ANy of you guys that have gyno, have you taken your shirt off in front of women? Do you guys have gfs...

ANy of you guys that have gyno, have you taken your shirt off in front of women? Do you guys have gfs? Have women commented on it during sex or whatever?

post your gyno, lets see if you've just got lil puffers or you've got tits

I had gyno. Had sex with a women and she didn't mind (I was pretty low bf so it wasn't TOO bad, still bad though). Had gyno surgery since tho

have it. take off my shirt in front of girls I know or don't know, solely depends on whether or not I wanted to go swimming. My ex didn't seem to mind, of course she wanted me skinnier and more fit but she never held it against me. Just own it. I always hear comments about it. Just say haha fuck you i know. and then don't worry

I have a gf of 6 years, I've had it the entire time I've known her. I've been chubby, skinnyfat, built fat and built lean in the entire time span I've been with her. It's never bothered her ever. I've attracted several women since then as well but i can be thankful that it's been stage 1 (puffy nips) the whole time. I've never gotten full on mantitties. I may get surgery one day, but i enjoy the sensitivity that they have and don't want to fuck with any never endings. I get mind-blowing orgasms when she licks or bites my nipples.

Pic related is current physique, nipples hard in pic. Looks very unaesthetic when soft but whatever.

I'm going to see how bad it is once I get to single digit bf% but I'll probably go to Thailand to get the surgery. Fuck paying some quack in the use $5-10k for a simple procedure like that.

in the US*

Kek I feel like I've been getting gyno ever since I started bulking heavy. I was going through stop and start cutting, but I looking after pic

Yea I have gyno I just decided I was going to get huge and then maintain at 5-6% body fat and now it’s no big deal and I’m glad I didn’t spend $10k on surgery

It still gives me anxiety from time to time still desu

If it’s bad enough then there’s nothing you can do but get the knife, though

I paid $3500 CAD ($2800 US~). Steal of a price considering he is a well renown gyno surgeon and did a great job.

How much did it cost?
Not even sure where to go.

My wife is constantly feeling me up, and often says she's jealous that I'm the one with breasts in the relationship

Many people don't realize if you tape it for long enough it'll reshape into a more normal shape

post her DFC

She isn't part of the royal airforce of the United kingdom though

Canada, toronto. Dr. Fielding. Browsed a lot of forums and he got a lot of praise. He is a fit white male who is clearly intelligent from when I talked with him. Good rates, would recommend again in a heartbeat if you are in the area.

I had gyno surgery a few years back. I lost sensitivity in the nipples and one goes a little inwards now but I still much prefer it to having a embarrassingly puffy nipples like I used to have.

However I'm also a 24yo kissless virgin so there's that; confidence and gfs come from within.

$2800 sounds worth it.
Whats the process like?
I assume I show me tiny tits to a bunch of nurses several time over the course of a few weeks.
Am I asleep while this happens,or do I get to pretend not to hear a vacuum and some dude muttering "thats right princess,you take it,just take it.'ll be a fella soon"

>have you taken your shirt off in front of women?
>Do you guys have gfs?
Have had, married now
>Have women commented on it during sex or whatever?
No but i have an exceptionally large penis so that may have distracted them.

There was like two meeting before the surgery. One was a consultation, and the second was a pre-op meeting. Mainly saw Dr.Fielding and he just went over my gyno and the surgery.

The day of the surgery was a bit more intimidating, you'll see lots of different nurses and what have you. There were two actual real young QT nurses. Dr.fielding had me flex my chest to show them the difference between fat on my chest and gyno fat, felt good.

I think they put you to sleep if you have bad gyno and they don't if it is more mild. He put me to sleep. Believe it is actually cheaper too if they don't need to put you to sleep.

I don't have gyno but i knew 2 guys with gyno so bad i would swear they were on tranny hormones. One time we were all at the beech and they took their shirts off. I was staring so hard i didn't even notice what the girls were doing.

Thank you.
This will make my life better.
Thanks,haven't been on 4chin in a few years,I expected a shit answer.
Unless this Fielding fella is just a ruse to get a finger put in me,you are a good person.


Np user. Fielding is honestly top notch. The only negative things online about him were about his secretary (they are right, she is a bit of a bitch). But I barely interacted with her, FIelding is a good man.

DUDE they're tits hows that gay?!

The thing about mild gyno is you take your shirt off and nobody gives a shit but goddamn you put on a fitted shirt and you look fucking horrible.

Why the fuck does everybody on Veeky Forums have or had gyno?
Does lifting turn you into a woman?

I think it is more like a lot of fucking men have gyno and Veeky Forumsizens are just the ones insecure enough about their body to do something about it.

Estrogen in the water will do that to men. That and all the shit they spray on crops, put into our food, etc. is fucking our hormonal levels severely. Girls hit puberty much earlier and a lot of other shit.

Not enough onions, ect...

>Estrogen in the water will do that to men

There are filters for this shit, right? Right?

I’m glad you asked user

Yep, just jam an onion over your tap and let the water run through that.

Nah brah. Only remedy is switch to onion juice.

I had horrible gyno worse than pic, really makes you insecure and hate your body. You don't know what feels like to have tits as a man unless you gone though the years of humiliation and go out of your way to wear baggy clothes to hide it. Anyway got the surgery and got fit 1000x more confident now

I have gyno that's visible through shirts and gives me puffy nips but when my nips are hard they look pretty good. Here's one with hard nips and good angle.

And another where it is very clearly visible


steroid induced gyno or always had it user? If it makes you feel better, 99% of people won't even notice over your huge muscles and it isn't too bad.

Really..? Feels like you're trying to pull my leg. How can breast tissue change shape like that?

Was partly pubertal I think because I remember feeling some amount of growth behind them but I always figured they were glands and perfectly natural. Definitely roid induced though. I noticed that it would come and go depending on what I was taking and when I dieted down. I think if I cut down and cut some hormonas they'd shrink but we'll see soon enough. I'll be cutting at the start of the new year


You can actually loose your gyno don't listen to all of these Jewish Surgeons and doctors.All you have to do is diet and Hydrate properly and workout it's possible but it's a time thing you may always still have it but it can get better over time

I'll add on to this no fucking Sugar

How are you guys this worried about this shit?

I bet half the people in this thread are virgins. It's Friday fucking night and instead of trying to deflower yourselves you are hiding inside posting on an oriental paper mache forum about how stressed you are over your marginally enlarged tits. I never believed in that tranny, girl in a guy's body bullshit, but after reading through this thread I think I'm going to start.

Yeah I have it about like the guy in the pic, only on one side. I am engaged and have had my shirt off in front of plenty of women. No girls have ever mentioned it, only people ever to have said anything was my dad calling me bitch tits and a guy in college giving me shit.

Still want to get it removed because it drives me nuts, but I don't think most people notice or give a shit.

>Still want to get it removed because it drives me nuts, but I don't think most people notice or give a shit.
Just fucking play with them and enjoy gods gift to you.

Nice calves, faggot.

>never had gyno
>raised in the middle east
>most of my white friends have it

I guess that food you guys eat has made it to our lands too by now.

I had the surgery. Paid 5k.
I'm happy now, body anxiety completely disappeared, happy to walk around shirtless. I just suck at socialising.

>He is a fit white male
DESU I am so relieved when I meet a new doctor and they are a fit white man, Asian men without an accent are also acceptable with me too. I feel like younger male doctors just "get me" better.

gyno isn't fat, it's fibrous tissue

Now actually get a chest. Horrible looking body jesus christ.

>mfw gyno surgery from a reputable clinic will be covered by my insurance
>wont have to make excuses not to go swimming with the bros on our camping trips next summer like i always did
feels alright man

Honestly I just wish I had symmetrical gyno, I only have it in one nipple

That sucks ass.

What?? How'd you do it?

My wife does that from time to time. I use it as fuel when I am working out.

I think dairy + being a fat kid going through puberty gives you gyno. I can't think of any slim athletic guys that just randomly got gyno during puberty.

I've had Gyno since I was 12. I'm 25 now and have always been skinnyfat.
Started working out in the last 3-4 months and it is getting better but still very noticeable.
I'll give it 6months to 1 year to see if working out will make it much better but I can already see that surgery is the only way.

I have never got to experience going swimming with friends or enjoying a nice summer day. Gyno is tough.

I know that feel bruh. I'm leaning out and I live near Thailand now so I think I'm just going to take a quick trip over there and take care of this debilitating shit once and for all.

You don't know what gyno is

Oh shit wtf is this

my psychologist proposed the case that i'm a normal, healthy, medically inexpensive person EXCEPT for this one thing that is disproportionately driving me nuts.
copied some of the same reasoning that my insurance covers transexual surgeries i.e. my doc wrote that no self esteem is causing self-destructive behavior like cutting and suicide attempts
which was true desu my gyno is really bad and bipolar gets to me sometimes

>just get surgery bro
>you'll look fine bro

Good lord I'm going to try this

Looks like normal fat and not breast tissue.

Ya man u gotta shop around or research
Looks like it was the surgeons first time lol
I paid 6k in florida.
No insurance, feels good man

Fucking lmaoing at all these fat fucks getting gyno surgery and then wondering why it looks like shit when it healed. if you're ever going to have surgery, get skinny so surgery is very easy and no need for lipo. I got my surgery done when I turned 18 in Poland for around £400 and while it was pretty fucking painful because was under local anesthesia that didn't work in some areas, it healed really well and chest looks good now.

my friend have always been fit and slim(skelly side) and he have gyno on one side.

it's hormonal

I've been skinny my whole life so it really stuck out, I went to Poland to get it done when I was 19. The first two weeks were great, but after that a lot of scar tissue started to form and now it looks not too dissimilar to what it did before. The chance of major internal scarring is pretty low put its possible and there isn't really anything you can do to prevent if it starts forming.

I have minor gyno from steroids and girls never notice or mention it.

this is not gyno
stop listening to Veeky Forums

Yeah but I had a sick pump and my chest & nips(and whole body) was all hardened up

No, it really is. Pic related is not pumped, and warm so the nipples aren't hard. I have to wear a tank top underneath every shirt i wear and even then it's still noticeable most of the time.

ausfags with gyno: you can get early withdrawal of super to pay for the whole surgery

mine's booked for 12th. 7800 dollarydoos all from super.

had gyno. went away with weightloss

no one has EVER commented on it across multiple women/gf's