of someone while they are lifting
you've already failed in life son. just kys
he's 19
>training since childhood
Pick 2-3.
>3 pl8 OHP
Even if the form is back breaking, jesus fuck.
>at rippetoes gym
>if the form is back breaking
you weren't kidding holy fuck that was hard to watch
Trains at rips gym
Proper training and a solid gym environment makes for very good lifters.
could Chase get aesthetic if he cut down?
you'll never make it, also in before i was just pretending to be retarded
How much does he weight?
Like 210-220 I think
heh, no
honestly I'm surprised as fuck that he's not a lard especially with him being around Rip and how much weight he lifts (lards are the strongest, getting out of bed for Rip is a 300 pound Squat alone).
He looks legitmately stronk
he squatted 284kg at a meet. Kid is a fucking monster.
I'm 20 years old
How do I get as strong as this guy?
lift at the same gym mark rippetoe does, have him coach you
Start training at 14
>how the fuck is this 19 yo kid so goddamn strong
have you not seen frog yet?
Start training 7 years ago, eat a shit ton.
>.t faggot who goes to the gym while caring about his looks
Strenght has always been a problem to me. I have never been naturally strong.
How does someone gets strenght gains?
eat big, increase the intensity on your training, try to focus on strength based routines. It takes time.
Chase can press 3 fucking plates.
Look at the starting position of the bar, thats why he is able to move so much weight.
Friendly reminder you will never be this strong unless you use gear.
>naturally strong
is that when you are born and bench your mom?
good god I expanded this thread just to reply and say this, not even 3 plates but 330lb pounds
i clicked on the thumbnail on his instagram thinking he was gonna squat, but then I saw 330lb in the discretion as it was loading and was like huh, that's pretty light for this guy I think
then he just walked up to it and I actually muttered "oh fuck no"
and he did it
watching his back curve back like that made my anxious and I think that's cheating the real Press(tm) but it's still extremely impressive
this guy competes in "strengthlifting" which is the rippletoe cultist of powerlifting, in which compressing your spine into a black hole is legal. it's still impressive as fuck, I'm not going to pretend I can even bench that much.
*version of powerlifting
also strengthlifting has bench instead of OHP
christ, i'm a fucking mess tonight. *OHP instead of bench
rack pulls are fun as fuck
i'm older than him but i was doing 675 rack pulls for 8 yesterday and i can't even pull 375
they're really not that hard
Rippetoe used roids himself.
Then why is his total so shit for a powerlifter?
that flag on the left,
do you think Zach is waiting in the shadows, dejected and depressed that Rip has a new Golden Boy?
He's in his early 20s
>"Pantera + Testosterone = 630x5 Rackpulls"
Should someone tell him that the song playing was by Metallica?